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Live and recorded classes led by Census Bureau instructors on a variety of topics.

Population & Housing Characteristics Resources

View Census Academy resources about the topic of Population & Housing Characteristics including Data Gems, courses, and webinars.

Population & Housing Characteristics Data Gems

Access Demographic and Earnings Data with Ease for Your EEO Workforce Analysis
Learn how to use the EEO table tool to analyze hiring and pay equity for protected class populations for over 200 specific occupation categories.
How to Build Customized Industry Groups and Geographic Areas
Dive deeper into how to use Census Business Builder to for your specific business analysis needs and how to generate a tailored business report.
Discover the U.S. Foreign-Born Population by Place of Birth
In this Data Gem, you will learn how to use an interactive data visualization to see where the foreign-born population lives, and has changed over the decades.
What Is the Margin of Error?
In this Data Gem, you will understand why we offer MOEs and how an estimate, paired with its MOE, describes a population.
How to Access Population Data with the International Database
In this Data Gem, we show you how to use the International Database (IDB) to access population data around the world.
International Demographic Trends using the International Database
In this Data Gem, we show you how to use the International Database (IDB) to compare demographic data.
How to Get a Statistical Snapshot of Your Community with a Narrative Profile
In this Data Gem, we will show you how to create a narrative profile using American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates.
Inside Your State Legislature
In this Data Gem, we show you how to locate data for both the Upper and Lower Chambers of your State Legislative District.
When to Use QuickFacts, a Tool That Gets You Data Fast!
If you are looking for popular current statistics, QuickFacts is a good place to start.
What Detailed Data Are Available for the Hispanic Community?
In this Data Gem, learn how to access disaggregated data for specific Hispanic groups using data.census.gov.
Cómo puede obtener los datos de su vecindario con solo unos clics?
Usando sectores censales puede seleccionar los límites de su área y acceder estadísticas demográficas, socioeconómicas y de vivienda sobre su comunidad.
How to Find Population Counts for Detailed Race and Hispanic Origin Groups
In this Data Gem, you will learn how to easily map the most prevalent detailed race and ethnicity groups and American Indian and Alaska Native tribes.
Discover My Tribal Area, a Tool to Quickly Find Data
In this Data Gem, we will show you how easy it is to access data about people, jobs, housing, economy, and education for a tribal nation reservation.
Find Changes and Trends with 2020 Census Data Visualizations
In this Data Gem, explore features of two interactive data visualizations, How Has Our Nation’s Population Changed and Exploring Age Groups in the 2020 Census.
Locate and Analyze your Customers and Market with CBB
Learn to select and visualize variables for your industry which enable you to evaluate ideal locations, learn about your customer base, and more.
How to Access, Map, and Compare Detailed Veteran Data
Learn how to access our tables that contain veteran data, including the Veteran Profile from the ACS and the veteran business ownership data from the ABS.
How to Access Population Estimates for Cities and Towns
This Data Gem shows you how to find data from the Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program for cities and towns.
Find What Survey Has the Data You Need with Census Survey Explorer
This Data Gem will use practical real-life examples to teach you how search our surveys with the Census Survey Explorer.
How to Access Income Data Tables and Reports from the CPS ASEC
This Data Gem covers some basic information about how different types of income (personal, household, and family) are measured.
How to Access Poverty Data Tables and Reports from the CPS ASEC
This Data Gem also helps you understand what data are found in the Official Poverty Measure versus the Supplemental Poverty Measure.
How Do I Access Data for My Neighborhood from the Redistricting Files?
In this Data Gem, you will learn how to access data about your neighborhood from the 2020 Census redistricting files for tracts and blocks.
Can I Compare 2020 Census and 2010 Census Redistricting Data?
In this Data Gem, you will learn a few tips about comparing 2020 Census and 2010 Census Redistricting data.
How Can I Access 2020 Census Redistricting Data?
In this Data Gem, you will discover three valuable resources to access these data. You will also learn about when to use one tool versus the others.
How Do I Access GQ Data from the 2020 Census Redistricting Data?
In this Data Gem, you will learn how to access Group Quarters population data from the 2020 Census Redistricting Data Files.
How Can I Access Data about Race and Ethnic Diversity?
In this Data Gem, you will learn how to access race and ethnic diversity data in 2010 and 2020 using an interactive data visualization.
How Can I Visualize Data for the Adult and Children Population?
In this Data Gem, you will learn how to identify trends for states and counties for the adult and under-age 18 population.
How Can I Visualize Race and Hispanic Origin Data?
This Data Gem will teach you how to use an interactive data visualization to identify trends for the nation, state, and county.
How to Visualize Population and Housing Trends Between 2020 and 2010
This Data Gem will introduce how to access population and housing data for your state, county, and metro area from the 2020 Census.
How to Visualize 2020 Census Redistricting Data for Your Area
In this Data Gem, you will learn how to use the 2020 Census Demographic Data Map Viewer to easily visualize 2020 Redistricting Data for your area.
What Data Can You Access from P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data Files?
In this Data Gem, you will learn what redistricting is, what P.L. 94-171 is, what data are available in redistricting data files, and more.
How to Download the Complete Set of 2020 Census Redistricting Files
In this Data Gem you will learn where to locate and download the full 2020 Census Redistricting P.L.94-171 data files for you state.
What Are Census Blocks?
In this Data Gem, we will take you on a field trip around a Census Block, discuss its features, and show you how to select blocks when accessing data.
How to Use the COVID-19 Data Hub
This Data Gem will explore the new COVID-19 Hub and the resource page developed by the Census Bureau.
How to Access Data for Your Neighborhood in Just a Few Clicks
Using census tracts, you can select the boundaries of your area and access demographic, socioeconomic, and housing statistics about your community.
Births, Deaths, Migration: How We Estimate the Population in the U.S.
Have you wonder how the Census Bureau estimates how many people are living in the United States? In this Data Gem we will break it down for you.
How to Access Data About the Hispanic Population on data.census.gov
Learn tricks to easily access data on the Hispanic population using data.census.gov.

Population & Housing Characteristics Courses

Population & Housing Characteristics Webinars

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  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018

Navigating data.census.gov for 2020 S-DHC Data

This webinar will focus on the platform data.census.gov and finding available 2020 Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File data.

Economic Census – A Look into Comprehensive Business Statistics

Discover the wealth of information available by industry and geography that can empower your business decisions.

Navigating My Community Explorer

In this webinar, we will review the maps, interactive dashboards, and tables to evaluate areas who have experienced natural disasters and the impacts.

Introduction to the American Community Survey

You will learn about basics of the yearly estimates and datasets produced from the ACS, resources available on our website, and how to access ACS data products.

Understanding the Differences in Population Estimates and Projections

Join us for this webinar to learn how to access these data, and the difference between the estimates and projections.

Gems of Census Data - Highlights of Key Programs & Data

You will learn about the different business and demographic data available from the Business Dynamics Statistics and the American Community Survey.

Measuring Housing Affordability: Housing Cost Ratios and Burden

This presentation will use the latest American Community Survey (ACS) estimates to show housing cost ratios and the level of housing cost burden.

Accessing 2020 Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics

This webinar focuses on the platform data.census.gov and finding available 2020 Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File B data.

Understanding the Differences Between Statistics

In this presentation, we explore the differences between statistics provided by the Population Estimates Program (PEP) and the ACS.

Win Grants with LODES Data

The presentation utilizes the Census workforce data to support a variety of economic development activities, like grant writing from design to implementation.

What Are Economic Indicators & Their Role in Housing and Construction

In this webinar, we'll unpack the Census Bureau Economic Indicators, all the areas of the economy they cover, and why they are so important.

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Prompted More People to Change Jobs

The Labor Market Information (LMI) Institute welcomes Hubert Janicki, as he presents, “How the COVID-19 Pandemic Prompted More People to Change Jobs.

Leveraging Hispanic Heritage for Global Sales Success

Join SBA’s Office of International Trade and the Administration’s Global Diversity Export Initiative.

Has the Gender Gap Improved Since Covid-19?

This webinar examines women’s progress in the labor market utilizing the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Quarterly Workforce Indicators data set.

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Data and the ACS

Learn more about the American Community Survey (ACS) and data available for Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders (NHPI).

Comparing Race and Ethnicity Data from the ACS and the 2020 Census

Dive into detailed race and ethnicity data from the American Community Survey (ACS) and the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC).

Estimados y Proyecciones de la Población de Puerto Rico

En este seminario se presentará la metodología utilizada para crear los estimados de población para Puerto Rico y los ajustes metodológicos utilizados.

Race & Ethnicity Data on data.census.gov

Join this webinar where we will define the concepts of race and ethnicity in accordance to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Standards.

Interpreting Cohort Profiles of Lifecycle Earnings Volatility

The FSRDC Presentation Series is platform for researchers to virtually present their approved RDC research.

Comparing the American Community Survey to the Household Pulse Survey

Learn about two important Census Bureau surveys collecting social and economic data on households, the American Community Survey and the Household Pulse Survey.

Diving into Island Areas Cross Tabulations on data.census.gov

Watch this webinar to learn more about what Island Areas Cross Tabulated data are available and how to access them through the Census Bureau's data platform.

Exploring the Diversity and Growth of the Asian American Population

Build your knowledge to paint a local portrait of Asian Americans using Census Bureau data.

An Overview of Hispanics in America

This webinar provides an overview of the Hispanic population in the U.S.

A Thematic Session on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This session will feature 3 projects that use the restricted microdata to address topics related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Population Estimates and Projections for Puerto Rico

The U.S. Census Bureau produces annual estimates of the resident population for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its municipios.

2020 Census Race & Ethnicity Data: The Detailed DHC-B Proof of Concept

Learn more about the release of the Proof of Concept for the 2020 Census Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File B (Detailed DHC-B).

The Exploration of Income, Poverty and Educational Census Data

In this webinar we will explore data to find select income, poverty, education statistics & tables organized by race (black and white), age, and sex.

Veterans: Who are They, Where are They & What are Their Needs

Learn how to use data.census.gov, to find where our veterans are living, how many are living in poverty, and their health insurance needs.

Population & Housing Characteristics Videos

2020 Census Detailed DHC-A: Using the Census Data API to Get Individual Data Points
Learn how to access data from the Application Programming Interface (API) to find individual data points from the 2020 Census Detailed DHC-A.
2020 Census Detailed DHC-A: Using the Census Data API to Get a Table
Learn how to access data from the Application Programming Interface (API) to get a table from the 2020 Census Detailed DHC-A.
Accessing 2020 Census Detailed DHC-A Data on data.census.gov
Learn how to access data on detailed racial and ethnic groups and American Indian and Alaska Native tribes and villages from the 2020 Census Detailed DHC-A.
Accessing 2020 Census Detailed DHC-A Data: Census Tracts
Learn how to find 2020 Census Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File A data at the Census Tract level on data.census.gov.
Comparing 2020 Census Detailed DHC-A Data to 2010 Census Data
Learn how to access data from the 2020 Census Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File A and compare it with data from the 2010 Census.
Downloading, Exporting, and Sharing 2020 Census Detailed DHC-A Data
In this video tutorial, we show you how to download, export, and share 2020 Census Detailed DHC-A tables you find in data.census.gov.
How the Detailed DHC-A Adaptive Design Determines Data Availability
In this video tutorial, we show you what to expect in data.census.gov when accessing data from the 2020 Census Detailed DHC-A.
Accessing 2020 Island Areas Censuses Data: Download, Export, and FTP
Learn how to export and download data from the 2020 Island Areas Censuses on data.census.gov.
Accessing 2020 Island Areas Censuses Data: General Access
In this video tutorial we show you how to access data from the 2020 Island Areas Censuses on data.census.gov.
2020 Demographic and Housing Characteristics File: Using the Census Data API to Get Individual Data Points
Learn how to access data from the API to find individual data points from the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics File.
2020 Demographic and Housing Characteristics File: Using the Census Data API to Get a Table
Learn how to access data from the API to get a table from the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics File.
Accessing 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics Data on data.census.gov
In this video tutorial, we show you how to access 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics housing data in data.census.gov.
Accessing 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics Data: Census Tracts
Learn how to find 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics data at the Census Tract level on data.census.gov.
Comparing 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics Data to 2010 Census Data
Learn how to access data from the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics File and compare it with data from the 2010 Census.
Downloading, Exporting, and Sharing 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics Data
Learn how to download, export, and share 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics tables you find in data.census.gov.
Finding 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics Data for Urban and Rural Geographic Components
In this video tutorial, we show you how to access data from the 2020 Census DHC for the urban and rural portions of a geography.

Related Information Around the Bureau

Page Last Revised - September 20, 2023
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