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Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day: September 24, 2023

Press Release Number: CB23-SFS-137

From The American Presidency Project, Proclamation 10455—Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day, 2022:

“Today and always, we honor the families of American service members who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our lives and our liberties. Let us remember the heroes they lost, share in their grief, and support them as they navigate life without their loved ones by their sides.”

From American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., Who We Are, Our History, Organization:

“[On] June 12th, 1984, the Ninety-Eighth Congress of the United States granted the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. a charter. Sec. 3 lists the objects and purposes for which the corporation is organized, shall be those provided in its articles of incorporation, and shall include a continuing commitment, on a national basis.

  • Keep alive and develop the spirit that promoted world services.
  • Maintain the ties of fellowship born of that service, and to assist and further all patriotic work.
  • Inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, State, and Nation.
  • Assist veterans of World War I, World War II, the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, and other strategic areas and their dependents in the presentation of claims to the Veterans' Administration, and to aid in any way in their power the men and women who served and died or were wounded or incapacitated during hostilities.
  • Perpetuate the memory of those whose lives were sacrificed in our wars.
  • Maintain true allegiance to the United States of America.
  • Inculcate lessons of patriotism and love of country in the communities in which we live.
  • Inspire respect for the Stars and Stripes in the youth of America.
  • Extend needful assistance to all Gold Star Mothers and, when possible, to their descendants.
  • To promote peace and good will for the United States and all other Nations.”

Key Stats

This infographic compiles statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau and Department of Defense to honor men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. The Department of Defense’s Defense Manpower Data Center provides statistics on the number of people who served and died in each of our nation’s wars.

Note: The infographic above is cropped at the bottom. Click on the image for the full page and the second page “Wartime Veterans in 2019.”

More Stats

From census.gov  /  Topics  /  Population  /  Veterans

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Page Last Revised - November 2, 2023
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