Please follow the numbers in order.
For the Advance Monthly Retail Trade Survey, estimates for the most recent month are advance estimates that are based on data from a subsample of firms from the larger Monthly Retail Trade Survey. The advance estimates will be superseded in following months by revised estimates derived from the larger Monthly Retail Trade Survey.
For information on the reliability and use of the data, including important notes on estimation and sampling variance, seasonal adjustment, measures of sampling variability, and other information pertinent to this economic indicator, go to the Monthly Retail Trade website.
Estimated measures of sampling variability for totals are expressed as coefficients of variation (CV). Standard errors (SE) are provided for month-to-month change and ratio estimates.
Estimated measures of sampling variability are based on data not adjusted for seasonal variation, and should be used when drawing inferences about both adjusted and not adjusted estimates.
NA = Not available.
Z = Estimates round to zero.