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Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: Decennial Census Reports

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Experienced Persons in the Labor Force by Occupation & Industry: 1940
This release presents the detailed occupational and industrial distributions of the entire experienced labor force, by employment status and sex.

1940 Census of Housing: Volume 1. Data for Small Areas
Statistics showing number of dwelling units by occupancy, tenure, color of occupants, number of units having more than 1.50 persons per room, etc.

1940 Census of Housing: Volume 2. General Characteristics
Statistics cover occupancy and tenure status, value of home or monthly rent, size of household, race of head, type of structure, exterior material, etc.

1940 Census of Housing: Volume 3. Characteristics by Rent or Value
Statistics by type & age of structure, state of repair, number of rooms, size of household, race of head, persons per room, housing facilities & equipment, etc.

1940 Census of Housing: Volume 4. Mortgages on Owner-Occupied Homes
Statistics for first mortgages include amount outstanding, amount of payment, rate, value of property, estimated rental value, year built, & color of occupants.

1940 Census of Population and Housing: Families
Families classified by size, number of children 21 years old, number of persons in the labor force, etc. Heads of families shown by sex, marital status, etc.

1940 Census of Population: Characteristics of the Nonwhite Population
Negroes, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Hindus and others by sex, nativity, age, marital status, relationship, schooling, employment and occupation.

1940 Census of Population: Comparative Occupation Statistics 1870-1940
Occupational and industrial trends over the period when the U.S. changed from a predominantly agricultural nation to a highly industrialized urban nation.

1940 Census of Population: Differential Fertility, 1940 and 1910
Statistics on social, economic, and other characteristics of whites and Negroes for the U.S., including country of birth, by regions, urban and rural.

1940 Census of Population: Education
A series of reports presenting detailed sample statistics on education cross-classified with various other characteristics.

1940 Census of Population: Families
These reports cover types of families, size of family and age of head, employment status, and family wage or salary income in 1939.

1940 Census of Population: Nativity and Parentage of White Population
Three reports covering age, marital status, and education; country of origin by nativity, citizenship, etc.; and mother tongue, by nativity, parentage, etc.

1940 Census of Population: Persons Not in the Labor Force
Characteristics of persons who were not in the labor force at the time of the 1940 Census.

1940 Census of Population: Special Report on Institutional Population
Statistics on persons aged 14+ who were inmates of prisons or reformatories; local jails or workhouses; mental institutions; homes for the aged, etc.

1940 Census of Population: The Labor Force (Sample Statistics)
A series based on tabulations of samples of the 1940 census returns and covers general, occupational and industrial characteristics of the labor force.

1940 Census of Population: Unincorporated Communities, U.S. by States
This report presents unofficial population data for places which do not have legally defined limits, i.e., unincorporated communities.

1940 Census of Population: Volume 2. Characteristics of the Population
The second series of population bulletins for the states, with a United States summary, with a map of each metropolitan district included.

1940 Census of Population: Volume 3. The Labor Force
The third series of population bulletins with a U.S. summary, and, for each state, tables on age, color, sex, marital status, etc.

1940 Census of Population: Volume 4. Characteristics by Age
The fourth series of population bulletins. Subjects include relationship to head of household, school attendance, highest grade completed and employment status.

Population Special Reports
This Population Special Reports publication is from the Decennial Census.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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