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Who's Minding Our Preschoolers? Fall 1994 (Update)

Report Number: P70-62

Notice to Users

Last year, the Census Bureau announced its intention to offer more information in electronic format while reducing the number of printed reports. This change is now being implemented for the P70 Current Population Reports series. Many P70 reports, such as the Who’s Minding Our Preschoolers? report, will no longer be printed for each year in which the data are collected.

In order to keep you informed of the major findings from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), short data updates will be produced in years in which there is no full report. They will be available in both printed and electronic forms. Additionally, the detailed tabulations that have been part of the printed reports will be updated in electronic form on the internet. If you wish to obtain the new tabulations for fall of 1994, updating Who’s Minding Our Preschoolers? (Current Population Reports, P70-53), please see the “Detailed Tabulations” section at the end of this update.

We hope this modification in the format of the P70 series will provide users with more timely data on a wider variety of topics. If you have comments about this change or the P70 series in general, please contact us on the internet at: pop@census.gov, or write to:  Chief, Population Division, U.S. Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC 20233.

Data Highlights

Detailed tabulations based on the Survey of Income and Program Participation are now available which provide statistics on the child care arrangements for preschoolers used by families with employed mothers in the fall of 1994. These tables provide information such as:

  • The number of preschoolers whose mothers were employed was 10.3 million.
  • 29.4 percent of preschoolers were cared for in organized child care facilities during their mothers’ working hours.
  • Among children under 1year of age, 18.3 percent were cared for in organized child care facilities.
  • Family day care homes provided care for 15.4 percent of preschoolers of employed mothers.
  • 45.3 percent of preschoolers whose mothers were employed part time were cared for in their own homes.
  • Relatives provided care for 62.0 percent of preschoolers in poor families while their mothers were working.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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