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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, October 03, 2024

Monthly Full Report on Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, & Orders


New orders for manufactured goods in August, down three of the last four months, decreased $1.3 billion or 0.2 percent to $590.4 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today. This followed a 4.9 percent July increase. Shipments, down following two consecutive monthly increases, decreased $3.1 billion or 0.5 percent to $590.1 billion. This followed a 0.8 percent July increase. Unfilled orders, up forty-eight of the last forty-nine months, increased $5.0 billion or 0.4 percent to $1,391.4 billion. This followed a 0.2 percent July increase. The unfilled orders-to-shipments ratio was 6.87, up from 6.76 in July. Inventories, up six of the last seven months, increased $1.2 billion or 0.1 percent to $860.2 billion. This followed a virtually unchanged July increase. The inventories-to-shipments ratio was 1.46, up from 1.45 in July.

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Economic Indicators Divisions
Shipments, Inventories, and Orders Branch (M3)

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