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For Immediate Release: Friday, October 05, 2018

Manufacturing Day: October 5, 2018

Press Release Number: CB18-TPS.49

OCT. 5, 2018 — During the week of Oct. 1-5, 2018, the U.S. Census Bureau joined a group of public and private organizations in celebrating the importance of the manufacturing sector of the nation’s economy. This marks the seventh annual organized observance of Manufacturing Day, October 5, 2018. The Census Bureau releases manufacturing statistics that inform businesses and policymakers. Collectively, the data paint a picture of the state of this important economic sector.

Throughout Manufacturing Week, the Census Bureau will be releasing infographics, additional manufacturing data products, and historical facts about manufacturing on Twitter and Facebook. One of the Twitter themes this year will highlight the nation’s historic automobiles. Below is a list of some of the manufacturing products that will be made available:

Profile America’s Stats for Stories: Manufacturing Day — Stats for Stories provides reporters and the public a one-stop shop for timely, relevant statistics and resources about observances not covered by the Facts for Features series. The manufacturing edition includes data sets from a variety of surveys, including but not limited to the American Community Survey; Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories and Orders Survey; the Annual Survey of Manufactures; County Business Patterns; the Capital Spending Report; International Trade; the Quarterly Financial Report; and multiple series from the Economic Census.

Every five years, the U.S. Census Bureau conducts the Economic Census, the most comprehensive measure of the nation’s businesses and economy. The 2017 Economic Census was the first time the Census Bureau required that survey respondents complete the survey online. The Economic Census began collecting statistics on the manufacturing sector in 1810. The Census Bureau also publishes manufacturing statistics from several sources that include the American Community SurveyAnnual Survey of Manufactures, multiple economic indicators, the Annual Business Survey. For a complete list and more details on the sources of manufacturing data from the Census Bureau, visit <www.census.gov/econ/manufacturing.html>.

No news release associated with this product. Tip Sheet only.



Frances Alonzo
Public Information Office

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