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New Residential Construction

This page provides national and regional data on the number of new housing units authorized by building permits; authorized, but not started; started; under construction; and completed. The data are for new, privately-owned housing units, excluding "HUD-code" manufactured (mobile) homes. The data are from the Building Permits Survey, and from the Survey of Construction (SOC), which is partially funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Local building permit data may be found on the Building Permits Survey webpage.

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11/19/24 - With the January New Residential Construction release on February 19, 2025, the BuildingPermits survey will make modifications to the methodology for imputation. The current process calculates imputation factors by region and the new process will calculate factors at a mix of division and large individual states. For additional details on this change, see our imputation section of our methodology page.

2/16/24 - With the January 2024 New Residential Construction release on February 16, 2024, we are updating our current and historical excel tables from the .xls format to the new .xlsx format. In addition, the format of these tables will also be updated to meet current accessibility requirements. This will also reduce file sizes and provide access to more recent Microsoft Excel features for data users. For additional information on this change and a list of files that are being updated please see the History File Update announcement.

11/17/22 - Notice of methodology change: Beginning with the January New Residential Construction release on February 16, 2023, the Building Permits survey will change its target universe from the current 2014 basis to an annually updated universe. This change will allow for more accurate and quicker coverage when jurisdictions change from not issuing building permits to issuing them. For additional details on this change and the impact on New Residential Construction, see our 2023 Methodology Change FAQs.

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