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Live and recorded classes led by Census Bureau instructors on a variety of topics.

Providing Perspective during Covid-19 Using Census Data


The U.S. Census Bureau and the Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Partnership in collaboration with the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) and the Labor Market Information Institute (LMI), welcomes Cameron Macht as he presents, “Providing Perspective during Covid-19 Using Census Data.”  The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented changes across all industries, but has also hit some sectors harder than others. In addition to new data coming out, data can provide useful perspective on who has been and will be more impacted by the economic changes. Minnesota’s Labor Market Information Institute has used the U.S. Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) data to supplement information provided in a set of regional industry profiles, racial disparities reports, and other context-setting pieces that are helping our economic and workforce development partners prepare for and respond to the recovery. This presentation will also illustrate how LEHD data was used to create a Tableau visualization that displays race and ethnicity data in a useful manner.

About Our Presenter

Cameron Macht is the regional analysis and outreach manager and is currently the acting assistant LMI director at the Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development (DEED), supervising a team of five regional analysts that provide labor market information to support workforce and economic development efforts across the state, as well as seven other analysts at DEED headquarters providing tools and research. He has over 15 years of experience working in DEED’s LMI office, as well as prior career practice in marketing, market research, and economic development. He has a bachelor’s degree in organizational management and marketing from the University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Webinar Materials

Page Last Revised - December 22, 2022
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