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MARCH 15, 2020 - The Census Bureau is closely monitoring COVID-19 and the health, safety, and well-being of our staff and public is our top priority. 


Press Release
Census Bureau Announces Transition to New Longitudinal Design for Household Pulse Survey
The U.S. Census Bureau today announced Phase 4.2 will be the final phase of the Household Pulse Survey (HPS) using current methodology.

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.2 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from Phase 4.2 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.1 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from Phase 4.1 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.2 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today announced the beginning of data collection for phase 4.2 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.1 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 4.0 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.1 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 4.0 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.1 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 4.0 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Business Operations
The Census Bureau released additional data from the 2022 Annual Capital Expenditures Survey (ACES) about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on U.S. businesses.

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.0 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 4.0 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.0 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 4.0 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.0 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 4.0 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
New Brief About Travel to Work Since Pandemic’s Onset
A brief highlighting the latest available statistics on commuting behavior in the United States and Puerto Rico from the 2022 ACS.

Press Release
2020 Island Areas Censuses Detailed Cross-Tabulation Data for Guam
The U.S. Census Bureau today released 2020 Island Areas Censuses Detailed Cross Tabulations for Guam.

Press Release
2020 Island Areas Censuses Detailed Cross-Tabulation Data for the USVI
The U.S. Census Bureau today released 2020 Island Areas Censuses Detailed Cross Tabulations for the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI).

Press Release
Census Bureau Releases 2020 Island Areas Censuses Detailed Cross-Tabulations Data for American Samoa
The U.S. Census Bureau today released 2020 Island Areas Censuses Detailed Cross Tabulations for American Samoa.

Press Release
Tabulaciones cruzadas de los Censos del 2020, Guam
Las tabulaciones cruzadas detalladas de los Censos del 2020 para Guam incluyen características demográficas, sociales, económicas y de vivienda.

Press Release
Tabulaciones cruzadas de los Censos del 2020, Islas Vírgenes
Las tabulaciones cruzadas detalladas de los Censos del 2020 de las Áreas Insulares incluyen características demográficas, sociales, económicas y de vivienda.

Press Release
Tabulaciones cruzadas de los censos del 2020, Samoa Americana
Las tabulaciones cruzadas detalladas de los Censos del 2020 para Samoa Americana incluyen características demográficas, sociales, económicas y de vivienda.

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 4.0
The U.S. Census Bureau today announced the beginning of data collection for phase 4.0 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Tendencias poblacionales de EE. UU. como antes de la pandemia
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. publica las nuevas estimaciones de población de la edición del 2023.

Press Release
U.S. Population Trends Return to Pre-Pandemic Norms
Population trends are returning to pre-pandemic norms as the number of deaths decreased last year and migration reverted to patterns not seen since before 2020.

Press Release
Webinar: Methodology Updates for the Vintage 2023 Population Estimates
This webinar will provide updates on the methodology used in the forthcoming Vintage 2023 population estimates series.

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 3.10 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 3.10 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 3.10 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 3.10 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 3.10 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 3.10 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.: 2022
The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that real median household income in 2022 fell in comparison to 2021.

Press Release
Ingresos, pobreza y cobertura de seguro de salud en los Estados Unidos
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. publica las estadísticas del 2022 sobre ingresos, pobreza y seguro médico.

Press Release
Business Trends and Outlook Survey Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released data from the Business Trends and Outlook Survey (BTOS), a survey that measures business conditions on an ongoing basis.

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 3.10
The U.S. Census Bureau today announced the beginning of data collection for phase 3.10 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Business Trends and Outlook Survey Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released data from the Business Trends and Outlook Survey (BTOS), a survey that measures business conditions on an ongoing basis.

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 3.9 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 3.9 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
2022 Geographic Mobility Tables Available from the Current Population Survey
New geographic mobility and migration estimates for the nation and regions in 2022. These new statistics come from the 2022 CPS ASEC.

Press Release
Business Trends and Outlook Survey Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released data from the Business Trends and Outlook Survey (BTOS), a survey that measures business conditions on an ongoing basis.

Press Release
Business Trends and Outlook Survey Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released data from the Business Trends and Outlook Survey (BTOS), a survey that measures business conditions on an ongoing basis.

Press Release
Household Pulse Survey Phase 3.9 Monthly Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 3.9 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey (HPS).

Press Release
Business Trends and Outlook Survey Data Release
The U.S. Census Bureau today released data from the Business Trends and Outlook Survey (BTOS), a survey that measures business conditions on an ongoing basis.

Fact Sheets

Differences Among Demographic Data Releases

The following data products come from the 2020 Census, the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates and the Population Estimates Program.

The Currency of Our Data: A Critical Input Into Federal Funding

353 federal assistance programs relied on Decennial Census Programs data to distribute $2.8 trillion to communities across the country in fiscal year 2021.

How Resilient are Communities to Disasters?

The U.S. Census Bureau’s CRE provide an easily understood metric for how at-risk every neighborhood in the United States is to the impacts of COVID-19.

2020 Census: Where To Count Yourself If You Haven’t Responded Yet

If you haven’t responded yet, respond now online at 2020census.gov, by phone, or by mail.

2020 Census Operational Adjustments Due to COVID-19

Timeline of 2020 Census activities and operations adjusted due to COV-19.

Encouraging Response to the 2020 Census During COVID-19

Ideas to encourage response amid social distancing.

Respond When You Receive Your 2020 Census Invitation (AIAN)

This fact sheet encourages households in Update Leave areas to respond when they receive their census materials to ensure the best count of their community.

Update Leave — Respond When You Receive Your 2020 Census Invitation

This fact sheet encourages households in Update Leave areas to respond when they receive their census materials to ensure the best count of their community.

2020 Census: Counting College Students

Whether you live on or off campus or at home with family, you need to be counted in the 2020 Census.

2020 Census Operational Timeline

Timeline for 2020 Census milestones or operations.

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Page Last Revised - March 11, 2023
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