Students will examine how human actions and population changes can affect the environment. Students will examine a series of photographs that compare famous landmarks (Times Square, the Saltair Pavilion in Utah, Laguna Beach, and Niagara Falls) across time, and then they will identify human-generated changes in the physical environment, such as the addition of bridges and roads. Students will also examine U.S. Census Bureau population and housing data to see how population changes can contribute to changes in the physical environment. In addition, students will describe the impact of these changes on the environment.
60 Minutes
The following items are part of this activity. The items and their sources appear at the end of this teacher version.
For more information to help you introduce your students to the Census Bureau, read Census Bureau 101 for Students This information sheet can be printed and passed out to your students as well.
Students will be able to understand how human behaviors affect the physical environment.
Elementary School Geography