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Live and recorded classes led by Census Bureau instructors on a variety of topics.

Ins and Outs and Whereabouts of Census Bureau Geography

An introduction to the types of geographies and critical information on geographic concepts.

Skill Level: Beginner


Module 1

  • Legal Geography (16:35)
  • How to Access Data for County Subdivisions (Towns and Townships) Using data.census.gov (4:17)

Module 2

  • Administrative Geography (12:20)
  • How to Access Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) for Administrative Geographies (4:38)

Module 3 

  • Statistical Geography (13:56)
  • How to Access Data for Tracts Using the Census Business Builder (4:26)


This course covers a baseline understanding of geographic concepts and areas a beginner needs to proceed with finding Census Bureau data for their area of interest. You will learn about the types of geographies while creatively touring examples of them in the real world. Each module is followed by a bonus video demonstrating how to find a relevant geography in a Census Bureau data tool.

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is designed for grant-writers, geographers, GIS-users, students, teachers and those who need to understand the underlying principles of Census Bureau geographic concepts in order to use our data.


David Kraiker
Data Dissemination Specialist
U.S. Census Bureau

Beginning of Course

Module 1: Legal Geography

This module will explain various Census Bureau legal geographies and talk about their uses and differences from other geographies. Go on a short field trip with David to see an Incorporated Place. Take a short quiz to test your knowledge, then watch how to find county subdivisions using the Census Bureau's data.census.gov data tool.

Legal Geography (16:35)

How to Access Data for County Subdivisions (Towns and Townships) Using data.census.gov (4:17)

Resource Links

Module 2: Administrative Geography

This module will explain various Census Bureau administrative geographies and talk about their uses and differences from other geographies. Go on a short field trip with David to see a Voting District, then take a short quiz to test your knowledge. Lastly, view the second video in this module to follow along with a demonstration of how to view school districts in the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) tool.

Administrative Geography (12:20)

How to Access Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) for Administrative Geographies (4:38)

Resource Links

Module 3: Statistical Geography

This module will explain various Census Bureau statistical geographies, show how they nest within one another, and discuss their purpose and uses.  David will take you on a short field trip to see a Census Tract! Take a quick quiz to test your knowledge and then move to the second video in this module to see how to find business data at the Tract level in Census Business Builder.

Statistical Geography (13:56)

How to Access Data for Tracts Using the Census Business Builder (4:26)

Resource Links

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Page Last Revised - January 4, 2023
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