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For Immediate Release: Thursday, August 17, 2017

2017 International Data Base Update

Press Release Number: CB17-TPS.64

AUG. 17, 2017 — The U.S. Census Bureau’s International Data Base update provides revisions for 16 countries and areas. Revised estimates and projections are available for American Samoa, Angola, Botswana, Burma, Guam, Iran, Jordan, Liberia, Mali, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Rwanda, Tunisia, United States, U.S. Virgin Islands and Zimbabwe.

The International Data Base is a series of estimates and projections that provide a consistent set of demographic indicators, including population size and growth (by sex and single year of age up to 100 and over) and components of change (mortality, fertility and net migration) for more than 200 countries and areas.

Highlights from the International Data Base update include:

  • American Samoa has a positive natural increase growth rate, with three times as many births as deaths. However, net migration rates show about 26 per 1,000 people leaving in recent years, resulting in a population decline of more than 1 percent annually.
  • Puerto Rico has experienced both high levels of emigration and declining fertility in recent years. Deaths are estimated to have exceeded births for the first time in 2016. Puerto Rico’s population has declined from 3.7 million in 2010 to 3.4 million in 2017.
  • In the U.S. Virgin Islands, births have been nearly double the number of deaths annually but net outmigration is driving negative growth rates.
  • The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands has about three times as many births as deaths, but high levels of emigration lead to the population declining by about half a percent annually.
  • Burma conducted their first census in over 30 years in 2014. The total fertility rate has gradually declined to about 2.2, just above the replacement rate. Net outmigration brings the population growth rate in Burma to just under 1 percent.
  • Iran’s population reached an estimated 82.0 million in 2017. For the past 10 years, the fertility rate has remained below the replacement rate at about 1.9 total births per woman of reproductive age.

These and other demographics can be found at <www.census.gov/data-tools/demo/idb/informationGateway.php>.



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