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Older Population and Aging Working Papers

U.S. Census Bureau "Working Papers" have not undergone the review and editorial process generally accorded official Census Bureau publications. These working papers are intended to make results of Census Bureau research available to others and to encourage discussion on a variety of topics.

Sorted by date of release (newest from top/left).

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Working Paper
Do Older Americans Have More Income Than We Think?
This paper reassesses income and poverty statistics for the population aged 65 and over using the CPS ASEC linked to IRS and SSA administrative records.

Working Paper
Historical Living Arrangements of Older Adults: 1967–2016
This study looks at changes in the living arrangements of adults 50 years or older since the 1960s.

Working Paper
Retirement Income of Women Working Longer
Despite women’s increased labor force attachment over the lifecycle, household surveys do not show increases in retirement income for women at older ages.

Working Paper
A Portrait of Older Persons Working with a Disability
A substantial minority of older people with a disability continues to work past 62, yet there is little research on the occupations they work in.

Working Paper
Commuting Patterns of Older Workers in the United States, 2008-2012
This paper describes commuting patterns of older workers in the United States, based on data from the 5-year 2008-2012 American Community Survey (ACS).

Working Paper
The Disability of Veterans
This analysis evaluates how the ACS question on VA service-connected disability status relates to the series of questions about functional disability status.

Working Paper
What are the Ages of the Oldest and Youngest Employees?
This research will look at the age distribution of the occupations of employed United States residents aged 16 and over by age group.

Working Paper
An Examination of Retirement Income for the 65+ Population
Every several years the SIPP is supplemented by a topical module which measures the retirement income and retirement plan coverage of the population.

Working Paper
Use of Medicare Enrollment Data in the Demographic Analysis Estimates
Focus on Medicare enrollment as a source for estimating the population aged 65 and older on April 1, 2010.

Working Paper
Can Americans Afford to Retire?
As members of the baby-boomer generation approach retirement age, much attention has been focused on whether these individuals are prepared for retirement.

Working Paper
Selected Characteristics of Baby Boomers 42 to 60 Years Old in 2006
This age and sex report contains information about baby boomers.

Working Paper
United States Population Projections: 2000 to 2050
Over the next four decades, the U.S. is expected to experience rapid growth in its older population and a large increase in racial and ethnic diversity.

Working Paper
Disability Status and the Characteristics of People in Group Quarters
The Census Bureau, using data from the ACS, currently publishes approximately eighty tables on AFF that describe both the prevalence of disability.

Working Paper
Working Beyond Retirement-Age
This presentation focuses on why people might be working beyond retirement-age.

Working Paper
Co-Resident Grandparents and Grandchildren With No Parent
In 2004, there were 5.7 million grandparents living with grandchildren under age 18 in the United States.

Working Paper
Estimates About Fertility and Grandparents
This report first compares estimates of the number of women who gave birth in the 12 months preceding the survey date.

Working Paper
Variations in State Mortality From 1960 to 1990
This paper assesses trends in mortality levels as indicated by changes in state life expectancy at birth and at age 65 from 1960 to 1990.

Working Paper
Age and Material Well-Being in the SIPP
Increasing interest has focused on new ways to measure material well-being.

Working Paper
Grandparents Living with Grandchildren in the United States
New data from the Census 2000 Supplementary Survey shows that 5.6 million grandparents were living in a household with one or more of their grandchildren.

Working Paper
Grandparents in the United States, 2001
This paper discusses characteristics of grandparents, both those living with grandchildren, and those living apart from grandchildren.

Working Paper
Analysis of State and County Population Changes: 1990-1999
Informs data users about evolving population trends affecting the demographic landscape of the United States.

Working Paper
Who are the Poor Elderly? Report Using Alternative Poverty Measures
This paper reviews the recent literature on poverty measurement among the elderly by bringing together issues that bear upon measures of resources and needs.

Working Paper
Application of Experimental Poverty Measures to the Aged
This article examines poverty among persons aged 65 or older under experimental measures, which are based on a 1995 report released by the NAC.

Working Paper
Co-resident Grandparents and Their Grandchildren
This paper estimates how many grandparents maintain households for their grandchildren and how these numbers have changed since 1990.

Working Paper
Private Health Insurance and the Utilization of Medical Care
Unobserved common factors are powerful explanation of the decision to have private health insurance and the use of medical care by elderly Medicare recipients.

Working Paper
Who Helps Whom in Older Parent-Child Families
This paper attempts to provide a better understanding of the contributions of parents & adult children who live together through analysis of data from the SIPP.

Working Paper
Health Insurance Coverage Among the Elderly
The research reported in this paper examines the decision to have private health insurance by elderly Medicare enrollees.

Working Paper
Trends in Income and Wealth of the Elderly in the 1980's
Not everyone benefited from the prosperity of the 1980’s, it is of interest to find out how the elderly, or persons age 65 and over, fared in these years.

Working Paper
Household and Nonhousehold Living Arrangements in Later Life
Choice of living arrangement may be associated with different costs and different access to public and private resources.

Working Paper
Living Benefits: Closing The Gap for LTC Financing
Assesses the possible part that living benefits could play in financing long term care for the current elderly by examining the holdings of life insurance.

Working Paper
The Elderly and Their Sources Of Income
Transfer payments and property income have become large sources of income and are particularly important to the elderly.

Working Paper
Living Arrangements of the Elderly and Social Policy
Relative importance of living arrangements to personal happiness increases as persons age.

Working Paper
A Resource-Based Model of Living Arrangements of the Unmarried Elderly
Explores the degree to which demographic characteristics, economic resources, & health determine the choice of living arrangements among the elderly population.

Working Paper
The Economic Resources of the Elderly
Estimating the elderly's relative economic well-being is of considerable policy importance, but poses several technical problems.

Working Paper
How are the Elderly Housed? New Data from the 1984 SIPP
This paper considers the housing of the older population in terms of age groups, rather than as the usual "65 and over” category.

Working Paper
Income as a Proxy for the Economic Status of the Elderly
This paper explores the importance of having asset data to evaluate the economic situation of the elderly.

Page Last Revised - December 3, 2021
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