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Agency History
Learn more about our facilities, our innovations, and the who played a role in shaping the U.S. Census Bureau.
Census Records & Family History
The United States has collected data about its population since 1790 and continues to collect data every 10 years. Learn how to find previous census records.
Historical Censuses & Surveys
Learn how the census expanded over time from a simple headcount in 1790, to over 200 different surveys today.
Galleries & Archives
View publications, maps, and more that provide information about the history of the Census Bureau and its programs.

American Community Survey History

The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides vital information on a yearly basis about our nation and its people. Information from the survey generates data that help inform how trillions of dollars in federal funds are distributed each year.

The detailed socioeconomic information that is collected in the ACS was once collected via the Decennial Census long-form questionnaire. The survey provides current data about all communities every year, rather than once every 10 years. The last Decennial Census with a long form was in 2000. Thanks to the ACS, the 2010 and 2020 Census only asked basic information: name, sex, age, date of birth, race, ethnicity, relationship and housing tenure.

The first small-scale test of the ACS in the field was in 1996 and the first national test was in 2000. The survey went into full implementation in 2005, with the first 1-year estimates for areas of 65,000 or more people released in September 2006 for the year 2005. The first 5-year estimates, using data collected from 2005-2009, were released in late 2010. Current 1- and 5-year estimates are released every fall for the previous 1- and 5-year periods.

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Page Last Revised - September 25, 2024
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