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For Immediate Release: Friday, August 03, 2018

Census Bureau’s Statement on 2020 Census Printing and Mailing Contract

Press Release Number: CB18-RTQ.07


AUG. 3, 2018 — After Cenveo filed its petition for bankruptcy, Cenveo and the United States engaged in discussions regarding Cenveo’s restructuring process, including its projected liquidity and any impact it would have with respect to the 2020 Printing and Mailing Contract. The United States concluded that because of the constitutional mandate to conduct the 2020 Census, it was in the public’s interest to terminate Cenveo’s contract. After several rounds of good faith, aggressive, arm’s length negotiations, the parties reached agreement to settle the matter for $5.5 million.

On July 26, the Bankruptcy Court approved the settlement agreement by and among the debtors and the United States, allowing the termination of the contract with a $5.5 million payment to Cenveo. Cenveo remains obligated to destroy or sanitize all Title 13 data at no additional cost. Cenveo will receive separate payment for the work already performed and accepted but not invoiced on the 2018 Census Test. The complete terms of the settlement have been entered by order of the Court are publicly available.

The Government Publishing Office will issue a new solicitation and intends to award the replacement printing and mailing contract in November, which will ensure there is no negative effect on the 2020 Printing and Mailing Operation or the overall 2020 Census.



Public Information Office



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