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Comparison of ACS Detailed Tables with Tables in Census 2000 Summary File 3

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As we define and describe the final set of data products and tables released in 2010 as ACS 5- year estimates it is important to understand the coverage of ACS estimates relative to Census 2000. With this in mind, this documentation provides summaries that can assist users who wish to understand the scope of this ACS release relative to Census 2000 by comparing the tables included in the 2005-2009 ACS 5-year estimates with those based on Census 2000 sample data. The following three research questions are answered in this report: 1. How do the detailed tables that were released as part of Summary File 3 (SF3) from Census 2000 compare with the detailed tables proposed for the ACS 5-year estimates? 2. Which ACS detailed tables that are scheduled for release as 5-year estimates were not included in the Census 2000 SF3? 3. Why were decisions made to drop certain SF3 tables or add new ACS tables? This analysis focuses on the detailed tables included in the 2005-2009 ACS 5-year estimates compared with the Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF3) detailed tables. Two matches were conducted. An attempt was made to identify the detailed table from the SF3 most similar (defined later in this document) to each ACS detailed table. The same examination was conducted in reverse, holding the Census 2000 SF3 detailed table fixed and searching for the most similar ACS detailed table. A by-product of this work is a list of those topics that were in SF3 but not continued in ACS as well as topics that are new in the ACS. The approach taken to meet this objective was one requiring a great deal of collaboration with the subject matter analysts and their managers, the actual authors of the current ACS tables. For each major subject area (or group of subject areas) a report was drafted on the degree to which ACS and SF3 tables are comparable, and that report was reviewed by the analysts.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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