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Section V - Chapter 26
Ores, Slag and Ash
1. This chapter does not cover:
(a). Slag or similar industrial waste prepared as macadam (heading 2517);
(b). Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite), whether or not calcined (heading 2519);
(c). Sludges from the storage tanks of petroleum oils, consisting mainly of such oils (heading 2710);
(d). Basic slag of chapter 31;
(e). Slag wool, rock wool or similar mineral wools (heading 6806);
(f). Waste or scrap of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal; other waste or scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds, of a kind used principally for the recovery of precious metal (heading 7112), or
(g). Copper, nickel or cobalt mattes produced by any process of smelting (section XV).
2. For the purposes of headings 2601 to 2617, the term "ores" means minerals of mineralogical species actually used in the metallurgical industry for the extraction of mercury, of the metals of heading 2844 or of the metals of section XIV or XV, even if they are intended for nonmetallurgical purposes. Headings 2601 to 2617 do not, however, include minerals which have been submitted to processes not normal to the metallurgical industry.
3. Heading 2620 applies only to:
(a.) Slag, ash and residues of a kind used in industry either for the extraction of metals or as a basis for the manufacture of chemical compounds of metals, excluding ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste (heading 2621); and
(b.) Slag, ash and residues containing arsenic, whether or not containing metals, of a kind used either for the extraction of arsenic or metals or for the manufacture of their chemical compounds.
Subheading Notes
1. For the purpose of subheading 2620.21, leaded gasoline sludges and leaded anti-knock compound sludges mean sludges obtained from storage tanks of leaded gasoline and leaded anti-knock compounds (for example, tetraethyl lead), and consisting essentially of lead, lead compounds and iron oxides.
2. Slag, ash and residues containing arsenic, mercury, thallium or their mixtures, of a kind used for the extraction of arsenic or those metals or for the manufacture of their chemical compounds, are to be classified in subheading 2620.60.
Statistical Notes
1. The quantity of metal content to be reported shall be the assay quantity without deductions.
2. For the purpose of 2601.11.0060, the term "coarse" refers to iron ores with a majority of individual particles having a diameter exceeding 4.75 mm (0.187 inch).
3. For the purposes of any of the ten-digit subheadings appearing under the eight-digit subheadings 2603.00.00, 2604.00.00, 2607.00.00, 2608.00.00, 2616.10.00, 2616.90.00, 2620.19.00, 2620.21.00, 2620.29.00 or 2620.30.00 for each statistical description specifying that a named metal content is to be reported, the weight and value of such metal contained in any shipment of the ores, concentrates, slag, ash or residues entered under such subheading shall be reported under each applicable statistical reporting number. If a product covered by one of these provisions includes more than one of the named metals, it would be necessary to enter multiple ten-digit subheadings with the weight and value of each metal indicated under the appropriate ten-digit subheading.

Schedule B No. and HeadingsCommodity DescriptionUnit of QuantitySecond Quantity
26 Ores, Slag and Ash
2601 - Iron ores and concentrates, including roasted iron pyrites:
- - Iron ores and concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites:
2601.11 - - - Concentrates and non-agglomerated ores:
2601.11.0030 - - - - Concentrates t
- - - - Other:
2601.11.0060 - - - - - Coarse t
2601.11.0090 - - - - - Other t
2601.12 - - - Agglomerated ores:
2601.12.0030 - - - - Pellets t
2601.12.0060 - - - - Briquettes t
2601.12.0090 - - - - Other t
2601.20.0000 - - Roasted iron pyrites t
2602.00.0000 - Manganese ores and concentrates, including ferruginous manganese ores and concentrates with a manganese content of 20 percent or more, calculated on the dry weight kg
2603 - Copper ores and concentrates:
2603.00.0010 - - Copper content Cu kg
2603.00.0015 - - Precious metal content g
2603.00.0035 - - Other metal content kg
2604 - Nickel ores and concentrates:
2604.00.0040 - - Nickel content Ni kg
2604.00.0080 - - Other metal content kg
2605.00.0000 - Cobalt ores and concentrates kg
2606 - Aluminum ores and concentrates:
- - Bauxite, calcined:
2606.00.0030 - - - Refractory grade t
2606.00.0060 - - - Other t
2606.00.0090 - - Other t
2607 - Lead ores and concentrates:
2607.00.0020 - - Lead content Pb kg
2607.00.0025 - - Precious metal content g
2607.00.0045 - - Other metal content kg
2608 - Zinc ores and concentrates:
2608.00.0030 - - Zinc content Zn kg
2608.00.0035 - - Precious metal content g
2608.00.0055 - - Other metal content kg
2609.00.0000 - Tin ores and concentrates t
2610.00.0000 - Chromium ores and concentrates t
2611.00.0000 - Tungsten ores and concentrates kg
2612 - Uranium or thorium ores and concentrates:
2612.10.0000 - - Uranium ores and concentrates kg
2612.20.0000 - - Thorium ores and concentrates t
2613 - Molybdenum ores and concentrates:
2613.10.0000 - - Roasted Mo kg
2613.90.0000 - - Other Mo kg
2614.00.0000 - Titanium ores and concentrates kg
2615 - Niobium, tantalum, vanadium or zirconium ores and concentrates:
2615.10.0000 - - Zirconium ores and concentrates kg
2615.90 - - Other:
2615.90.3000 - - - Synthetic tantalum-niobium (columbium) concentrates kg
- - - Other:
2615.90.6030 - - - - Niobium (columbium) ores and concentrates kg
2615.90.6060 - - - - Tantalum ores and concentrates kg
2615.90.6090 - - - - Vanadium ores and concentrates kg
2616 - Precious metal ores and concentrates:
2616.10 - - Silver ores and concentrates:
2616.10.0040 - - - Silver content Ag g
2616.10.0045 - - - Other metal content kg
2616.90 - - Other:
2616.90.0040 - - - Gold content Au g
2616.90.0050 - - - Other precious metal content g
2616.90.0070 - - - Other metal content kg
2617 - Other ores and concentrates:
2617.10.0000 - - Antimony ores and concentrates kg
2617.90.0000 - - Other kg
2618.00.0000 - Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture of iron or steel t
2619.00.0000 - Slag, dross (other than granulated slag), scalings and other waste from the manufacture of iron or steel kg
2620 - Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel) containing arsenic, metals or their compounds:
- - Containing mainly zinc:
2620.11.0000 - - - Hard zinc spelter kg
2620.19.0000 - - - Other (zinc content) Zn kg
- - Containing mainly lead:
2620.21.0000 - - - Leaded gasoline sludges and leaded anti-knock compound sludges (lead content) Pb kg
2620.29.0000 - - - Other (lead content) Pb kg
2620.30.0000 - - Containing mainly copper (copper content) Cu kg
2620.40.0000 - - Containing mainly aluminum kg
2620.60.0000 - - Containing arsenic, mercury, thallium or their mixtures, of a kind used for the extraction of arsenic or those metals or for the manufacture of their chemical compounds kg
- - Other:
2620.91.0000 - - - Containing antimony, beryllium, cadmium, chromium or their mixtures kg
- - - Other:
2620.99.1000 - - - - Containing mainly vanadium kg
2620.99.8550 - - - - Other kg
2621 - Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp); ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste:
2621.10.0000 - - Ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste t
2621.90.0000 - - Other t

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Foreign Trade | ftdwebmaster@census.gov |  Last Revised: August 09, 2024