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Introducing dwellr Mobile Application (built on ACS data from our API)

Introducing the dwellr app

Find the top 25 places that best fit your lifestyle!

The dwellr app allows people to discover new places in the United States right from their phone. Movers, job seekers, travelers and military are able to find the top 25 places in the nation that best fit their preferences and interests. The app displays statistics of each location allowing users to share and rate these as they travel.

Users are introduced to a wealth of information from the American Community Survey, which provides statistics for every neighborhood in the nation on topics ranging from education to commuting. From frequent travelers to everyday commuters, dwellr, from the US Census Bureau, can help you find places to learn about where you are, where you are moving or where you want to visit.   

How does dwellr work?

Through a series of questions, dwellr creates a profile to determine each user’s ideal location preferences. From American Community Survey statistics, dwellr matches over 200 data variables with thousand of places across the nation to create a list of the top 25 locations matching the user’s preferences. The user can view how well there preferences match to the locations along with statistics for them. The map view displays the location of the top places within the United States. Users can share their favorite finds with friends by email, Facebook and Twitter.

Users can check their preferences against their current location or manually search thousands of places in the United States. The “Check Your Location” feature matches preferences to the user’s current location, displaying census tract statistics.

Page Last Revised - October 25, 2021
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