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Happy New Year!


On behalf of the International Trade Management Division (ITMD) and the Economic Indicator Division (EID) of the U.S. Census Bureau, we would like to say Happy New Year!

We hope that you have enjoyed your holiday season, and look forward to working with you in 2015. This past year we had some significant changes to the export process and we are encouraged that many of you found this Blog as an information source to keep updated on the changes. We are continuing to evolve,  and making the necessary changes to improve our Regulations, AESDirect and the critical statistics we provide you.

Let’s take a moment to highlight a few key products to keep in mind throughout 2015.


USATradeOnline – Access current and cumulative U.S. export and import data for over 9,000 export commodities and 17,000 import commodities. USA Trade Online provides trade statistics using the Harmonized System (HS) up to the 10-digit level and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) commodity classification codes up to the 6-digit level.


AESDirect – This FREE online program allows exporters to file their Electronic Export Information in a timely and efficient manner to the Automated Export System.

Subscribe to Mailing Lists – The ITMD & EID offer multiple subscriptions ranging from Trade Data , AES  Updates and Other Partnership Agency request for broadcasts. These mailing subscriptions provide you with the timeliest information from the Census Bureau, and act as a key means of communication with the Export Community.

We hope that you continue to take advantage of the great resources made available to you from our International Trade Management Division. As a reminder for your Electronic Export Information, please remember to report the Estimated Date of Export in the Automated Export System with the correct year, so after you pop the cork, please report the year 2015.

Page Last Revised - December 16, 2021
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