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Undercount of Young Children Working Group

Period: 11/28/2016 to 3/2020
Charter date: 11/28/2016

U.S. Census Bureau analysis shows that the undercount of children under age five in the decennial census and in demographic surveys is longstanding and growing. The 2010 Census, for example, undercounted about 4.6 percent of children aged 0 to 4 (Hogan et al. 2013). When we look at the differences between Census and demographic analysis counts for adults and young children since 1980, we see noteworthy reductions in differences for the adult population but steady growths in differences for the youngest children (O’Hare 2015).

As we prepare for the 2020 Census, we will continue to look at ways to produce a more accurate and cost-effective count of the nation and research how to best reach and include historically hard-to-count populations, such as young children. Through our recent research, we have begun to develop a profile of the types of young children that are more at risk for census omission (Konicki 2016). As we prepare for 2020, improving this count is one focus of our research.


Page Last Revised - February 10, 2025
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