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Population Estimates Categorical Variables 2017

DATE: Estimate Date

1 = April 1, 2010 Census population or housing unit count

2 = April 1, 2010 population or housing unit estimates base

3 = July 1, 2010 population or housing unit estimate

4 = July 1, 2011 population or housing unit estimate

5 = July 1, 2012 population or housing unit estimate

6 = July 1, 2013 population or housing unit estimate

7 = July 1, 2014 population or housing unit estimate

8 = July 1, 2015 population or housing unit estimate

9 = July 1, 2016 population or housing unit estimate

10 = July 1, 2017 population or housing unit estimate

PERIOD: Period of Change

1 = April 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010

2 = July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011

3 = July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012

4 = July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013

5 = July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014

6 = July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015

7 = July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016

8 = July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017

9 = July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018

10 = July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019

11 = July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

MONTHLY: Estimate Date by Month

1 = 4/1/2010 Census population

 2 = 4/1/2010 population estimates base 

 3 = 5/1/2010 population estimate 

 4 = 6/1/2010 population estimate 

 5 = 7/1/2010 population estimate 

 6 = 8/1/2010 population estimate 

 7 = 9/1/2010 population estimate 

 8 = 10/1/2010 population estimate 

 9 = 11/1/2010 population estimate 

10 = 12/1/2010 population estimate 

... (11-94 all months from 2011 to 2017)

95 = 1/1/2018 population estimate

96 = 2/1/2018 population estimate

97 = 3/1/2018 population estimate

98 = 4/1/2018 population estimate

99 = 5/1/2018 population estimate

100 = 6/1/2018 population estimate

101 = 7/1/2018 population estimate

102 = 8/1/2018 population estimate

103 = 9/1/2018 population estimate

104 = 10/1/2018 population estimate

105 = 11/1/2018 population estimate

106 = 12/1/2018 population estimate

SUMLEV: Geographic Summary Level

010 = Nation

020 = Region

030 = Division

040 = State and/or Statistical Equivalent

050 = County and/or Statistical Equivalent

061 = Minor Civil Division

071 = Minor Civil Division place part

157 = County place part

162 = Incorporated place

170 = Consolidated city

172 = Consolidated city -- place within consolidated city

310 = Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area

314 = Metropolitan Division

330 = Combined Statistical Area

REGION: Census Region





DIVISION: Census Division

1=New England

2=Middle Atlantic

3=East North Central

4=West North Central

5=South Atlantic

6=East South Central

7=West South Central



PRIMGEOFLAG: Primitive Geography Flag

0 = No

1 = Yes


0 = All ages

1 = Age 0 to 4 years

2 = Age 5 to 9 years

3 = Age 10 to 14 years

4 = Age 15 to 19 years

5 = Age 20 to 24 years

6 = Age 25 to 29 years

7 = Age 30 to 34 years

8 = Age 35 to 39 years

9 = Age 40 to 44 years

10 = Age 45 to 49 years

11 = Age 50 to 54 years

12 = Age 55 to 59 years

13 = Age 60 to 64 years

14 = Age 65 to 69 years

15 = Age 70 to 74 years

16 = Age 75 to 79 years

17 = Age 80 to 84 years

18 = Age 85 years and older

19 = Under 18 years  

20 = 5 to 13 years  

21 = 14 to 17 years  

22 = 18 to 64 years  

23 = 18 to 24 years  

24 = 25 to 44 years  

25 = 45 to 64 years  

26 = 65 years and over  

27 = 85 years and over  

28 = 16 years and over  

29 = 18 years and over  

30 = 15 to 44 years   

31 = Median age

RACE: Race

0 = All races

1 = White alone

2 = Black alone

3 = American Indian and Alaska Native alone

4 = Asian alone

5 = Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone

6 = Two or more races

7 = White alone or in combination

8 = Black alone or in combination

9 = American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination

10 = Asian alone or in combination

11 = Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination

HISP: Hispanic Origin

0=Both Hispanic Origins



SEX: Sex

0=Both Sexes



FUNCSTAT: Functional Status Code

A = identifies an active government providing primary general-purpose functions

B = identifies an active government that is partially consolidated with another government but with separate officials providing primary general-purpose functions

C = identifies an active government consolidated with another government with a single set of officials

F = identifies a fictitious entity created to fill the Census Bureau's geographic hierarchy

G = identifies an active government that is subordinate to another unit of government

I = identifies an inactive governmental unit that has the power to provide primary special-purpose functions

N = identifies a nonfunctioning legal entity

S = identifies a statistical entity

UNIVERSE: Population Universe

R=Resident population

P=Resident population plus Armed Forces overseas

H=Household population

C=Civilian population

N=Civilian noninstitutionalized population

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Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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