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Workers Who Drove Alone to Work: 2007 and 2008 American Community Surveys

Report Number: ACSBR/08-5


This report is one of a series produced to highlight results from the 2008 American Community Survey (ACS), focusing on changes between the 2007 ACS and the 2008 ACS. The report series is designed to cover a variety of economic topics, such as poverty, occupation, home values, and labor force participation. This series provides information about the changing economic characteristics of the nation and states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The ACS also provides detailed estimates of demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics for congressional districts, counties, places, and other localities every year. A description of the ACS is provided in the text box “What Is the American Community Survey?”

This report presents data on the percentage of workers who drove alone at the national and state levels based on the 2007 ACS and 2008 ACS. Workers are civilians and members of the Armed Forces, 16 years and older, who were at work the previous week and self-report that they drove alone to work. People on vacation or not at work the prior week are not included. Respondents were to report their usual transportation method for the previous week, whether or not the information was consistent with their commuting activities for the majority of the year. Data are restricted to the residence-based population as opposed to the workplace-based population.

The data contained in this report are based on ACS samples that were selected for interview in 2007 and 2008 and are estimates of the actual figures that could have been obtained by interviewing the entire population using the same methodology. All comparisons presented in this report have taken sampling error into account and are significant at the 90 percent confidence level unless noted otherwise. Due to rounding, some details may not sum to totals. For information on sampling and estimation methods, confidentiality protection, and sampling and nonsampling errors, please see the “2008 ACS Accuracy of the Data” document located at <www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/tech_docs/accuracy/accuracy2008.pdf>.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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