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Foreign Trade

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You are here: Census.govBusiness & IndustryForeign Trade › Definitions
Section XI - Chapter 50

Schedule B No. and Headings Commodity Description Unit of Quantity Second Quantity
50 Silk
5001.00.0000 - Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling kg
5002.00.0000 - Raw silk (not thrown) kg
50.03 - Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock):
5003.00.1000 - - Not carded or combed kg
5003.00.9000 - - Other kg
5004.00.0000 - Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale kg
5005.00.0000 - Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale kg
5006.00.0000 - Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale; silkworm gut kg
50.07 - Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste:
5007.10.0000 - - Fabrics of noil silk m2 kg
5007.20.0000 - - Other fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk m2 kg
5007.90.0000 - - Other fabrics m2 kg

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Foreign Trade | ftdwebm 7;ster@census.gov |  Last Revised: August 09, 2024