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For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2018

One in Five Counties See Decrease in Uninsured Rate for the Population Under Age 65

Press Release Number: CB18-TPS.15

MARCH 28, 2018 Over one-third of U.S. counties had an uninsured rate of 10 percent or less in 2016, according to new statistics released today from the U.S. Census Bureau. For the population under age 65, the uninsured rate decreased in 20 percent of counties (629 counties) from 2015 to 2016.

These findings come from the Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) program, which is the only source for single-year estimates of the number of people with and without health insurance coverage for each of the nation’s 3,141 counties. The statistics are provided by age and sex groups and at income levels that reflect thresholds for state and federal assistance programs. State estimates include health insurance coverage data by race and Hispanic origin.

Today’s release includes the 2016 SAHIE report that describes demographic and economic differences in health insurance status across states and counties, as well as trends in health insurance coverage. For more information on demographic differences in health insurance coverage, view the blog In Over Half of U.S. Counties, More Working-Age Men Than Women Are Uninsured. An interactive data and mapping tool is also available. This tool allows users to create and download state and county custom tables, thematic maps and time-trend charts for all concepts available annually for 2006 through 2016.

No news release associated with this report. Tip Sheet only.



Jewel Jordan
Public Information Office

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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