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Does the U.S. Census Bureau have census records online?

The National Archives and Records Administration is responsible for making census records publicly available. Records are available at National Archives facilities and many large public and university libraries. Visit the National Archives Website to access 1940 and 1950 Census records. Many public libraries also allow their patrons free access to genealogy Websites that have databases of the digitized 1790 to 1950 censuses records. Ask you library if it subscribes to one of these services and how you can access it.

microfilm files
The 1940 through 2000 census records are on microfilm and can be accessed only by the person
named on the record or their legal heir. The 1950 Census records were released to
the public April 1, 2022.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Census History Staff | Last Revised: December 14, 2023