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Historical Income Tables: Households

Table H-2. Share of Aggregate Income Received by Each Fifth and Top 5 Percent of Households

Table H-4. Gini Indexes for Households, by Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder

Table H-5. Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder -- Households by Median and Mean Income

Table H-7. Divisions-by Median and Mean Income

This series of tables are no longer available.

Table H-8. Median Household Income by State

Table H-8A Median Income of Households by State Using Two-Year Moving Averages

Table H-8B. Median Income of Households by State Using Three-Year Moving Averages

Table H-10. Age of Householder by Median and Mean Income

Table H-11. Size of Household by Median and Mean Income

Table H-12. Household by Number of Earners by Median and Mean Income

Table H-13. Educational Attainment of Householder -- Households with Householder 25 Years Old and Over by Median and Mean Income

Table H-14. Years of School Completed -- Households with Householder 25 Years Old and Over by Median and Mean Income: 1967 to 1990

Table H-15. Total Money Income Per Household Member, by Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder

Table H-16. Income of Households by Race and Hispanic Origin Using 3-Year and 2-Year Moving Average Medians

Table H-17. Households by Total Money Income, Race, and Hispanic Origin of Householder

For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/cps/techdocs/cpsmar24.pdf [PDF - <1.0 MB].

The Census Bureau has reviewed this data product to ensure appropriate access, use, and disclosure avoidance protection of the confidential source data used to produce this product (Data Management System (DMS) number: P-7534374, Disclosure Review Board (DRB) approval number: CBDRB-FY24-0434). To further protect respondent privacy, all estimates in this report have undergone additional rounding. As a result, this year's estimates may differ from previous publications and details may not sum to totals.

Page Last Revised - August 30, 2024
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