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American Community Survey 5-Year Data 2022

Comparing American Community Survey Data

ACS has non-overlapping datasets that allow comparisons of current ACS data to past ACS data.  The 2017-2023 ACS 5-Year estimates can be compared with 2012-2016 ACS 5-Year estimates.  For information on comparability of the 2017-2023 ACS 5-Year estimates to the 2012-2016 estimates by topic, please visit the Comparing 2023 American Community Survey Data page.

Variable Changes

Variables, and the values they represent, may change over time. Use this 2023 5YR API Changes document as a guide for which variables have changed from the prior year for 2023 ACS 5-Year Detailed Tables, Data Profiles and Subject Tables. See below for a description of each change type.

  • No Change - The variable has not changed from the prior year (most variables).
  • Updated - That variable has changed from the prior year and a matching variable for the current year has been found.
  • No Match - The variable has changed from the prior year and no matching or comparable variable has been found.

For table changes, check the ACS product changes webpage for source table changes.

Label Changes to 2023 ACS 5-Year Geographies

With the 2023 ACS 5-Year data now available, please note that there are label changes to some geographies found in the 2023 5-Year ACS API.  While there are no underlying changes to how these geographies are defined, the change in the label does impact the syntax of the geography portion of the API queries, meaning that queries using these geographies from the 2020 5-Year ACS or earlier will not work.  If you use any of these geographies in your queries, please be sure to update the geographic syntax prior to retrieving data from the 2023 5-Year ACS API.

The impacted geographies are: CLICK HERE.

Geography Note

The 2017-2023 ACS 5-year data products that report data related to Congressional Districts are based on the 118th Congress. The Census Bureau does not collect congressional district boundaries from the states during the congressional session that aligns with the decennial census. Additional explanation can be found in our geographic user note.

Annotation Variables

In September 2016, ACS released annotation variables that return character representations of each estimate. Many annotations return as null. However, if an annotation variable returns a value, it provides important information about the estimate or margin of error. For example, if an estimate variable (variable ending in “E”) returns “-888888888”, the annotation variable will return “(X)”. Looking at the Notes on ACS Estimates and Annotation Values, this means the estimate is not applicable or not available. For a complete list of return values and their annotations, see Notes on ACS Estimates and Annotation Values.

Detailed Tables

Subject Tables

Data Profiles

Comparison Profiles

Page Last Revised - November 26, 2024
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