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National Parents’ Day: July 23, 2023

Press Release Number: CB23-SFS.104

Parents' Day was established in 1994 when President Bill Clinton signed Congressional Resolution 36 U.S.C. § 135 – Parents’ Day into law.

“(a) DESIGNATION.—The fourth Sunday in July is Parents’ Day.

“(b) RECOGNITION.—All private citizens, organizations, and Federal, State, and local governmental and legislative entities are encouraged to recognize Parents’ Day through proclamations, activities, and educational efforts in furtherance of recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in bringing up their children.”

From the American Presidency Project, Proclamation 6811—Parents' Day, 1995.

“Parenthood is among the most difficult and most rewarding responsibilities in life. Balancing countless demands, parents must be firm yet loving, protective yet liberating. They are the nurturers of our dreams and the soothers of our fears. They instill in their children, by word and example, the importance of family and community involvement, the value of education and hard work.”

Key Stats

Source: Current Population Survey (CPS), 2022 Annual Social and Economic Supplement.

Note: The table image above is cropped at the top and bottom. Click on the image for the full table with source information.

Source: Decennial Census, 1960; and Current Population Survey (CPS) Annual Social and Economic Supplements, 1968 to 2022.

Note: The figure image above is cropped at the bottom. Click on the image for the full table with source information.

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Page Last Revised - June 30, 2023
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