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Section II - Chapter 13
Lac; Gums, Resins and Other Vegetable Saps and Extracts
1. Heading 1302 applies, inter alia , to licorice extract and extract of pyrethrum, extract of hops, extract of aloes and opium.
The heading does not apply to:
(a). Licorice extract containing more than 10 percent by weight of sucrose or put up as confectionery (heading 1704);
(b). Malt extract (heading 1901);
(c). Extracts of coffee, tea or maté (heading 2101);
(d). Vegetable saps or extracts constituting alcoholic beverages (chapter 22);
(e). Camphor, glycyrrhizin or other products of heading 2914 or 2938;
(f). Concentrates of poppy straw containing not less than 50 percent by weight of alkaloids (heading 2939);
(g). Medicaments of heading 3003 or 3004 or blood-grouping reagents (heading 3006);
(h). Tanning or dyeing extracts (heading 3201 or 3203);
(ij). Essential oils, concretes, absolutes, resinoids, extracted oleoresins, aqueous distillates or aqueous solutions of
(k). Natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle or similar natural gums (heading 4001).

Schedule B No. and HeadingsCommodity DescriptionUnit of QuantitySecond Quantity
13 Lac; Gums, Resins and Other Vegetable Saps and Extracts
1301 - Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and oleoresins (for example, balsams):
1301.20.0000 - - Gum Arabic kg
1301.90.0190 - - Other kg
1302 - Vegetable saps and extracts; pectic substances, pectinates and pectates; agar-agar and other mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products:
- - Vegetable saps and extracts:
1302.11.0002 - - - Opium kg
1302.12.0000 - - - Of licorice kg
1302.13.0000 - - - Of hops kg
1302.14.0100 - - - Of ephedra kg
1302.19.0200 - - - Other kg
1302.20.0000 - - Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates kg
- - Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from vegetable products:
1302.31.0000 - - - Agar-agar kg
1302.32.0000 - - - Mucilages and thickeners, whether or not modified, derived from locust beans, locust bean seeds or guar seeds kg
1302.39.0000 - - - Other (including carrageenin) kg

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Foreign Trade | ftdwebmaster@census.gov |  Last Revised: August 09, 2024