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Monthly Wholesale Trade

The Monthly Wholesale Trade report provides national estimates of monthly sales, inventories, and inventories-to-sales ratios by kind of business for wholesale firms located in the United States (excluding manufacturers’ sales branches and offices). Data from this survey provide business leaders and policymakers with an up-to-date picture of the nation’s economic condition, and are a key element in estimating the quarterly Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

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Special Notice - On September 9, 2024, the Census Bureau revised and updated the Monthly Real Dollar Estimates of Wholesale Sales to incorporate inventory data. The experimental data product will now be called Monthly Wholesale Real Dollar Estimates. These experimental tables will be released at the same time as the Monthly Wholesale Trade report each month. Those tables can be found at census.gov/wholesale/real.html.

Notice: The Advance Economic Indicator Reports (AEIR) for September 2024 will be released a day earlier than previously announced in order to provide key data earlier to data users. The updated release date is as follows:

September 2024: October 29, 2024

For all of our 2024 release dates please see our Economic Indicator Release Schedule.

API - The URL for the economic indicators data in the Census Bureau API (Application Programming Interface) has been updated to add /timeseries/. Examples can be found on the Developers’ webpage.

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