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Census and You: September 1998

Report Number: Volume 33, No. 9

Monthly News From the U.S. Bureau of the Census

Inside this issue:

  • Metro Areas and Much More – Yours in Brief
  • Court Rules Against Statistical Sampling
  • Black Population in Younger Age Groups
  • Lead Poisoning Down, Smoking Still a Problem for America’s Kids
  • Hispanic Youth Edging Past Blacks in Number
  • Congress Sticks With Six-Month Funding, Rejects Amendment to Keep Funds Flowing Past March
  • Address List Creation Means 30,000 Jobs
  • Adjusted ’90 Census Data for Small Areas
  • Utah’s Population Still the Youngest
  • New Classification System for Measuring the Economy
  • Men’s and Boys’ Jeans a $3.7 Billion Industry in 1997, Women’s and Girls’ Jeans Total $2.3 Billion
  • U.S. Statistics At A Glance
  • Missoula Now Metro

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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