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Official publications released by the U.S. Census Bureau have a report number and often list the lead author(s).

Africa Aging: 2020
Between 2020 and 2050, the older African population is projected to triple from 74 million to 235 million. Its growth will outpace any other world region.

Trends of Health and Well-being of Older Population in SAGE Countries
This report uses SAGE Wave 2 data and provides information on health and well-being outcomes for older population in Ghana, Mexico, and South Africa.

An Aging World: 2015
This report examines the world’s population aged 65 and over, including demographic and socioeconomic trends for both developed and less developed countries.

Cross-Country Study of Health and Well-Being of Older Populations
The world’s population is aging, primarily as a function of declining fertility, coupled with increasing life expectancy.

An Aging World: 2008
Fertility decline together with urbanization were the dominant global demographic trends during the second half of the twentieth century.

HIV/AIDS Surveillance Country Profiles
HIV/AIDS Profile Demographic Indicators for different countries

Health and Health Care of the Older Population in China: 2000
This report discusses the health and health care of the older population in Urban and Rural China in 2000.

Population Aging in Sub-Saharan Africa: Demographic Dimensions 2006
Population aging will become an increasingly important demographic dynamic affecting families and societies throughout the world in the coming decades.

The AIDS Pandemic in the 21st Century
At the beginning of the 21st century, HIV, which causes AIDS, continues to have its greatest impact in the developing world.

Global Population at a Glance: 2002 and Beyond
This brief highlights several of the most important global population trends in 2002 and describes the continuation and impacts of these trends through 2050.

Global Population Profile: 2002
Global Population Profile: 2002 summarizes the most important trends in global population at the dawn of the 21st century.

An Aging World: 2001
This report examines the world’s population aged 65 and over, including demographic and socioeconomic trends for both developed and less developed countries.

Population Trends: Peru
Peru, one of Latin America's largest nations, is home to over 26 million people.

World Population Profile: 1998
This report presents the U.S. Census Bureau's latest update of population estimates and prohections for all the countries and regions of the world.

World Population at a Glance: 1998 and Beyond
World population increase gradually slowing but total to hit 9 billion in next 50 years.

Women and the Economy in India
India's economy has undergone a substantial transformation since the country's independence in 1947.

Gender and Aging: Caregiving
The typical image of caregiving and the elderly is one of an older person who is ill or infirm receiving care from a younger person.

Women's Health in India
India is one of the few countries in the world where women and men have nearly the same life expectancy at birth.

Women's Education in India
The Indian government has expressed a strong commitment towards education for all, however, India still has one of the lowest female literacy rates in Asia.

Gender and Aging: Mortality and Health
Countries around the world are in the midst of demographic aging.

Russia's New Problem — Poverty
Prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, that country's economic and social system worked in a practical sense.

Population Trends: Bolivia
The total fertility rate has declined by a third since 1970.

Aging in the Americas into the XXI century
The term "demographic transition" refers to a gradual process whereby a society moves from a situation of high to lower rates of fertility.

Gender and Aging: Demographic Dimensions
The UN's Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995 prepared a platform that provides an analysis of obstacles facing the world's women.

Aging Trends: South Africa
Concern about population in Africa traditionally has focussed on relatively high rates of fertility and mortality…

Population Trends: India
Each year India adds more people to the world's population than any other country.

Planning for the 2000 Round of Population and Housing Censuses
Planners and decision makers worldwide face a common problem: the lack of high-quality and timely statistics to identify needs.

Population Trends: Russia
While recent Russian demographic trends reflect the country's current economic and social malaise, they also continue to reveal the shocks experienced…

World Population at a Glance: 1996 and Beyond
The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in C airo focused the world's attention.

Population Trends: Ghana
Ghana, one of the most populous countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, is home to nearly 18 million people.

1991 Census of Agriculture of the Philippines
The 1991 Census of Agriculture was a large-scale govt. operation focused on the collection and compilation of statistics on the Philippines agriculture sector.

Trends in Adolescent Fertility and Contraceptive Use
The reproductive health of adolescents is an area designated in need of special attention in USAID's statement of objectives, approach, and program priorities

Population Trends Philippines
In this report to the 1994 ICPD, the Commission on Population sets out the rationale for the govts continued concern with and attention to reproductive health.

Global Aging into the 21st Century
The size of the world's elderly population has been growing for centuries.

Older Workers, Retirement, and Pensions: A International Chartbook
This report provides international statistics on trends that affect old-age security and the status of older workers, retirement trends, and pension systems.

Old Age Security Reform in China
China is undertaking a major revamping of its old age security system.

Page Last Revised - December 16, 2021
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