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How do I access data by race, Hispanic Origin, ancestry, or country of birth?

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How do I access data by race, Hispanic Origin, ancestry, or country of birth?

Use topic filters on data.census.gov to access data for population groups by race, Hispanic Origin, ancestry, or country of birth.

  • Select one of the three paths under the “Topics” heading to get started:
    • Race and Hispanic Origin – Topics: Race and Ethnicity
    • Ancestry – Topics: Populations and People → Ancestry
    • Country of Birth  Topics: Populations and People → Native and Foreign Born → Foreign Born 

Click on a checkbox to make a final selection, or click on phrases with chevrons to choose from more detailed options

How Do I Make Sense of All the Filter Options?

Some filters take you to standard tables while other filters take you to iterated tables.

  • Use filters for standard tables to get:
    • Population totals for most groups
    • Characteristics of high-level race/ethnic groups (Example: Income of the Asian alone population)
  • Use filters for iterated tables to get characteristics of detailed population groups (example: Income of the Japanese alone population)

If you are unsure which type of table you need, we recommend that you try filters that take you to the standard tables first. This is because they provide the most recent data and the most comprehensive geographic coverage.

How Do I Know Whether a Filter Is for a Standard or Iterated Table?

Pay attention to the corresponding URL details for the filter selection to determine whether the filter is compatible with standard or iterated tables.

  • Filters that add words to the URL are for standard tables
    Example – Topics: Race and Ethnicity → Asian → Asian
  • Filters that add codes to the URL are for iterated tables
    Example – Topics: Race and Ethnicity → Asian → Detailed Asian alone → East Asian alone → Japanese alone

Contact Us

Email us at census.data@census.gov for any questions or comments you may have.  For more guidance on data availability and using data.census.gov, the Census API, and Microdata Access, visit our Resources page.

Page Last Revised - January 22, 2025
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