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Emergency planners and community leaders can better assess the needs of coastal populations using census data.
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

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Census Data that can help your business

Census Business Builder (CBB): Regional Analyst Edition (RAE)

Includes over 150 demographic and economic variables for all states and all counties.

Data from the American Community Survey

The American Community Survey (ACS) provides critical information for all communities across the United States every year. The American Community Survey's Data Profiles provide data about social, economic, housing, and demographic characteristics for multiple geographic areas. Some of these geographic areas include states, counties, cities/towns, and zip code tabulation areas. You can also explore data all the way down to the census tract level, which are small areas of about 1,200 to 8,000 people. Tract level data can be accessed from data.census.gov one state at a time.

Video Highlighting Use of ACS Data to Prepare for Pandemics

ACS Visualizations

What can you learn about counties from the ACS?

This visualization contains a variety of key social, economic, housing a demographic estimates for all counties in the United States from the American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-year estimates. These estimates come from the American Community Survey's Data Profiles which you can download from data.census.gov. The primary statistics listed below are available as a map for all counties.  The subtopic statistics are available when data users hover over a specific county.

What can you learn about people 65 years and older from the ACS?

This visualization contains various estimates from the American Community Survey's Subject Table, "Population 65 Years and Over in the United States" from the 2014-2018 5-year data, which you can download from data.census.gov.

Census Operations and COVID-19

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Page Last Revised - August 23, 2024
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