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American Indian and Alaska Native: Decennial Census Reports

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The Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Population: 2000
This report, using data collected from Census 2000, provides a portrait of the Pacific Islander population in the United States and discusses its distribution.

The Two or More Races Population: 2000
This report provides a portrait of the Two or more races population and discusses its distribution at both the national and subnational levels.

Age: 2000
This report, using data collected from Census 2000, provides a portrait of the age structure of people in the United States.

Housing Characteristics: 2000
This report, using data from Census 2000, highlights housing in 2000 and changes in housing characteristics between 1990 and 2000.

The 65 Years and Over Population: 2000
This report, using Census 2000 data, profiles the 65 years and over population in the United States and its distribution at the national and subnational levels.

Censo 2000—Puerto Rico Vista General de los Productos Geograficos
Describe la variedad de mapas, archivos de límites y otros productos geográficos disponibles del Censo 2000 para Puerto Rico.

Census 2000 Geographic Product Highlights—Puerto Rico
Describes the variety of maps, boundary files, and other geographic products available from Census 2000 for Puerto Rico.

Gender: 2000
This report, using Census 2000 data, presents the number who are male and female in regions, states, counties, and places of 100,000 or more.

Grandparents Living With Grandchildren: 2000
This report presents information obtained from three questions on the Census 2000 long form about co-resident grandparents.

Households and Families: 2000
This report presents information on the number and types of living arrangements from the Census 2000 question about the relationship to the householder.

The American Indian Population: 2000
This table shows the difference between the population by race in 1990 and the population by race in 2000.

Your Guide to Census 2000—Puerto Rico Redistricting Data
This brochure explains the Census 2000 numbers and the role they have in the way Puerto Rico redrew the boundaries of its legislative districts.

Introduction to Census 2000 Data Products—Pacific Island Areas
This brochure provides a brief introduction to the information available for the Pacific Island Areas from Census 2000

Introduction to Census 2000 Data Products—U.S. Virgin Islands
This brochure provides a brief introduction to the information available for the U.S. Virgin Islands from Census 2000.

The Black Population: 2000
This report provides a portrait of the Black population in the United States and discusses its distribution at both the national and subnational levels.

The While Population: 2000
This report provides a portrait of the White population in the United States and discusses its distribution at both the national and subnational levels.

A Monograph on Confidentiality and Privacy in the U.S. Census
This monograph's focus is on the confidentiality of census information and its historical evolution between the 1790 and 2002 censuses.

Congressional Apportionment: Census 2000 Brief
This report, using data collected by Census 2000, examines trends in congressional apportionment and discusses the apportionment population.

Introduction to Census 2000 Data Products
This brochure provides a brief introduction to the information available from Census 2000, Census 2000 geography, maps, and data products.

DP-1. Profiles of General Demographic Characteristics
Characteristics include: sex and age; race; relationship; household by type; housing occupancy; and housing tenure (owner or renter occupied)

La Población Hispana: 2000
Este informe, utilizando los datos recopilados del Censo 2000, proporciona un perfil de la población de origen latina en los Estados Unidos.

The Hispanic Population: 2000
This report, using data collected from Census 2000, provides a profile of the Hispanic population in the United States.

Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000
This report provides a portrait of race and Hispanic origin in the United States and discusses their distributions at the national level.

Population Change and Distribution: 1990 to 2000
This report highlights population size and distribution changes between 1990 and 2000 in regions, states, metropolitan areas, counties, and large cities.

Product Profile: Census 2000 Redistricting Summary File
Information about the Redistricting file used primarily by states to redraw the boundaries of their various congressional and legislative districts.

Census 2000 Redistricting Data: Technical Documentation
This document serves as a guide for data users to both the file and the technical documentation.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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