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National Siblings Day: April 10, 2023

Press Release Number: CB23-SFS.47

From the Census Working Paper: Family Complexity and Child Well-Being, October 2019, SEHSD-WP2019-34, Brian Knop: “Family complexity is associated with child well-being, even when controlling for race/origin and poverty. Complex sibling arrangements are not uncommon in families today. However, children living with fewer siblings, only biological siblings, or with two parents had higher extracurricular involvement and more positive school experiences. Controlling for race and poverty narrowed this gap, but did not erase this relationship.”


  • FAMILY COMPLEXITY MEASURES: Number of siblings, Type of siblings (Biological, Step, Half, Adopted), and Parents in the home (Two parents, Mother only, Father only, Guardian).
  • CHILD WELL-BEING MEASURES: Extracurricular Activities (Plays a sport, Takes Lessons, In a Club) and School Experiences (In a gifted class, Ever expelled from school, Ever held back a grade).
Photo:  Siblings

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Source: Current Population Survey (CPS), 2022 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.

Note: The table above is modifed to focus on the “ALL CHILDREN” rows with “siblings.” The “Living with father only” and “Living with neither parent” columns are not presented. Click on the table image for the full table.

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Page Last Revised - April 19, 2023
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