These Statistics in Schools (SIS) activities were designed specifically to teach about the decennial census. They can be used by teachers for classroom instruction or distance learning, and by parents and caregivers to learn together with the children in their home. The resources spotlight the decennial census and the importance of making sure everyone is counted, especially children. The decennial count is mandated by the U.S. Constitution and impacts federal funds that communities receive for special education, classroom technology, teacher training, after-school programs, school lunch assistance, and more.
Use these activities for pre-K through 12th grade today to help your students, school, children, and community.
Find activities organized by grade so you can find the best ones for your classroom or the children in your home.
Find fun and interactive activities in English and Spanish that help young children understand the decennial census and introduce them to the idea of data.
ELL and adult ESL activities highlight the country's diversity and emphasize the value of counting everyone in the decennial census.