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2019-2023 American Community Survey 5-year estimates are now available, including the Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) and Variance Replicate Estimate (VRE) Tables.

graphical representation of the diversity of the population

We ask a question about a person's race to create statistics about race and to present other estimates by race groups.

Local, state, tribal, and federal programs use these data, and they are critical factors in the basic research behind numerous policies, particularly for civil rights. Race data are used in planning and funding government programs that provide funds or services for specific groups.

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Question as it appears on the form

We ask one question about a person's race to better understand demographic characteristics.

Results from this question

We compile the results from this question to provide communities with important statistics about race and to present other estimates by race group. You can see some of these published statistics here for the nation, states, and your community.

United States

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Race data help communities:

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