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Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: Decennial Census Reports

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1920 Census Monograph 2. Mortgages on Homes
The second of 11 monographs, this report includes the number and value of mortgaged homes, the amount of mortgage debt, and the rate of interest.

1920 Census: Abstract of the Census of Manufactures, 1919
Condensed summary of stats on manufactures collected during the 1920 Census, including the separate industries, states and principal cities.

1920 Census: Abstract of the Fourteenth Census
The essential statistics collected at the census of 1920 for population, occupations, agriculture, irrigation, drainage, manufactures, and mines and quarries.

1920 Census: Center of Population and Median Lines, etc.
Maps showing centers of population; geographic centers, median lines and points; and centers of foreign-born, negro, and urban and rural populations.

1920 Census: U.S. Abridged Life Tables, 1919-1920
Tables are based on the 1920 enumerated population and on the births and deaths in 1919 and 1920 in 27 registration states, DC, and the Territory of Hawaii.

1920 Census: Vol 8. Manufactures, General Report & Analytical Tables
Summary of stats of manufacturers as a whole, for the separate industries, and for the states, counties, and principal cities.

1920 Census: Volume 10. Manufactures, Reports for Selected Industries
Special reports on the leading industries of the U.S. including food, textiles, iron and steel, lumber, leather, paper and printing, chemicals, stone, etc.

1920 Census: Volume 4. Population, Occupations
Stats showing number and proportion of persons engaged in gainful occupations and distribution by sex, color or race, nativity, age, marital condition, etc.

1920 Census: Volume 9. Manufactures, Reports for States
Separate reports on the manufacturers of each state and Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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