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America Counts: Stories About Population

America Counts Story
Majority of Household Population Lived in Coupled Households in 2020
About 8% of the household population (26 million people) lived in cohabiting couple households in 2020.
America Counts Story
Health Coverage for Working-Age Adults Rose in Every State Since 2013
A brief, infographic and working paper from the American Community Survey estimates out today show changes in health coverage rates by age and state 2013-2023.
America Counts Story
Largest Annual Real Increase in Gross Rental Costs Since 2011
Despite an increase in the cost of rent and utilities, most states saw no significant change in the share of renters’ income spent on rent.
America Counts Story
Older Adults and Child Poverty Rates Changed in Many States in 2023
American Community Survey data released today show that despite a decline in child poverty rates in 2023, they remain higher than other age groups.
America Counts Story
How Age and Poverty Level Impact Health Insurance Coverage
The percentage of people without health insurance remained around 8% in 2023 but rates varied by age and poverty level, according to data released today.
America Counts Story
La mediana de ingresos subió en el 2023, por primera vez desde el 2019
Los hogares de personas de raza blanca no hispanas fueron el único grupo con la mediana de ingresos más alta en el 2023.
America Counts Story
Median Household Income Increased in 2023 for First Time Since 2019
Non-Hispanic White households were the only group with higher incomes in 2023. Asian household median income remained the highest among all groups.
America Counts Story
How COVID-19 Changed Older Adults’ Work and Lifestyle
New data visualization shows differences in older adults’ work and lifestyle patterns from 2019 to 2022.
America Counts Story
Mental Health Struggles Among Older Adults During the Pandemic
The Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey shows older adults’ mental health and well-being varied by socioeconomic characteristics.
America Counts Story
Rethinking Urban and Rural Distinctions
More people are moving away from city centers to the outer edges of metro areas but still work in urban centers, blurring the lines between rural and urban.
America Counts Story
Where Do Male and Female Same-Sex Couples Live?
East Coast, West Coast or somewhere in between: Where do same-sex couples live? Explore the top 10 counties for female and male same-sex couples.
America Counts Story
Who Lives in Homes They Own?
Detailed demographic and housing characteristics data from the 2020 Census released today include household statistics on nearly 1,500 race and ethnic groups.
America Counts Story
2024 Paris Olympics: U.S. Population’s French Connection
More than 6 million people living in the United States reported French ancestry and 180,000 were foreign-born from France.
America Counts Story
Not All Racial and Ethnic Groups Are Aging At National Pace
Population projections show racial and ethnic groups aging at different rates which will alter the makeup of the working-age population in coming decades.
America Counts Story
Hometown Heroes: Who Is Representing Team USA at the Summer Games in Paris?
There are 315 women and 279 men on Team USA, making this the fourth consecutive Olympic Games with more women than men on the team.
America Counts Story
Shifts in Childhood Environment Shrink “Race Gaps,” Widen “Class Gaps”
New research shows the earnings gap between 27-year-old White adults born to low- and high-income parents widened while the low-income Black-White gap narrowed.
America Counts Story
Ayudando a El Salvador a realizar su primer censo en 17 años
El Centro de Programas Internacionales de la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. ha prestado asistencia técnica en conteos censales de más de 100 países.
America Counts Story
Helping El Salvador Conduct Its First Census in 17 Years
The U.S. Census Bureau’s International Programs Center has provided technical assistance for census counts in more than 100 countries.
America Counts Story
Older Population Grew in Nearly All U.S. Metro Areas
New 2023 metro area population estimates by age show increases in older adults in almost all metro areas, with decreases in young people in many metro areas.
America Counts Story
Majority of Older Adults in Poverty in 2021 Lived Alone
New Census Bureau report explores demographic characteristics, living arrangements and income sources of older adults living in poverty.
America Counts Story
Broadband Access in Tribal Areas Lags Rest of the Nation
Residents in tribal areas had a 6-point gap in broadband access compared to non-tribal residents in 2021, but the digital divide is narrowing.
America Counts Story
Bracing for an Active 2024 Hurricane Season
A look at Census Bureau data, maps and tools that can support emergency managers in disaster preparation and response.
America Counts Story
Over Half of Spouses in Same-Sex Marriages Tied the Knot After 2014
A new report provides characteristics and living arrangements of spouses in same-sex and opposite-sex couples.
America Counts Story
Exploring Two “First Look” Economic Datasets
Early data from the 2022 Economic Census and 2023 Annual Business Survey offer a glimpse of the number of employer businesses in the United States.
America Counts Story
How Many Young and Older Adults Lived Alone?
A new report shows how the living arrangements of adults varied by sex and across age groups.
America Counts Story
Internet-Based Services Drove Information Sector Growth
Unlike select industries supporting traditional media, industries mainly providing internet-based services showed significant gains from 2015 to 2022.
America Counts Story
Disminuyó la población de Puerto Rico nacida en el extranjero
La población de la Isla nacida en el extranjero bajó de los 100,000 habitantes del 2018 al 2022, un descenso de casi 15,000 comparado con la década anterior.
America Counts Story
Puerto Rico’s Foreign-Born Population Has Declined
The island’s foreign-born population dropped below 100,000 in 2018-2022, a decline of roughly 15,000 from a decade earlier.
America Counts Story
More People Moved Farther Away From City Centers Since COVID-19
New July 1,2023 population estimates show that more of the nation’s fastest-growing places were exurban communities.
America Counts Story
Sun Belt Cities and Towns Led Nation in Population Growth
Population estimates for July 1, 2023, show rebounds in many large cities in the Northeast and Midwest and growth in remote small towns.
America Counts Story
Who Commuted on Baltimore’s Key Bridge?
Francis Scott Key Bridge commuters had long, early commutes and were concentrated in specific earnings and occupational categories.
America Counts Story
Fresh Insights on Income Mobility From 2005 to 2019
Mobility, Opportunity, and Volatility Statistics (MOVS) project shows income dynamics of working-age adults across socio-economic and geographic groups.
America Counts Story
Wealth by Race of Householder
Households with a Black householder were less likely than those with a White householder to have home equity, retirement accounts, stocks and mutual funds.
America Counts Story
Dual Health Insurance Coverage Declining For Adults Age 65 and Over
Rates of dual health coverage — private health insurance and Medicare — decreased from 2017 to 2022 for adults age 65 and older regardless of employment status.
America Counts Story
Exploring Undercount of Young Children in 2020 Census by County
New experimental analysis and visualization shows a relationship between poverty and the undercount of young children.
America Counts Story
Bridge Collapse Could Affect Over a Million People in Baltimore Area
The Community Resilience Estimates show that 21.7% of residents in the combined areas of Baltimore city and County are considered socially vulnerable.
Page Last Revised - December 5, 2022
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