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Submit Your Nominations for Our New 2030 Census Advisory Committee

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Two key principles to achieving higher levels of excellence in our work at the U.S. Census Bureau are the practice of inclusivity, and then valuing the resulting diverse perspectives from inclusive engagement. And there’s no more important use of these principles than that of developing and preparing for our constitutionally mandated decennial census. It’s in this context that I share some exciting news.

Today, we announced the establishment of a new Federal Advisory Committee to focus on the 2030 Census – and we want to make sure everyone is aware of the opportunity to submit nominations.

As you know, our main goal for the 2030 Census – and for every decennial census – is a complete and accurate count of the nation’s population. To accomplish that, it’s so important that we engage with diverse voices and perspectives.

We cannot complete our mission alone. We need a community-of-the-whole approach that involves support from the wonderfully diverse people of our nation. We need to hear from people across our nation about how to reach historically undercounted populations, how to effectively communicate with different communities in culturally relevant ways, how to collect information in an easy and efficient manner, and how communities use our data to meet their needs, to plan, and to improve. An advisory committee focused solely on the 2030 Census will help us do that.

So, how will it work? The 2030 Census Advisory Committee will be distinct from our other committees, which provide feedback on the many programs and initiatives across our agency, not just the decennial census. It will focus exclusively on the operational, technical and communications aspects of the next once-a-decade count. About 30 members representing stakeholder organizations, groups, interest, and viewpoints will serve on this committee.  

We’re seeking members with the expertise to help us:

  • Review and provide feedback related to 2030 Census plans and execution to assist the Census Bureau to devise strategies to increase census awareness and participation, reduce barriers to response, and enhance the public’s trust and willingness to respond.
  • Consider implications of enumeration strategies, including use of administrative and third-party data; how best to leverage partner and stakeholder support efforts throughout the decade; new technologies; social media and marketing; the role of tribal, state, and local governments; and the outreach and mobilization needs of historically undercounted populations.
  • Advise and provide recommendations on external factors and policies that may affect 2030 Census plans.
  • Advise the Census Bureau on communicating with the public to ensure maximum self-response and participation by the public in the 2030 Census.
  • Devise and recommend strategies to increase census awareness and participation, and to motivate response to the 2030 Census.
  • Provide feedback and recommendations regarding proposed 2030 Census data products’ content, timing, geographic specificity, and fitness for use.
  • Provide recommendations regarding 2030 Census employee recruitment strategies.
  • Consider the Census Bureau’s outreach, communications, and partnership efforts, providing perspectives on community trends, challenges, and opportunities for the 2030 Census. This may include recommendations on how to capture broader community perspectives.

Members will initially serve an initial three-year term. All members will be reevaluated at the conclusion of their initial term with the prospect of renewal, pending advisory committee and 2030 Census needs. The committee will meet at least twice a year, budget and environmental conditions permitting, and we hope to have the first meeting in late 2023 or early 2024.

I want to again thank everyone who has already shared their recommendations for the 2030 Census through our federal register notice and through our Advisory Committees, including many calling for the establishment of a 2030 Census Advisory Committee. Your feedback is very important to us. This committee is just one of the many ways that we will be reaching out to and engaging our partners, data users and the public over the coming years.

Please submit a nomination if your organization has expertise in these areas and would be a good fit for the 2030 Census Advisory Committee. We also invite multiple organizations to create a coalition and submit a single nomination as a group. We are accepting nominations until September 30, 2023. Check out our Federal Register notice for full instructions on submitting a nomination. I hope you will consider assisting us in making the next census as accurate and complete as possible.

I appreciate your support and enthusiasm, and I look forward to receiving your nominations!

Page Last Revised - August 25, 2023
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