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2019-2023 American Community Survey 5-year estimates are now available.


United States

Response Rates and Reasons for Noninterviews (in percent) — Housing Units

Response Rates and Reasons for Noninterviews (in percent) — Group Quarters

Note: The effects of the pandemic on ACS activities in 2020 resulted in lower response rates than a typical year. For more information, see the Analytic Report. Additionally for 2020, a small number of vacant housing unit addresses that had been originally coded as non-interviews were converted to vacant units through a modeling process in order to improve ACS estimates. These were counted as non-interviews when calculating the response rates. For more information, see the user note.

Note: As a result of the 2018-2019 government shutdown, the ACS did not conduct the person followup operation for the November 2018 housing unit panel, which was scheduled to occur in January 2019. This caused a drop in the 2019 housing unit response rate at the national level of about 4 percentage points.

Note: Hurricanes caused a disruption of data collection activities from September through December of 2017 in Puerto Rico. Similar disruptions, but for shorter periods of time, caused smaller impacts in Florida and Texas. These disruptions resulted in lower response and higher non-response rates in these areas for 2017. For more information, see https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/technical-documentation/user-notes/2018-02.html .

Note: As a result of the 2013 government shutdown, the ACS did not have a second mailing, a telephone followup, or a person followup operation for the October 2013 housing unit panel. Only respondents from the first mailing (Internet in the United States, paper questionnaire in Puerto Rico) contribute to the overall response for this panel. This caused a drop in the annual housing unit response rate of about 7 percentage points. If we exclude the October panel from the calculation, the annual housing unit response rate rises to 97.1%. Similarly, due to a reduction in funding in 2004, the telephone and personal visit followup operations for the January 2004 panel were dropped, which resulted in a comparable effect on the overall 2004 response rate.

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