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Blog Posts

Here you will find blogs related to Business & Economy. Visit the Newsroom for blog posts published by the Census Bureau.

Random Samplings Blog
Health Insurance Coverage Measurement in Two Major Surveys
This blog provides an overview of key similarities and differences between CPS ASEC and ACS health insurance coverage measures.

Global Reach Blog
A Guide to Report Exporting Gold
Data is essential in estimating the U.S. GDP, but what happens when it is corrupted or manipulated?

Random Samplings Blog
Integrating Our Business Statistics for an Ever-Changing U.S. Economy
Reimagining the flow of economic business data from data respondents to users.

Deputy Director's Blog
Reflecting on Years Past and Looking Forward to 2024
As we welcome 2024, I would like to take some time to reflect on the last year, on our staff and, of course, on our agency.

Random Samplings Blog
2022 Economic Census – End of Data Collection
Serving as the cornerstone of the nation’s economic statistics, the economic census is the most comprehensive measure of our nation’s economic activity.

Global Reach Blog
Global Reach Blog - Part II: Who Is the Ultimate Consignee?
Part II: This Global Reach Blog describing how to report the Ultimate Consignee on the Electronic Export Information (EEI) in the AES.

Random Samplings Blog
Difference Between the Supplemental and Official Poverty Measures
There has been continued debate about the best way to measure poverty in the U.S. since the first official U.S. poverty statistics were published.

Random Samplings Blog
Transforming the Census Bureau’s Annual Surveys of Businesses
As part of the Census Bureau’s ongoing commitment to innovation, we are working to reengineer our processes to increase efficiency and improve the data generate

Random Samplings Blog
Providing Users With Accessible Data
Many people associate the U.S. Census Bureau with the decennial census, the once a decade count of every person living in the United States.

Random Samplings Blog
2022 Economic Census in The Island Areas
The Economic Census is the official five-year measure of American businesses and the economy.

Random Samplings Blog
Censo Económico del 2022 en las Áreas Insulares
La Oficina del Censo recopila datos del censo económico en Áreas Insulares.

Director's Blog
2022 Economic Census is Underway – Have You Responded?
The March 15, 2023 deadline to respond to the 2022 Economic Census is fast approaching! Have you responded yet? Let me tell you why it’s important to do so.

Research Matters Blog
Census Bureau Economists to Present at AEA and ASSA Annual Meetings
U.S. Census Bureau economists are set to present research findings at the annual meeting of the AEA and ASSA January 6–8.

Random Samplings Blog
High Frequency Business Survey Highlights Trends in the U.S. Economy
In April 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau launched two new surveys to produce near real-time data on the challenges small businesses and households were facing due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Research Matters Blog
Census Bureau Economists to Present at the American Economic Association and Allied Social Science Association Annual Meetings
U.S. Census Bureau economists are set to present at the annual meeting of the AEA and ASSA scheduled to be held virtually Jan. 7–9.

Global Reach Blog
Data-Driven Business Decisions Begin Here
In addition to the decennial census, we conduct the Economic Census, Census of Governments, American Community Survey (ACS) and many other surveys.

Random Samplings Blog
Tracking Economic Changes Using Census Bureau Data
The Census Bureau’s economic programs serve a national need, providing data to all while utilizing scientifically valid and transparent methodology.

Research Matters Blog
Census Bureau Economists to Present at American Economic Association and Allied Social Science Association Annual Meetings
U.S. Census Bureau economists will present the results from their research at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association and the Allied Social Science Associations.

Global Reach Blog
Fancy Another Pint?
Beer is one of the most widely consumed drinks. Few would question its worldwide appeal but I want to show you what the numbers say.

Global Reach Blog
Exports Between the United States and Puerto Rico (Part 3)
Hello trade community! Welcome back for the third and last part of this three-part blog series about export shipments to Puerto Rico.

Random Samplings Blog
Data to Inform the Public and Decision-Makers During a Global Pandemic
While we have modified some of our work, we have still been able to maintain operations, release our data products, and continue to serve the data user community.

Research Matters Blog
The Impact of 2010 Census Hiring on the Unemployment Rate
The U.S. Census Bureau hires hundreds of thousands of temporary workers to conduct the decennial census.

Global Reach Blog
Schedule B: Unit of Measure Changes
The U.S. Census Bureau regularly updates the Schedule B export classification codes in January and July.

Random Samplings Blog
Envisioning 21st-Century Statistics on the Nation
Most of the news coming out of the U.S. Census Bureau lately has, understandably, focused on our preparations for the 2020 Census.

Research Matters Blog
Fresh Uses for the Management and Organizational Practices Survey Instrument
The U.S. Census Bureau develops instruments to collect information of use to many stakeholders, including businesses.

Director's Blog
Innovation in Economic Measurement and the Vital Role of Collaboration
Last week I was fortunate to attend the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s Economic Policy Symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, which brought together policy makers, economists, members of the media and other experts.

Director's Blog
2017 Economic Census Has Launched
On May 1, the 2017 Economic Census launched as the U.S. Census Bureau began notifying 3.7 million businesses nationwide by mail with instructions on how to complete the survey online.

Director's Blog
Director's Blog: Making our Statistics Accessible, Anywhere, Anytime
The U.S. Census Bureau is proud to announce a new collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Random Samplings Blog
Celebrating First Anniversary of the Advance Quarterly Services Report
February 2018 marks one year since the U.S. Census Bureau rolled out the Advance Quarterly Services Report, which provides estimates of revenue for selected aggregate service industries.

Research Matters Blog
Business Formation Statistics: A New Census Bureau Product that Takes the Pulse of Early-Stage U.S. Business Activity
Employer business startups (new firms with employees) play a key role in job creation and productivity growth in the U.S. economy.

Research Matters Blog
Census Bureau Economists to Present at 2018 Allied Social Science Association and American Economic Association Meeting in Philadelphia
U.S. Census Bureau economists will present results from their research at the annual meeting of the Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) and American Economic Association (AEA) in Philadelphia Jan. 5-7, 2018.

Random Samplings Blog
Measuring the Holiday Shopping Season
As the holiday shopping season nears, U.S. retailers are gearing up for the promotions to attract shoppers into their stores.

Random Samplings Blog
The Role of Firm Age in the Dynamics of Job Creation and Destruction
The 2015 BDS provide annual statistics on job creation and destruction, establishment births and deaths, and firm startups and shutdowns.

Random Samplings Blog
Recovering from Recession: Who Recovered and When?
Since June 2009, the U.S. economy has been experiencing what economists refer to as a “business cycle expansion.”

Random Samplings Blog
Responding to Our Customers — Census Business Builder v. 2.2
The U.S. Census Bureau’s Census Business Builder (CBB) is an online tool that provides customized data to help businesses and entrepreneurs meet their unique market goals.

Random Samplings Blog
Census Bureau Highlights Construction and Housing Statistics for American Housing Month
If you want to understand our nation’s construction and housing market, the U.S. Census Bureau is a great place to find key construction and housing data.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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