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FSRDC Network Fees

The Federal agencies that are part of the Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC) network charge researchers different fees to access their data depending on policies at each agency. The fees are briefly described below; click on the agency name for further information on fees (where applicable). Each FSRDC location may charge an (additional) access fee for use of the facility. Prospective FSRDC researchers should contact their local RDC to determine whether access fees apply to their project.


Agency Description of Fees
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality TBD
Bureau of Economic Analysis BEA charges a flat fee for each year of FSRDC access to offset the per project costs charged by the FSRDC Project Management Office (PMO) to maintain and operate the infrastructure and provide research project support for the FSRDC network. BEA reevaluates the fee each fiscal year based on the pricing structure established by the PMO. The initial payment is due once the project application has been approved.  For more information, please visit the BEA website or contact SpecialSwornResearch@bea.gov.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Currently, BLS charges a flat fee for each year of FSRDC access to offset the per project costs charged by the FSRDC Project Management Office (PMO) to maintain and operate the infrastructure and provide research project support for the FSRDC network. BLS reevaluates the fee each fiscal year based on the pricing structure established by the PMO. Payment is due once the project application has been approved. For more information about current BLS fees please visit the BLS website or contact BLS_FSRDC@bls.gov for questions.
Census Bureau The Census Bureau does not directly charge researchers to access its data. Census partners with other research organizations and is reimbursed for the cost of the FSRDC Administrator, disclosure avoidance review, and some related costs. These costs may be passed on to researchers through the partner organizations' FSRDC access fees.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission TBD
Federal Reserve Board - Microeconomic Surveys Unit TBD
National Center for Health Statistics NCHS user fees support NCHS administrative functions which include the FSRDC Project Management Office (PMO) cost to provide access to NCHS data in the FSRDC network. In many cases, the full cost of FSRDC services are not recovered through user fees. NCHS charges researchers a minimum project fee of $3,000. Additional fees may apply. Please visit the NCHS Fees and Invoicing page for a detailed explanation of user fees. NCHS may also charge researchers a Special Sworn Status (SSS) application fee ($1,800). The SSS application fee is set by the FSRDC PMO and is independent of and in addition to the NCHS project fee. Researchers with active SSS do not have to pay the SSS application fee through NCHS.
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics NCSES does not charge researchers for access to its data.  However, researchers may be responsible for SSS application processing fees and FSRDC locations' access fees.

Page Last Revised - March 20, 2024
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