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data.census.gov Updates

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On July 23, we released the following updates to the site:

  • New messaging to explain minimum population requirements for American Community Survey (ACS) data in table and map views.

o   View the top of the ACS table for new text that explains ACS 1-Year Estimates are only available for geographies with 65,000 people or more.

o   Click the question mark icon for ACS 1-Year Estimates at the bottom of the map to see a pop-up window that explains minimum population requirements.

  • New geographies supported by the address search functionality. We added the block group and state legislative districts that an address falls within.
  • Ability to search by address throughout all views of the single search bar. With this update, we expanded the presence of the geography pin icon so that it appears on all views of the single search bar on data.census.gov. Previously, this icon to launch the address search was only accessible from the landing page.
  • Improved display of geography filters. With this update, geography filters are ordered by the Geography ID rather than alphanumeric sorting of the geography name. This provides more intuitive sorting of geography filters, particularly for geographies that contain numbers as part of the name, such as congressional districts, state legislative districts, and census tracts.
  • Improved organization of international trade filters in the panel. The following types of codes have been organized under a new category titled “International Trade Codes” in the filter panel: Advanced Technology Products (ATP), End-Use Export, End-Use Import, Harmonized System (HS) Export, Harmonized System (HS) Import, NAICS-Based International Trade Code, Standard International Classification (SITC), and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  • Ability to access column and cells notes for tables that have recommended views called “pivots.” Previously, these notes were not accessible in the default table view for these types of tables.
  • Improved display of margins of error for population pyramids in the Geography Profiles. An option labeled “Display Margin of Error” now appears below the population pyramid. Choosing to display the margin of error provides an expanded view of the population pyramid with margins of error included.
  • Removed “clear filters on new search” toggle. We removed this option because the functionality was not intuitive to users.
  • Ability to select table ID filters in the “Search for a filter or table” search box in the left navigation of the filter panel.
  • Ability to provide multiple links to application programming interface (API) data requests that correspond to your table view. When applicable based on your table selection, multiple API links are now provided in a ready-to-use format with their own copy buttons.
  • Removal of the year in the map legend for timeseries datasets to prevent conflicting years from showing in the same view.
  • Improved formatting for descriptions of map layers. These updates provide the description in a readable format with appropriate spacing.
  • Margins of error (MoEs) displayed by default in the table view for your map.
  • Behind-the-scenes updates to improve table notes in future releases.
  • Technical updates to improve the ability to provide updated geography reference details at the top of the Profile pages.
  • Continued technical work to improve the Microdata Access Tool (MDAT) in future releases.
  • Fixes to 11 defects, including fixes that allow you to:
    • View the legend for the map you created.
    • View margins of error in population pyramids and tables in the map view.
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On June 18, we released the following updates to the site:

  • New API status page, accessible at api.census.gov/status
    The landing page indicates overall status for the Census Data API and the Census API Key Signup:
    • Green = Up
    • Yellow = Intermittent
    • Red = Down

Click “Census Data API” or “Census API Key Signup” to get more detailed metrics and visualizations, including:

  1. Average daily response times, in seconds
  2. Actual response times at 1-hour intervals throughout the time range.
  3. Percent uptime, ranging from 0%-100%
  • Improved mapping functionality for places. When you choose a place-level geography, new technical updates ensure that the map displays the correct vintage for that geography and automatically zooms to your selected area.
  • Continued technical work to improve the Microdata Access Tool (MDAT) in future releases.
  • Fixes to 8 defects, including fixes that allow you to:
    • View Geography Profiles for congressional districts.
    • View correct map layer for place-level geographies.


On June 4, we released the following updates to the site:

  • New “Display Margin of Error” toggle, allowing you to view margins of error in the table view for your map.
  • Improvements to controls for interacting with table cells:
    • Right-click any table cell to copy or export the table.
  • Left-click table cells containing three vertical dots to view the notes for that table cell.
  • Improved messaging after clicking the question mark icon to learn more about filters.
  • Improved maps for the United States in the Geography Profiles. The updated maps more accurately display Alaska and Hawaii and no longer include a scale.
  • Technical work to improve the Microdata Access Tool (MDAT) in future releases, along with other behind-the-scenes enhancements to data.census.gov.
  • Fixes to 6 defects, including fixes that allow you to:
    • View the correct boundaries for your map by default.
    • View footer notes in your table download.
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On May 23, we released the following updates to the site:

  • New search by address functionality. After typing in an address, we provide a clickable list of Census Bureau geographies that an address falls within.

    To access this new functionality, click the geography pin icon in the single search bar on the landing page of data.census.gov. Enter the street address in the pop-up window, as well as the city/state or ZIP code.

After running the search, you will see a list of geographies the address falls within. Click a geography to add it as a selected filter.

You will see the geography as a filter, allowing you to view results for that geography or apply other search criteria to narrow you search.

Please note:

  • Address search functionality on data.census.gov is exclusively available through the landing page
  • The address search is powered by and limited to addresses recognized by the Census Geocoder.
  • Supported geographies include:
    • State
    • Combined Statistical Area
    • County Subdivision
    • Urban Area
    • Place
    • County
    • State Legislative Districts (Upper and Lower Chambers)
    • Block
    • Census Tract
    • Congressional District
    • ZIP Code Tabulation Area


  • Improved API button. After clicking the API button at the top of the table, you will now see data and metadata links in the pop-up window.


Data Link: Provides the corresponding API call to get data for your current table view.

NOTE: When viewing tables for multiple geography or code selections, you may receive multiple API queries separated by a comma. In the example below, the first query provides the table data for the state of California and the second query provides the table data for all counties in California. These must be run as separate API queries to return data.



Metadata Link: Provides the API call to the overall ­dataset that is relevant to your table. This provides reference material such as lists of variables, geographies, and tables for the dataset.

  • New GeoJSON button. When you click the button at the top of the map, it will start a ZIP file download of the currently visible map boundaries in GeoJSON format. These boundary files can be used to create custom maps using your own software.

The process of downloading the GeoJSON file is the same as downloading other ZIP files:

o   Click the GeoJSON button to start the download

o   Wait for the progress bar to load to 100%

o   Open the ZIP file in your downloaded files

  • Fixes to ensure that the survey/program, name, year, and dataset appear correctly after clicking the Notes button.

  • Renamed button to adjust table columns. The previous “Hide” button is now called “Columns” to clarify that you can use the button to hide or show columns in the table.

  • Improved table messaging:
    • Improved “Data Not Available” message. The message now includes clearer text that reads “There is no data available for this filter combination.”

  • Text wrapping applied to technical details of error messages, allowing you to view the full message more easily.”

  • Improvements to the Ancestry bar charts in the Geography Profiles. The ancestries are now sorted in descending order, so the most popular ancestries appear at the top of the list.

  • Behind-the-scenes work to support the display of margins of error in the map table view in future releases.
  • Technical work to improve the Microdata Access Tool (MDAT) in future releases.
  • Fixes to 14 defects, including fixes that allow you to:
    • Use the interactive map in the Geography Profiles to change the race and ethnicity.
    • Maintain your selection map view when interacting with map toolbar controls.

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On April 9, we released the following updates to the site:

  • Enhancements to the navigation and instructions for the Identify feature on the map. When you click the Identify button, a panel will now appear on the right side of the map with instructions prompting you for the next action to take.

  • New API button in the table ribbon. This option provides the corresponding API query for the dataset related to the table you are currently viewing.

  • Updated language for ZIP downloads. With this update, the pop-up window indicates that downloads are in a ZIP file format.

  • Technical details added to table messages. These expandable messages allow you to view more details explaining why a table does not display. For example, the below message shows that the table is too large to display because it contains 6,785 columns, exceeding the 1,000-column maximum.

  • New option to select NAICS-Based International Trade Codes, allowing you to access import/export data for different North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes.

  •  Enhancements to the Population Pyramids App, including
    • Clickable progress bar to navigate between the different sections of the app, or to start over from the beginning.
    • New legend to show the meaning of each color in the pyramid.

  • Improved messaging when a population pyramid search does not show results.

  • Back-end work to support future enhancements to mapping capabilities. 
  • Fixes to 12 defects, including fixes that allow you to:
    • Map data from 2020 Census data tables for Island Areas.
    • View data in custom tables after selecting multiple types of geographic areas in the Microdata Access Tool (MDAT).

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On March 21, we released the following updates to the site:

  • Enhancements to the Population Pyramids application, including:
    • Updated navigation to the related Geography Profile, accessible by clicking the geography name underlined with dotted lines.
    • Improved links to share population pyramids. These URLs include the GEO ID to capture your geography selection, allowing you to share results to specific population pyramids.
    • New source statement added to the widget.

  • Improved table headers. This update displays all table headers by default, including instances when tables have a recommended pivot automatically applied.

  • Updated design for the webpage to sign-up for an API key. The new design includes Census Bureau branding and a consistent look and feel with other webpages.

  • Improved messaging when no results match the search. This update provides “No Results Found” messages when there are no matching results, without providing irrelevant Profile suggestions.

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On February 29, we released the following updates to the site:

  • Technical work to allow for downloading of geometric files in GeoJSON format. This work supports future enhancements to provide the ability for you to download these files at the click of a button after creating a map on data.census.gov.
  • Behind-the-scenes updates that allow you to request data from the full range of values from variables in the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) dataset.
  • Technical upgrades to help prevent defects associated with older technology.
  • Other back-end updates to improve the speed of internal processes.
  • Fixes to 22 defects, including fixes that allow you to:
    • Navigate throughout map features with buttons that are responsive to your selections.
    • View map labels in full even on small screen sizes.
    • Navigate backwards throughout the filter panel by clicking applicable words and phrases.


On February 22, we released the following updates to the site:

  • New Apps tab at the top of the screen. This provides easy access to special applications that have been developed for data.census.gov, such as the Pop Story App and the Microdata Access Tool. The tab allows you to access these applications without having to know the special link for each application.

  • New edit button for map titles, allowing you to create custom titles that best describe your map.

  • Enhancements to show the full range of positive and negative data values on a map. This improvement incorporates negative values seamlessly into the legend when applicable (for example, when mapping data that shows percent change over time).

  • New icons added to the suggested search terms in the single search bar. These icons provide more context to indicate whether the suggested phrase is a geography, code, survey, topic, year, or table.

  • Technical work to improve the ability to add fully qualified table citations that include sponsor agencies.
  • Behind-the-scenes updates to labels for page headers throughout the site. This update improves organization and accessibility through screen readers.
  • Technical work to improve the ability to quickly access large datasets, such as data from the International Trade program.
  • Fixes to 12 defects, including fixes that allow you to:
    • Scroll through all options after clicking the “More Tools” button at the top of the table or map.
    • Click between the “Codes” and “Year” buttons at the top of the table seamlessly.
    • Access controls on the right side of the table to adjust the columns, pivot, and cell notes.

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On Jan 18, we released the following updates to the site:

  • New print button for maps. With this button, you can click print to create a PDF download of your map that is optimized for printing. The first page of the PDF provides the map and key labels, while the remaining pages of the PDF provide map notes.

  • Improved map legend. These update removes the “style” section of the legend and adds two new controls that allow you to move or collapse the legend.

With this update, the experience is optimized for mobile devices. On desktop devices, you will now see content in portrait mode, as well as additional controls on each side to scroll through the app.

  • Fixes to 6 defects, including fixes that allow you to:
    • See updated source statements for population pyramids in the Geography Profiles
    • Search for incomplete phrases in the filter panel search bars
    • View correct labels for geography names containing accent marks in table downloads


On Jan 4, we released the following updates to the site:

  • Show/Hide Geographic Components buttons added to all applicable filter panel screens. This update supports recent releases from the 2020 decennial census, allowing you to access all available data for geographic components, such as urban and rural portions of a county. 

  • Improvements to search variables by topic in the Microdata Access Tool (MDAT). With this update, only the variables that are compatible with your specific dataset will be returned to you. This means that duplicate and/or irrelevant variables will no longer appear in the list of results. 

Geo ID = 010XX00US$0400000

Dataset = ACSDP1Y2022

Table ID = DP05

Cell ID = DP05_0004E

The purpose of this update is to make map URLs readable to external search engines such as Google, so that they can better link to data.census.gov content. Previous links to data.census.gov maps using the old URL structure will continue to function.

  • Technical updates to the data.census.gov sitemap, which is used by search engines to recognize data.census.gov content.
  • More behind-the-scenes work to improve the future layout of table notes, which will allow you to navigate to different sections of the notes with a single click.
  • Technical updates to improve analytics for data.census.gov. These updates allow internal staff to determine how often specific features and searches are used to better inform decision-making and future updates to the site.
  • Fixes to 18 defects, including fixes that allow you to:
    • Scroll through the pop-up window after clicking the “Classes” button from the maps.
    • View maps for the selected geographic area in Geography Profiles.
    • Access geography filters for places when viewing table S0506.
    • View relevant results when searching with the phrase “county of.”
    • Select ZIP Code filters after selecting the Zipcode Business Patterns filter.

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Known Limitations and Defects





This release does not include all Census Bureau datasets or data products. See our data table for a listing of data offered in data.census.gov. We will be providing support for additional data with future releases. Note: SF1 does not contain all previously released geographies.


Google Chrome is the recommended browser for the site. See the full list of supported browsers.


The topics and other options available within the filters continue to be updated during the releases. Users may notice some inconsistencies as we complete these updates.


Geographies may not appear in alphabetical order, and estimates in the data downloads may not appear in the expected order. We are working to address this.

Collections of Geographies

1)  We are continuing to add more options that allow you to select collections of geographies in a single click in the geography filters (Example: All census tracts in the United States). Please tell us what collections you would like us to add by emailing census.data@census.gov.

2)  When the Summary Levels tab is turned on in the Geography filters, options to select collections of geographies in a single click may not appear at the top of the list. These options are sorted alphabetically and are intermingled with the individual selections. For example, the filter for “All Counties within the United States and Puerto Rico” is alphabetically sorted so that it appears between the words Alaska and American Samoa.
As we work to resolve this issue, please look for these check boxes that begin with the word “All” to be alphabetized in each list of geographies. You may also use the Geographic Entities tab to avoid this issue.


Some users are experiencing site freezing and inconsistent mapping results. Please copy the URL from the address bar and email census.data@census.gov so we can help troubleshoot if you run into any of these issues.


The current print functionality works for small tables with a single geography. We are working to expand the print functionality in future releases so that it will print the entire table without cutting off the rows or columns.


Users may experience inconsistencies when trying to use the back or forward buttons provided in the browser. Because of this, we recommend navigating between the different pages on data.census.gov using the tabs and clickable links we provide in the upper left (example: “All,” “Tables,” “Maps,” “Pages.”) For full navigation details and screenshots, please check out the FAQ: How do I navigate between the different pages?

Geography Names

Geography names may appear differently than in the previous releases because multiple deliveries of geography names were used in the past. We are working with our Geography Division to make sure geo names appear correctly on the site.



A current defect is causing intermittent issues where the map sometimes zooms to the middle of Kansas rather than your selected geography. As we work to resolve this issue, the workaround is to manually scroll and zoom to your selected geography.

Download/ZIP in Firefox Browser

You must allow pop-ups for data.census.gov in order to successfully see and open downloaded ZIP files when using Firefox.

If you are having trouble completing the download (ZIP) process in Firefox: Please look for a message in your browser that says Firefox prevented a pop-up window from opening and click the “Options” button. Then allow pop-ups for data.census.gov.


Current features available on data.census.gov:

Single Search Bar

Unified Search: The single search bar allows you to type or speak phrases and supports searches by:

  • Topic
  • Geography (nation, state, county, place, county subdivision, congressional district, school district, ZIP Code, ZIP Code Tabulation Area, American Indian area, Alaska Native area, Hawaiian home land)
  • Table name
  • Table ID (single or multiple table IDs)
  • North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) occupation code
  • Detailed population groups by race, ethnicity, ancestry, and county of birth

Other features of single search include:

  • Entity extraction: Allows you to search multiple filters at once (example: a search for ‘poverty Maryland Virginia’ sets filters for ‘poverty,’ ‘Maryland,’ and ‘Virginia.’)
  • Typeahead search suggestions: As you type into the single search bar, a box will appear with search suggestions that update in real time­
  • Spelling corrections, related search suggestions, and relevancy rules are applied to the free form text you enter in the search bar
  • Search by Address: Allows you to type an address into a pop-up window to get a list of clickable geography filters the address falls within. This feature is accessible by clicking the geography pin icon in the single search bar on the landing page. The address search is powered by and limited to addresses recognized by the Census Geocoder. The search results provide a list of geography filters the address falls within, including the state, combined statistical area, county subdivision, urban area, place, county, state legislative district (upper and lower chambers), block, census tract, congressional district, and ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA).


Filters: Use filters as guided approach to browse all available options and precisely select them without having to come up with your own words for a search. Filters allow you to access all available search options, including more detailed options that are not supported through the single search bar.

Browse filters to find check boxes that allow you to select your desired:

  • Code (industry, commodity, material/fuel, product and service, or occupation codes)
  • Geography
  • Survey
  • Topic
  • Year

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Occupation Codes are included in the code filters. The site supports options to select collections of codes in bulk.

The topics filters allow you to select detailed race, ethnicity, ancestry, and country of birth population groups. These filters include check boxes that allow you to select collections of population groups in a single click (example: “All available tribes” or “All available ancestries”).

“Search for a Filter” Search Box: The search box directly at the top of the filter panel allows you to select pre-defined search options to quickly choose your topic, geography, year, survey, or code without clicking through the filter panel. You must input an exact text match in order to find a filter and you must click the check box for the desired filter in order to select it.

Search within Filter Panels: Each filter panel has a search bar at the top of the panel that allows you to search the list of results for that single filter panel without having to scroll through the list. You must input an exact text match in order to find a result.

“Search Geography”: The search bar at the top of the main geography filter panel is a global geography filter search box. When you use this search, the site will provide a list of all types of geography filters that match your text.

Geography Filters

Summary Levels: The geography filters provide comprehensive access to nearly 250 geographic summary levels, listed in Appendix 1.

Dual Pathways to Select Your Geography: The filters offer two methods to select your geography

  1. Geographic Entities: By default, the site provides nine boxes with the most popular types of geographic areas, followed a collapsed list of all other geographic levels. This pathway helps  you easily get to the most popular geographies by hiding some of the more complex geographies from the default views. You can still access these complex geographies if you need them by clicking the plus sign to expand “Within other geographies” or by clicking the “Show Geographic Components” tab.
  2. Summary Levels: The site allows you to click the “Show Summary Levels” tab to see a list of all geographic areas sorted by their 3-digit summary level codes.

Simplified Process to Select Geographies with Variants: Many geography lists are simplified to only show one label for each geography. When you select the label, it will provide data over time for all available vintages of that geography, even if the geography name has changed slightly over time. This provides shorter lists to scroll through and does not require you to know the history of label changes to get to the data you need.

These simplified lists are applied to all geographies with variants, including metropolitan/micropolitan statistical areas, congressional districts, state legislative districts, and urban areas.

Collections of Geographies: The site allows you to select collections of geographies in bulk by clicking a single check box. See Appendix 2 for a list of available collections. 


Single Search Bar Displayed on All Pages: The single search bar appears at the top of all pages on data.census.gov, allowing you to refine your search without having to return to the landing page. When you edit the text in the single search bar, any filters you already selected by clicking a check box are automatically remembered so you won’t lose them in your search.

Filters Accessible on All Pages: The site provides a panel dedicated to selecting filters and viewing your selections. This panel is accessible across all pages on data.census.gov so you can review and refine your search criteria at any time without having to leave your current view or navigate between different parts of the site. The landing page also features a link to the “Advanced Search” that will take you directly to the filter options if you would like to begin your search by selecting filters.

Flexible Screen Layout: Most pages on data.census.gov provide flexibility to determine the layout through expandable and collapsible side panels:

  • Expand the Filters panel when you want to view or edit your search criteria
  • Expand the Results panel when you want to browse table results or select a new table
  • Collapse the Filters/Results panels when you want to see more of the table or map across your screen

Navigation Options for “All,” “Tables,” “Maps” and “Pages”: The site features four tabs at the top that allow you to navigate between different types of search results: All, Tables, Maps, or Pages.

Clear a Search: Clicking the U.S. Census Bureau logo in the upper left allows you to clear all selections and navigates you back to the landing page so you can start a fresh search.

Edit a Search: The filter panel and single search bar show the search criteria that power your search.

  • Filters with a lock icon tell you the search criteria is powered by the text you entered in the single search bar. You can remove these filters by editing the text in the single search bar.
  • Filters with an “x” tell you the search criteria is based on a filter check box you selected. You can click the “x” to individually remove the filter.

All View of Search Results Content: After running a search, the All Results page will show you the top tables, maps, and web pages in one view. This is powered by consolidated curated results, meaning you may see prescribed search results and single estimates for selected topics based on geography and year.

Browse Long Lists of Results: The site provides the first 10 results by default, and includes functionality to page through the remaining results from your search. You may increase the number of results provided on each page to 25 or 50, allowing you to browse a long list of results in fewer clicks.

Option to Browse List of Table Results Across Full Screen: The site often shows a table or map as you are browsing through the list of results. If you would prefer to browse a long list of table titles across your full screen before viewing a table, click the “View All Tables” button on the All Results page.


Table View: All table views have features that allow you to:

  • Download and export the table in Excel, CSV, and ZIP file formats
  • Print the table
  • Share the table via social media, email, or by copying the link to your clipboard
  • Cite the table using MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, BibTex, and RIS formats
  • Add or remove geographies, years, codes, or population groups using filters
  • Hide or show columns
  • View API data and metadata queries for the table you are viewing
  • Access, search, and print data notes and links to technical documentation
  • Resize columns by moving the edge of the cell right/left in the column header
  • Rearrange columns by dragging them
  • Restore the table layout at the click of a button


Table Features Specific to Some Surveys/Programs: Some tables have more features that allow you to:

  • Turn off the margin of error with a click of a button. By default, the margin of error will be displayed for relevant tables.
  • Freeze columns in place so they remain in view as you scroll horizontally
  • Sort a column in ascending or descending order by clicking the column header
  • View definitions for column headers and data values in selected surveys by hovering over them
  • Transpose the rows and columns in a table with the click of a button
  • Pivot tables so you can customize the layout of flat data tables (available for tables from economic surveys/programs and the Population Estimates Program)
  • Create a custom filter to keep only the data rows in the table that meet your specified criteria
  • Access links to bulk data downloads (e.g. file transfer protocol sites)
  • View pre-filtered versions of large tables (e.g. County Business Patterns) to more easily explore the most popular information the table provides
  • View iterated tables by race, Hispanic origin, ancestry, and country of birth

Download, Export, Copy/Paste, and Print

The site offers the following ways to output the table:





Click the Print button at the top of the table or use keyboard shortcuts:

- Control + P (Windows)

- Command + P (Mac)

· Provides table and data notes with U.S. Census Bureau logo

· Only small tables print successfully. We are working to expand this functionality.


Select table cells, right click the table and choose “Copy” or “Copy with Headers”

· Great to view the data

· Your customizations to the table display carry over into the copied file

· Maximum of 22,000 cells can be copied

· Table notes and source information are not included


Click the “Excel” or “CSV” buttons at the top of the table

· Great to view the data

· Provides the full table

· Your customizations to the table display carry over into the copied file

· Table must be visible on screen in order to export it

Download (ZIP):

Click the ZIP button at the top of the table and follow the prompts

· Great option if you want to work with the data (e.g. sort, manipulate, or map)

· You can download multiple tables at once

· None of the customizations you made to the table display will be reflected in your downloaded file

Large Table Download:
Tables with more than 1,000 columns, 2.5 million cells, or tables that have an uncompressed download size of at least 4mb are considered large tables. These tables may be too large to display on screen. When you access a large table, the site will prompt you to download the table, which is the recommended action. It will also provide a link that gives you the option to try to load the large table on screen anyway, at the risk of experiencing long load times or browser instability.

Save Your Search and Results

Save Your Results: Copy the full URL from your address bar to save the table or map view. When you visit the URL later, it will take you back to the table view, as well as the list of other results based on your search criteria.

Save Your Search: Copy the URL from your address bar. Delete the parts of the URL related to your view. This will make sure the search runs fresh each time the URL loads and does not save any particular table or map view.

Learn about the different components of the URL and more functionality in the FAQ: How Do I Save My Results or Search.


Base Map: Choose from three settings for the primary base map that you see at all times as you use the selection and thematic maps:

  • Basic: Provides streets, street names, and railroads based on your zoom level
  • Detailed: Provides all the features of the basic map, as well as color-coded features for airports, hospitals, parks, and military installations
  • None: View a map with none of the above features

Selection Map: In addition to the single search and geography filters, the map offers two additional ways to select your geographies:

  • Click and select individual geographies
  • Use rectangle, circle, and lasso selection tools to select a group of geographies in bulk

These selections carry over as you navigate between the maps and tables across the site. Over 100 geographic summary levels are supported. See the list of supported Map Layers  for details on the available summary levels by year.

Thematic Map: Allows you to map an estimate from a data table across a single geographic layer. All thematic map views have features that allow you to:

  • Choose the geographic layer, product type, data variable, and non-key dimensions
  • Choose between numbers and percentages, when percentages are shown in the corresponding table display
  • Search within the data variable drop down menu without having to scroll through the entire list
  • Zoom in and out. Geography labels, boundaries, and other map features automatically populate based on the zoom level.
  • Clear your selected geographies
  • Adjust the color palette and transparency
  • Increase or decrease the number of data classes in your legend
  • Change the legend’s classification type (Natural Breaks, Quantile, Equal Interval, or Manual Breaks)
  • Show boundaries and labels for multiple types of geographies at the same time
  • Click on the map to identify the geographic areas a point falls within
  • View a histogram that shows the range and frequency of data values on your map
  • View the mean, standard deviation, skew, and kurtosis for the data values on your map
  • Generate a table view of your selected variable and geography labels
  • Download map boundaries in GeoJSON format
  • Print the map from a PDF
  • Share the map via social media, email, or by copying the link to your clipboard
  • Move or collapse the map legend

Geography Profiles

You can access a profile that includes statistics and visualizations across topics, surveys, and programs for your geography in a single view. The profiles are fully accessible for these types of geographic areas: nation, states, counties, places, county subdivisions, congressional districts, school districts, ZIP codes/ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), American Indian areas, Alaska Native areas, and Hawaiian home lands.

You may also manually edit the GEOID in the geography portion of the URL to navigate to a partial profile for any geographic type not specifically mentioned above. For these partial profiles, you will see featured statistics for the geography. Special bar charts and thematic maps are not currently available for these areas in the partial profile views.

Share/Embed Visualizations: The profiles feature enhanced options that allow you to access a link to share a visualization or embed it in your own html website. A variety of share buttons allow you to share the links via email, social media, or by copying the link to your clipboard.

Industry Profiles

Industry Profiles allow you to explore key data, visualizations, and maps for any 2–6-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. These profiles are available at the state or national level.

To access and Industry Profile, simply run a search for a single NAICS code and up to one geography (nation or state), and then click the blue box on the All results page that says “Explore Data.”


Pop Story App: Accessible at data.census.gov/app/population_pyramids

The Pop Story App showcases the use of population pyramids to tell data stories and features an interactive widget at the end. This widget allows you to browse population pyramids for the nation, states, counties, cities/towns, ZIP code tabulation areas, congressional districts, school districts, American Indian areas, Alaska Native areas, and Hawaiian Homelands. You can also share population pyramids by email or social media.

Other Features

Modern Design Refresh: In Summer 2022, the site was updated to a new look and feel with modern design elements.

Navigation/Filtering Updates: In Winter 2021, significant improvements to navigation and filtering were applied to improve the user experience.

Refreshed Look and Feel: In Spring 2019, a major refresh was applied to the look and feel to improve the user experience and navigation throughout the site. Since then, we continue to make periodic tweaks based on user feedback, such as a refreshed landing page and better table display that requires less scrolling.

Use the Site on Mobile Devices: Responsive design allows you to experience the site in a way that has been optimized for your smartphone or tablet, in either portrait or landscape orientation

Architecture Enhancements: Includes ongoing research activities to identify mapping and table solutions to enable future features.

Accessibility Features: Accessibility control panel you can open by clicking the person icon in the lower left corner of the site. This panel allows you customize a variety of display settings including content scaling, dark mode, light contrast, dark contrast, low brightness, low saturation, high saturation, monochrome, hue shift, large cursor, and invert color. It also provides access to useful links and an option to reset back to the default settings.

Microdata Access

The microdata access tool on data.census.gov/mdat allows you to create custom tables using public use microdata from the American Community Survey and Current Population Survey. The tool allows you to:

  • Select variables and restrict the values you include in your analysis
  • Recode variables to create custom groupings
  • Select geographies from various summary levels depending on the survey (region, division, state, county, and public use microdata area)
  • Format a custom table by dragging variables to the rows and columns
  • Restrict your table universe
  • Download or use API queries to output the table view or raw data


Please be aware of the following limitations of Microdata Access:

  • The site does not currently have the functionality to:
    • Calculate medians, percentages, or margins of error
    • Show data over time in a single table view
    • Calculate an average over time for monthly CPS datasets
    • Produce tables that are larger than 400 columns by 2000 rows
    • Apply inflation-adjustment variables like ADJINC to dollar values in ACS datasets
  • Place of work PUMAs (POWPUMAs), migration PUMAs (MIGPUMAs), and dual-vintage PUMAs are extremely difficult to use in Microdata Access because they are not available as selectable geographies. ACS datasets with dual-vintage PUMAs include the 2022, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012 ACS 5-Year PUMS.
  • A current defect prevents you from downloading raw microdata when 5 or more geographies are selected in some datasets. As we work to resolve this issue, you can access these data using the API queries in the download screen.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions to learn about using data.census.gov, the Census API, and the Microdata Access. Find out what data, features, and functionality is available.


  • 010 United States
  • 020 Region
  • 030 Division
  • 040 State
  • 050 County
  • 060 County Subdivision
  • 061 Estimates Universe County Subdivision
  • 067 State-County-County Subdivision-Subminor Civil Division
  • 06V State-County-Estate
  • 070 Place/Remainder
  • 071 State-County-County Subdivision-Estimates Universe Place/Balance (or part)
  • 07V State-County-Estate-Place/Remainder (or part)
  • 080 Census Tract (or part) within Place/Remainder
  • 085 State-County-County Subdivision-Place/Remainder (or part)-Census Tract (or part) within Place/Remainder-Urban/Rural
  • 090 State-County-County Subdivision-Place/Remainder-Census Tract-Block Group-Urban/Rural
  • 091 Block Group within Place/Remainder
  • 100 Block within Census Tract
  • 140 Census Tract
  • 144 State-County-Tract-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (or part)
  • 150 Block Group within Census Tract
  • 154 State-County-Tract-Block Group-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (or part)
  • 155 County within Place
  • 157 State-County-Estimates Universe Place/Balance (or part) within County
  • 158 Census Tract within Place
  • 159 State-County-Place (or part)
  • 160 Place within State
  • 162 Estimates Universe Place
  • 170 State-Consolidated City
  • 172 State-Consolidated City-Place Within Consolidated City
  • 230 Alaska Native Regional Corporation
  • 250 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land
  • 251 American Indian Area-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder
  • 252 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area
  • 253 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only)-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder (Reservation Only)
  • 254 American Indian Area (Off-Reservation Trust Land Only)/Hawaiian Home Land
  • 255 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-AIA (Trust Land Only)/HHL-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder (Trust Land Only) (or part)
  • 256 American Indian Area-Tribal Census Tract
  • 257 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder-Tribal Census Tract (or part) within Tribal Subdivision/Remainder within AIA
  • 258 American Indian Area-Tribal Census Tract-Tribal Block Group
  • 259 260
  • 260 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-State
  • 261 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)
  • 262 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only)-State (or part)
  • 263 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)-Place/Remainder (or part)
  • 264 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-AIA (Trust Land Only)/HHL-State (or part)
  • 265 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only) (or part)-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)
  • 266 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only) (or part)-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)-place/Remainder (or part)
  • 267 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area (Off-Reservation Trust Land Only)/Hawaiian Home Land (or part)-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)
  • 268 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area (Off-Reservation Trust Land Only)/Hawaiian Home Land (or part)-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)-Place/Remainder (or part)
  • 269 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-State-Place/Remainder
  • 270 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-State-County
  • 271 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-State (or part) within AIA/ANA/HHL-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)
  • 272 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only)-State (or part)-County (or part)
  • 273 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-State (or part) within AIA/ANA/HHL-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)-Place/Remainder (or part)
  • 274 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-AIA (Trust Land Only)/HHL-State (or part)-County (or part)
  • 275 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only)-State (or part)-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)
  • 276 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only)-State (or part)-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)-Place/Remainder (or part)
  • 277 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-AIA (Trust Land Only)/HHL-State (or part)-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)
  • 278 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-AIA (Trust Land Only)/HHL-State (or part)-County (or part)-County Subdivision (or part)-Place/Remainder (or part)
  • 280 American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land within State
  • 281 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder (or part)
  • 282 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-County (or part)
  • 283 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only)
  • 284 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only) (or part)-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder (or part)
  • 285 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only) (or part)-County (or part)
  • 286 State-American Indian Area (Off-Reservation Trust Land Only)/Hawaiian Home Land
  • 287 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area (Off-Reservation Trust Land Only)/Hawaiian Home Land (or part)-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder (or part)
  • 288 State-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area (Off-Reservation Trust Land Only)/Hawaiian Home Land (or part)-County (or part)
  • 290 American Indian Area-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder-State
  • 291 American Indian Area (Reservation Only)-Tribal Census Tract
  • 292 American Indian Area (Off-Reservation Trust Land Only)-Tribal Census Tract
  • 293 American Indian Area (Reservation Only)-Tribal Census Tract-Tribal Block Group
  • 294 American Indian Area (Off-Reservation Trust Land Only)-Tribal Census Tract-Tribal Block Group
  • 310 Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area
  • 311 Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area within State
  • 312 Principal City (or part) within State within Metro/Micro Statistical Area
  • 313 Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area-State-County
  • 314 Metropolitan Division within Metropolitan Statistical Area
  • 315 Metropolitan Statistical Area-Metropolitan Division-State
  • 316 Metropolitan Statistical Area-Metropolitan Division-State-County
  • 320 Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area within State
  • 321 Principal City within Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area
  • 322 State-Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area-County
  • 323 State-Metropolitan Statistical Area-Metropolitan Division
  • 324 State-Metropolitan Statistical Area-Metropolitan Division-County
  • 330 Combined Statistical Area
  • 331 Combined Statistical Area-State
  • 332 Combined Statistical Area-Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area
  • 333 Combined Statistical Area-Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area-State
  • 335 Combined New England City and Town Area
  • 336 Combined New England City and Town Area-State
  • 337 Combined New England City and Town Area-New England City and Town Area
  • 338 Combined New England City and Town Area-New England City and Town Area-State
  • 340 Combined Statistical Area within State
  • 341 State-Combined Statistical Area-Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area
  • 345 Combined New England City and Town Area within State
  • 346 State-Combined New England City and Town Area-New England City and Town Area
  • 350 New England City and Town Area
  • 351 New England City and Town Area-State
  • 352 New England City and Town Area-State-Principal City
  • 353 New England City and Town Area-State-County
  • 354 New England City and Town Area-State-County-County Subdivision
  • 355 New England City and Town Area (NECTA)-NECTA Division
  • 356 New England City and Town Area (NECTA)-NECTA Division-State
  • 357 New England City and Town Area (NECTA)-NECTA Division-State-County
  • 358 New England City and Town Area (NECTA)-NECTA Division-State-County-County Subdivision
  • 360 New England City and Town Area within State\
  • 361 State-New England City and Town Area-Principal City
  • 362 State-New England City and Town Area-County
  • 363 State-New England City and Town Area-County-County Subdivision
  • 364 State-New England City and Town Area (NECTA)-NECTA Division
  • 365 State-New England City and Town Area (NECTA)-NECTA Division-County
  • 366 State-New England City and Town Area (NECTA)-NECTA Division-County-County Subdivision
  • 370 NECMA
  • 371 State within NECMA
  • 372 NECMA-State-Central City
  • 373 NECMA-State-County
  • 374 NECMA within State
  • 375 State-NECMA-Central City
  • 376 State-NECMA-County
  • 380 MSA/CMSA
  • 381 State within MSA/CMSA
  • 382 MSA/CMSA-State-Central City
  • 383 MSA/CMSA-State-County
  • 384 MSA/CMSA-State-County-County Subdivision
  • 385 PMSA within MSA/CMSA
  • 386 MSA/CMSA-PMSA-State
  • 387 MSA/CMSA-PMSA-State-County
  • 388 MSA/CMSA-PMSA-State-County-County Subdivision
  • 390 MSA/CMSA within State
  • 391 State-MSA/CMSA-Central City
  • 392 State-MSA/CMSA-County
  • 393 State-MSA/CMSA-County-County Subdivision
  • 395 State-MSA/CMSA-PMSA
  • 396 State-MSA/CMSA-PMSA-County
  • 397 State-MSA/CMSA-PMSA-County-County Subdivision
  • 400 Urban Area
  • 410 Urban Area-State
  • 420 Urban Area within State
  • 430 Urban Area-State-County
  • 431 State-Urban Area (or part) within State-County (or part) within Urban Area within State
  • 440 Urban Area-State (or part) within Urban Area-County (or part) within State within Urban Area-County Subdivision (or part) within State within Urban Area
  • 441 State-Urban Area (or part) within State-County (or part) within Urban Area within State-County Subdivision (or part) within Urban Area
  • 450 Urban Area-State (or part) within Urban Area-County (or part) within State within Urban Area-County Subdivision (or part) within State within Urban Area-Place/Remainder (or part) within County within State within Urban Area
  • 451 State-Urban Area (or part) within State-County (or part) within Urban Area within State-County Subdivision (or part) within Urban Area-Place/Remainder (or part) within County within Urban Area
  • 460 Urban Area-State (or part) within Urban Area-Central Place (or part) within State within Urban Area
  • 461 State-Urban Area (or part) within State-Central Place (or part) within Urban Area
  • 462 Urban Area-State (or part) within Urban Area-Consolidated City (or part) within State within Urban Area
  • 463 State-Urban Area (or part) within State-Consolidated City (or part) within Urban Area
  • 464 Urban Area-State (or part) within Urban Area-Consolidated City (or part) within State within Urban Area-Place within Consolidated City (or part) within State within Urban Area
  • 465 State-Urban Area (or part) within State-Consolidated City (or part) within Urban Area-Place within Consolidated City (or part) within Urban Area
  • 500 Congressional District
  • 510 State-Congressional District-County
  • 511 State-Congressional District-County (or part) within Congressional District-Census Tract (or part) within County within Congressional District
  • 512 State-County-Congressional District (or part) within County
  • 521 State-Congressional District-County (or part) within Congressional District-County Subdivision (or part) within Congressional District
  • 531 State-Congressional District-Place/Remainder (or part) within Congressional District
  • 532 State-Place within State-Congressional District (or part) within Place
  • 541 State-Congressional District-Consolidated City (or part) within Congressional District
  • 542 State-Congressional District-Consolidated City (or part) within Congressional District-Place within Consolidated City (or part) within Congressional District
  • 550 State-Congressional District-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land
  • 551 State-Congressional District-AIA/ANA/HHL (or part) within Congressional District-AIA/ANA (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only) (or part) within Congressional District
  • 552 State-Congressional District-AIA/ANA/HHL (or part) within Congressional District-AIA (Trust Land Only)/HHL (or part) within Congressional District
  • 553 State-Congressional District-AIA/ANA/HHL (or part) within Congressional District-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder (or part) within Congressional District
  • 554 State-Congressional District-AIA/ANA/HHL (or part) within Congressional District-AIA/ANA (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only) (or part) within Congressional District-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder (Reservation Only) (or part) within Congressional District
  • 555 State-Congressional District-AIA/ANA/HHL (or part) within Congressional District-AIA (Trust Land Only)/HHL (or part) within Congressional District-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder (Trust Land Only) (or part) within Congressional District
  • 560 State-Congressional District-ANRC within Congressional District
  • 570 State-Congressional District-School District (Elementary)/Remainder (or part) within Congressional District
  • 571 State-Congressional District-School District (Secondary)/Remainder (or part) within Congressional District
  • 572 State-Congressional District-School District (Unified)/Remainder (or part) within Congressional District
  • 610 State Legislative District (Upper)
  • 612 State-State Legislative District (Upper Chamber)-County
  • 613 State-State Legislative District (Upper)-County-County Subdivision
  • 614 State-State Legislative District (Upper)-Place/Remainder (or part)
  • 615 State-SLDU-Consolidated City
  • 616 State-SLDU-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land
  • 617 State-SLDU-School District (Elementary)
  • 618 State-SLDU-School District (Secondary)
  • 619 State-SLDU-School District (Unified)
  • 620 State Legislative District (Lower)
  • 622 State-State Legislative District (Lower Chamber)-County
  • 623 State-State Legislative District (Lower)-County-County Subdivision
  • 624 State-State Legislative District (Lower)-Place/Remainder (or part)
  • 625 State-SLDL-Consolidated City
  • 626 State-SLDL-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land
  • 627 State-SLDL-School District (Elementary)
  • 628 State-SLDL-School District (Secondary)
  • 629 State-SLDL-School District (Unified)
  • 630 State-SLDU-County-Voting District/Remainder (or part)
  • 631 State-SLDU-County-Tract
  • 632 State-SLDU-County-County Subdivision-Subminor Civil Division (or part)
  • 633 State-SLDU-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder (or part)
  • 634 State-SLDU-Alaska Native Regional Corporation (or part)
  • 635 State-SLDL-County-Voting District/Remainder (or part)
  • 636 State-SLDL-County-Tract
  • 637 State-SLDL-County-County Subdivision-Subminor Civil Division (or part)
  • 638 State-SLDL-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder (or part)
  • 639 State-SLDL-Alaska Native Regional Corporation (or part)
  • 640 State-County-SLDU
  • 641 State-County-SLDL
  • 642 State-Place-SLDU
  • 643 State-Place-SLDL
  • 644 State-SLDU-Consolidated City-Place
  • 645 State-SLDL-Consolidated City-Place
  • 646 State-SLDU-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only) (or part)
  • 647 State-SLDL-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area (Reservation or Statistical Entity Only) (or part)
  • 648 State-SLDU-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area (Off-Reservation Trust Land Only)/Hawaiian Home Land (or part)
  • 649 State-SLDL-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-American Indian Area (Off-Reservation Trust Land Only)/Hawaiian Home Land (or part)
  • 700 State-County-VTD
  • 701 State-County-VTD-Place
  • 702 State-County-VTD-Consolidated City
  • 703 State-County-VTD-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land
  • 704 State-County-VTD-American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land-Tribal Subdivision/Remainder
  • 705 State-County-VTD-Alaska Native Regional Corporation (or part)
  • 706 State-County-VTD-School District (Elementary)
  • 707 State-County-VTD-School District (Secondary)
  • 708 State-County-VTD-School District (Unified)
  • 709 State-County-VTD-Tract
  • 710 State-County-VTD-County Subdivision
  • 715 State-County-VTD-County Subdivision-Subminor Civil Division
  • 720 State-County-VTD-County Subdivision-Place/Remainder
  • 730 State-County-VTD-County Subdivision-Place/Remainder-Census Tract
  • 735 State-County-VTD-County Subdivision-Subminor Civil Division-Census Tract
  • 740 State-County-VTD-County Subdivision-Place/Remainder-Census Tract-Block Group
  • 745 State-County-VTD-County Subdivision-Subminor Civil Division-Census Tract-Block Group
  • 790 SuperPUMA within State
  • 795 Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA)
  • 850 ZCTA3
  • 851 ZCTA3 within State
  • 852 State-ZCTA3-County (or part)
  • 860 5-Digit ZCTA
  • 861 5-Digit ZIP Code
  • 870 State within Zip Code Tabulation Area (Five-Digit)
  • 871 5-Digit ZCTA (or part) within State
  • 880 ZCTA-State-County
  • 881 State-5-Digit ZCTA (or part) within State-County
  • 902 EEO
  • 904 Commercial Region(Planning Region)
  • 906 American Housing Survey Area
  • 940 State-County-Traffic Analysis Zone
  • 950 School District (Elementary)/Remainder
  • 960 School District (Secondary)/Remainder
  • 970 School District (Unified)/Remainder
  • E20 Commercial Region(Planning Region)
  • E32 Area Outside of Metro/Micro Statistical Areas (or part) within State
  • E33 Commodity Flow Survey Area/Remainder within State
  • E60 Economic Place
  • E65 Economic Place (Part)

Top of Section

Summary Level




All Divisions within the U.S.


All States within the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas


All Counties within the U.S. and Puerto Rico

All Counties within a State

All Counties fully/partially within a Congressional District


All County Subdivisions within a State

All County Subdivisions within a County

All County Subdivisions within a Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area

All County Subdivisions within a Metropolitan Division

All County Subdivisions within a Combined Statistical Area

All County Subdivisions within a Combined New England City and Town Area

All County Subdivisions within a New England City and Town Area

All County Subdivisions within a New England City and Town Area Division

All County Subdivisions fully/partially within a Congressional District

All County Subdivisions fully/partially within a State Legislative District (Upper Chamber)

All County Subdivisions fully/partially within a State Legislative District (Lower Chamber)


All Blocks within a State

All Blocks within a County

All Blocks within a Census Tract

All Blocks within a Place

All Blocks within an American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land


All Census Tracts within the U.S.

All Census Tracts within a State

All Census Tracts within a County

All Census Tracts within a Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area

All Census Tracts within a Metropolitan Division

All Census Tracts within a Combined Statistical Area

All Census Tracts fully/partially within a Congressional District


All Block Groups within a State

All Block Groups within a County
All Block Groups within a Census Tract

All Block Groups within a Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area

All Block Groups within a Metropolitan Division

All Block Groups within a Combined Statistical Area

All Block Groups fully/partially within a Congressional District


All Places within the U.S.

All Places within a State

All Places fully/partially within a Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area

All Places fully/partially within a Metropolitan Division

All Places fully/partially within a Combined Statistical Area

All Places fully/partially within a State Legislative District (Upper Chamber)

All Places fully/partially within a State Legislative District (Lower Chamber)


All American Indian Areas/Alaska Native Areas/Hawaiian Home Lands within the U.S.

All American Indian Areas/Alaska Native Areas/Hawaiian Home Lands fully/partially within a State


All American Indian Areas/Alaska Native Areas/Hawaiian Home Lands (or parts) within a State


All Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Areas within the U.S.

All Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Areas fully/partially within a State

All Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Areas within a Combined Statistical Area


All Metropolitan Divisions within the U.S.


All Combined Statistical Areas within the U.S.


All New England City and Town Areas within the U.S.


All New England City and Town Areas (or parts) within a State


All Urban Areas within the U.S.

All Urban Areas within a State


All Congressional Districts in the U.S.

All Congressional Districts in a State

All Congressional Districts within American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land

All Congressional Districts fully/partially within a Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area

All Congressional Districts fully/partially within a Metropolitan Division

All Congressional Districts fully/partially within a Combined Statistical Area


All State Legislative Districts (Upper Chamber) within a State


All State Legislative Districts (Lower Chamber) within a State


All Voting Districts within a State

All Voting Districts within a County


All Public Use Microdata Areas within the U.S.

All Public Use Microdata Areas within a State


All ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) within the U.S.

All ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) fully/partially within a State

All ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) fully/partially within a County

All ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) fully/partially within a Place

All ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) fully/partially within a Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area

All ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) fully/partially within a Metropolitan Division


All 5-Digit ZIP Codes within the U.S.


All Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) (or parts) within a State


All School Districts (Elementary) within a State


All School Districts (Secondary) within a State


All School Districts (Unified) within a State


All Economic Places within United States

All Economic Places within a State

Top of Section

Our Development Depends on Your Feedback

Take Action

As we continue to develop new functionalities like search by address and advanced printing and download options, please let us know what features are important to you. 

Please send your questions or comments on data.census.govCensus API, or Microdata Access to census.data@census.gov

Page Last Revised - May 22, 2024
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