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How do I save my results or search?

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How do I save my results or search?

To save your table, map, or profile:

Click the “Share” button at the top of your table, map, or profile. A pop-up window will provide options to share the result via email, social media, or by copying the link to your clipboard.

These options will save the specific table, map, or profile you have clicked into, as well as the other search results that match your criteria.

To save your search:

Copy and edit the URL from your address bar.

Some parts of the URL are related to your search and others are related to your view. To save a search without linking to a particular table or map, keep the parts related to your search and delete parts related to your view. See the two tables below for details describing each potential part of a data.census.gov URL and whether it is related to your search or your view.

Example: Editing the URL to save a search for “Poverty”:

URL Pathway (parts of URL separated by slashes)

URL Parameters (parts of URL separated by question marks and ampersand symbols)

Custom Filters:

Some tables from our economic surveys and programs allow you to filter the information in your table based on a particular data value. When you apply a custom filter to these data tables, the customization will be shown on the table display. If the variable you are filtering is considered a non-key dimension, the customization will also be reflected in the URL in your address bar using the format &nkd=[insert variable name]~[insert variable value].


For example, when &nkd=LFO~001 appears in the URL, it means the table is filtered to only show the data rows in your table where the legal form of organization code equals all establishments



These customizations are also automatically reflected in the URL as you select non-key dimensions in the drop-down menus at the top of your map. For example, when &nkd=LFO~001 appears in the URL for a map, it means the drop down menu is set so that your map will only show data where legal form of organization code equals all establishments: 


For more technical details on data.census.gov URLs, please see the deep link guide. You can also see some examples of saving searches and results in this short video: Save Time by Saving Your Data Search and Results on data.census.gov.

Contact Us

Email us at census.data@census.gov for any questions or comments you may have.  For more guidance on data availability and using data.census.gov, the Census API, and Microdata Access, visit our Resources page.

Page Last Revised - January 22, 2025
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