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Data Notes

Notes on Supplemental Estimates

Please note that the Supplemental Estimates may return the following in place of data:

    An '$**' entry in the margin of error column indicates that either no sample observations or too few sample observations were available to compute a standard error and thus the margin of error. A statistical test is not appropriate.

    An '$-' entry in the estimate column indicates that either no sample observations or too few sample observations were available to compute an estimate, or a ratio of medians cannot be calculated because one or both of the median estimates falls in the lowest interval or upper interval of an open-ended distribution.

    An '$***' entry in the margin of error column indicates that the median falls in the lowest interval or upper interval of an open-ended distribution. A statistical test is not appropriate.

    An '$*****' entry in the margin of error column indicates that the estimate is controlled. A statistical test for sampling variability is not appropriate.

Notes on Annotation Values

Supplemental Estimates contain variables ending in E, EA, M and MA.

Variable Type





A numeric representation of the estimate.


Estimate Annotation

A character representation of the estimate. If an Estimate Annotation exists, use this value in place of the Estimate.


Margin of Error

A numeric representation of the margin of error.


Margin of Error Annotation

A character representation of the margin of error. If a Margin of Error Annotation exists, use this value in place of the Margin of Error.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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