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Guide to Sources of Statistics

Report Number: Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012 (131st Edition)

Appendix I
Guide to—Sources of Statistics, State Statistical Abstracts, and Foreign Statistical Abstracts

Alphabetically arranged, this guide contains references to important primary sources of statistical information for the United States. Secondary sources have been included if the information contained in them is presented in a particularly convenient form or if primary sources are not readily available. Nonrecurrent publications presenting compilations or estimates for years later than 1990, or types of data not available in regular series, are also included. Data are also available in press releases.

Valuable information may also be found in state reports, foreign statistical abstract, which are included at the end of this appendix, and in reports for particular commodities, industries, or similar segments of our economic and social structures, many of which are not included here.

Publications listed under each subject are divided into two main groups: "U.S. Government" and "Nongovernment". The location of the publisher of each report is given except for federal agencies located in Washington, DC. Most federal publications may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, tel. 202-512-1800, or from the Government Printing Office bookstores in certain major cities. In some cases, federal publications may be obtained from the issuing agency.

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Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Calendar Year Reports on Authorized Wiretaps (state and federal) Annual X X X
Federal Court Management Statistics Annual X   X
Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics Annual X    
Judicial Business of the United States Courts Annual X X  
Statistical Tables for the Federal Judiciary Semiannual X   X
Agency for International Development
U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants: Obligations and Loan Authorizations Annual   X X
Army, Corps of Engineers
Waterborne Commerce of the United States (in five parts) Annual X   X
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States H.8 Weekly X X X
Consumer Credit G.19 Monthly X X X
Federal Reserve Bulletin Annual X X X
Foreign Exchange Rates H.10 Weekly     X
Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States Z.1 Quarterly X X X
Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization G.17 Monthly X X X
Money Stock and Debt Measures H.6 Weekly X X X
Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin Monthly X X X
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Survey of Current Business Monthly X X X
Bureau of Justice Statistics
American Indians and Crime: A BJS Statistical Profile, December 2004 Periodic X X X
Background Checks for Firearm Transfers Annual X X X
Capital Punishment, 2006, December 2007 Annual   X X
Carjacking, 1993 to 2002, July 2004 Periodic   X X
Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories, February 2005 Periodic X X X
Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 2000, August 2003 Periodic X X X
Civil Rights Complaints in U.S. District Courts, July 2002 Periodic X X X
Civil Trial Cases and Verdicts in Large Counties, 2001, April 2004 Periodic X X X
Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 2004, December 2006 Annual X X X
Contacts Between Police and Public: Findings from the 2005 National Survey, April 2007 Periodic X X X
Contract Trials and Verdicts in Large Counties, 2001, February 2005 Periodic X X X
Crime and the Nation’s Households, 2005, April 2007 Annual X X X
Crimes Against Persons Age 65 or Older, 1993 to 2002, January 2005 Periodic X X X
Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2006, December 2007 Annual X X X
Cross-National Studies in Crime and Justice, September 2004 Periodic X X X
Defense Counsel in Criminal Cases, November 2000 Periodic X X X
Education and Correctional Populations, January 2003 Periodic X X X
Family Violence Statistics Periodic X X X
Federal Criminal Case Processing, 2002, January 2005 Periodic X X X
Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2004, August 2006 Biennial X X X
Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2004, April 2008 Biennial   X X
Felony Sentences in State Courts, 2004, July 2007 Biennial X X X
Firearm Use by Offenders, November 2001 Periodic X X X
Hepatitis Testing and Treatment in State Prisons, April 2004 Periodic X X X
Hispanic Victims of Violent Crime, 1993 - 2000, April 2002 Periodic X X X
HIV in Prisons 2006 Annual   X X
Homicide Trends in the United States Annual X X X
Identity Theft, 2005, Novermber 2007 Periodic X X X
Immigration Offenders in the Federal Criminal Justice System, August 2002 Periodic X X X
Incarcerated Parents and Their Children, August 2000 Periodic X X X
Indicators of School Crime and Safety Annual X X X
Intimate Partner Violence, 1993 to 2001, February 2003 Periodic X X X
Jails in Indian Country, 2004, November 2006 Annual X X X
Justice Expenditure and Employment Extract Series, 2005, August 2007 Annual     X
Juvenile Offenders and Victims Periodic X X X
Juvenile Victimization and Offending, 1993 to 2003 Periodic X X X
Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics 2000: Data for Individual State and Local Agencies with 100 or More Officers Periodic X X X
Local Police Departments, 2003. May 2006 Periodic X X X
Medical Malpractice Trials and Verdicts in Large Counties, April 2004 Periodic X X X
Money Laundering Offenders, 1994 - 2001, July 2003 Periodic X X X
Prevalence of Imprisonment in the U.S. Population, 1974 - 2001, August 2003 Periodic X X X
Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear, 2006, June 2007 Annual X X X
Prisoners in 2006, December 2007 Annual X X X
Probation and Parole in the United States Annual X X X
Profile of Jail Inmates, 2002, July 2004 Periodic X X X
Prosecutors in State Courts, 2001, May 2002 Biennial X X X
Rape and Sexual Assault: Reporting to Police and Medical Attention, August 2002 Periodic X X X
Reentry Trends in the United States Current Data Electronic Periodic   X X
Sheriffs’ Offices, 2003, April 2006 Periodic X X X
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Annual X X X
State Court Prosecutors in Large Districts, December 2001 Periodic X X X
State Court Prosecutors in Small Districts, 2001, January 2003 Periodic X X X
State Court Sentencing of Convicted Felons, 2004, July 2007 Biennial   X X
State Prison Expenditures, 2001, June 2004 Periodic X X X
Summary of State Sex Offender Registries, 2001, March 2002 Periodic X X X
Survey of DNA Crime Laboratories, 2001, January 2002 Periodic X X X
Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems, September 2003 Biennial X X X
Survey of State Procedures Related to Firearm Sales, 2005, November 2006 Periodic X X X
Tort Trials and Verdicts in Large Counties, November 2004 Periodic X X X
Traffic Stop Data Collection Policies for State Police, 2004, June 2005 Periodic X X X
Violent Victimization of College Students, 1995 to 2002, January 2005 Periodic X X X
Weapon Use and Violent Crime, 1993 to 2001, September 2003 Periodic X X X
Bureau of Labor Statistics
100 Years of U.S. Consumer Spending: Data for the Nation, New York City and Boston, Report 991 Periodic X X  
College Enrollment and Work Activity of High School Graduates Annual X X  
Comparative Labor Force Statistics, Ten Countries Semiannual X X X
Compensation and Working Conditions Quarterly   X X
Consumer Expenditure Survey, Integrated Diary and Interview Survey data Annual X X X
Consumer Prices: Energy and Food Monthly X X X
CPI Detailed Report Monthly   X X
Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Annual X X X
Employment and Earnings Monthly   X X
Employment and Wages Annual X X X
Employment Characteristics of Families Annual X X X
Employment Cost Index Quarterly X X X
Employment Cost Indexes and Levels Annual X X X
The Employment Situation Monthly X X X
Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment Annual X X X
International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs for Production Workers in Manufacturing Annual X X X
International Comparisons of Manufacturing Productivity and Unit Labor Cost Trends Annual X X X
Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment Monthly X X X
Monthly Labor Review Monthly   X X
National Compensation Survey Annual X X X
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in the United States by Industry Annual X X X
Occupational Projections and Training Data Biennial X X X
Producer Price Indexes Detailed Report Monthly   X X
Productivity and costs by Industry Periodic X X X
Selected Service-Providing and Mining Industries, 2005 Annual X X X
Manufacturing, 2005 Annual X X X
Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, and Food Services and Drinking Places, 2005 Annual X X X
Real Earnings Monthly X X X
Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Monthly X X X
Relative Importance of Components in the Consumer Price Indexes Annual X X X
Union Members Annual X X X
U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes Monthly X X X
Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers Quarterly X X X
Work Experience of the Population Annual X X X
Bureau of Land Management
Public Land Statistics Annual X X  
Census Bureau
2007 Economic Census, Comparative Statistics Quinquennial X X X
2007 Economic Census, Bridge Between North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Quinquennial X X X
2007 Economic Census, Business Expenses Quinquennial X X X
2007 Economic Census, Industry/Geography Quinquennial   X X
2007 Economic Census, Company Statistics Series, Survey of Business Owners Quinquennial X X X
2007 Economic Census, Company Statistics Series, Survey of Business Owners: American Indian- and Alaska Native-Owned Firms Quinquennial X X X
2007 Economic Census, Company Statistics Series, Survey of Business Owners: Asian-Owned Firms Quinquennial X X X
2007 Economic Census, Company Statistics Series, Survey of Business Owners: Black-Owned Firms Quinquennial X X X
2007 Economic Census, Company Statistics Series, Survey of Business Owners: Hispanic-Owned Firms Quinquennial X X X
2007 Economic Census, Company Statistics Series, Survey of Business Owners: Native Hawaiian- and other Pacific Islander-Owned Firms Quinquennial X X X
American Community Survey Annual Earning and Poverty Report, 2006 Annual X X  
Annual Revision of Monthly Retail and Food Services: Sales and Inventories Annual   X  
Annual Revision of Monthly Wholesale Distributors: Sales and Inventories Annual   X X
Annual Survey of Manufactures Annual   X  
Census of Governments Quinquennial X X  
Census of Governments, Volume 3, No. 2, Compendium of Public Employment Quinquennial   X X
Census of Housing Decennial (2000, most recent) Decennial X X X
Census of Population Decennial (2000, most recent) Decennial X X X
Consolidated Federal Funds Report (CFFR) Annual X X X
CRRF: State and County Areas Annual X X X
County Business Patterns Annual   X X
Current Construction Reports: New Residential Construction and New Residential Sales Annual   X  
Current Construction Report,: Value of Construction Put in Place, C30 Monthly   X  
Current Construction Reports, Residential Improvements and Repairs, C50 Monthly   X  
Current Housing Reports, Housing Vacancies, H111 Quarterly   X X
Current Housing Reports, Who Can Afford to Buy a Home in 2002, H121 Occasional X X X
Current Housing Reports, Survey of Market Absorption of Apartments (SOMA) Quarterly   X X
Current Housing Reports, Characteristics of Apartments Completed, H131 Annual X X X
Current Housing Reports, American Housing Survey for the United States, H150 Biennial X X X
Current Housing Reports, American Housing Survey for Selected Metropolitan Areas, H170 Biennial X X X
Current Industrial Reports     X  
Current Population Reports (Series P20 and P23)   X X X
Consumer Income and Poverty, P60, and Household Economic Studies, P70   X X  
Consumer Income and Poverty, Alternative Poverty Estimates in the United States: 2003 Periodic X X  
Consumer Income and Poverty, Alternative Income Estimates in the United States: 2003 Periodic X X  
Consumer Income and Poverty, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States, 2007 Annual X X X
Economic Census of Outlying Areas Quinquennial X X  
Federal Aid to States for Fiscal Year Annual X X X
Global Population Profile: 2002 (Series WP)   X X X
International Briefs (Series IB)   X X  
International Data Base       X
International Population Reports (Series P95)   X X  
Manufacturer’s Shipments, Inventories, and Orders Monthly   X  
Manufacturer’s Shipments, Inventories, and Orders: 1992-2005 Annual   X  
New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey, 2005 Every 3 years   X X
Nonemployer Statistics Annual   X X
Population Estimates and Projections Annual     X
Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations Quarterly   X  
Residential Finance Survey, 2001 Every 10 years X X X
Service Annual Survey Report Annual   X  
Survey of Plant Capacity Utilization (Current Industrial Reports, MQ-C1) Annual   X  
U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: includes cumulative data     X X
U.S. Trade with Puerto Rico and U.S. Possessions (FT 895) Monthly   X  
Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (discontinued) Quinquennial X X X
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia
CDC Injury Fact Book   X X X
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Annual X X X
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
CMS Statistics Annual X X  
Data Compendium Annual X X  
Health Care Financing Review. Medicare and Medicaid Statistical Supplement Annual X X  
Health Care Financing Review Quarterly X X  
Trustees Report Annual X X  
Wallet Card Annual X X  
Central Intelligence Agency
World Factbook Annual X X X
Coast Guard (See Department of Homeland Security)        
Comptroller of the Currency
Quarterly Journal Quarterly   X X
Office of the Clerk U.S. House of Representatives
Statistics of the Presidential and Congressional Election Biennial   X X
Council of Economic Advisers
Economic Indicators Monthly X X X
Economic Report of the President Annual X X  
Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service
Agricultural Income and Finance (Situation and Outlook Report) Annual X X X
Amber Waves Periodic X X X
America's Diverse Family Farms: Structure and Finances Annual X X  
Cotton and Wool Yearbook Annual     X
Dairy Yearbook Periodic     X
Feedgrains Yearbook Annual   X  
Food Spending in American Households (Statistical Bulletin No. 824) Periodic X X  
Food Marketing Review, (Agriculture Economic Report No. 743) Periodic X X  
Fruit and Tree Nut Yearbook Annual   X  
Oil Crops Yearbook Annual   X X
Poultry Yearbook Annual     X
Red Meat Yearbook Annual     X
Rice Yearbook Annual   X X
Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook Periodic     X
Situation and Outlook Reports. Issued for agricultural exports; feed; fruit and tree nuts; livestock and poultry; oil crops; rice; sugar and sweeteners; vegetables, wheat, and world agriculture Periodic X X  
Structure and Finances of U.S. Farms: Family Farm Report Annual X X  
Vegetable and Melons Yearbook Annual     X
World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Monthly X X X
Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
Characteristics of Food Stamp Households Annual X X  
Food and Consumer Service Programs       X
Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service
Livestock and Poultry World Markets and Trade Biannual X X  
Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Agricultural Chemical Usage Periodic     X
Agricultural Statistics Annual X X  
Catfish Production Annual X X X
Cattle Biennial X X X
Census of Agricultural Quinquennial X X X
Cherry Production Annual X X X
Chickens and Eggs Annual X X X
Citrus Fruits Annual X X X
Cranberries Annual X X X
Crop Production Reports Monthly X X X
Crop Values Report Annual X X X
Dairy Products Annual X X X
Farm Labor Quarterly X X X
Farms, Land in Farms, and Livestock Operations Annual X X X
Floriculture Crops Annual X X X
Land Value and Cash Rents Monthly X X X
Livestock Slaughter Annual X X X
Meat Animals: Production, Disposition, and Income Annual X X X
Milk Production Annual X X X
Noncitrus Fruits and Nuts Biennial X X X
Poultry: Production and Value Summary Annual X X X
Stock Reports. Stocks of grain, peanuts, potatoes, and rice Periodic X X X
Trout Production Annual X X X
Turkeys: Hatchery and Raised Annual X X X
Usual Planting and Harvesting Dates Periodic X X X
Vegetable Reports Periodic X X X
Weekly Weatherer and Crop Bulletin Report Weekly X X  
Winter Wheat Seedlings Monthly X X X
Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Conservation Service
National Resources Inventory Periodic X   X
Department of Defense
Foreign Military Sales and Military Assistance Facts Annual     X
Personnel Statistics Annual   X  
Department of Education
Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration        
Caseload Statistics of State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies in Fiscal Year Annual X X X
Department of Health and Human Services
Annual Report Annual X    
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Budget in Brief Annual X X  
Department of Homeland Security, Coast Guard
Fact File Periodic X X X
Department of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration Statistics
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics Annual X X  
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Survey of Mortgage Lending Activity Monthly X   X
Department of Labor
Annual Report of the Secretary Annual X X X
Department of State
United States Contribution to International Organizations Annual     X
Department of Transportation
Air Travel Consumer Report Monthly X X X
Airport Activity Statistics of Certified Route Air Carriers Annual X   X
Transportation Safety Information Report Quarterly X   X
U.S. International Air Travel Statistics Quarterly X X X
Wage Statistics of Class I Railroads in the United States Annual X X  
Department of the Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Alcohol and Tobacco Summary Statistics Annual X    
Tobacco Products Monthly Statistical Releases   X    
Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Public Debt
Monthly Statement of the Public Debt of the United States Monthly X X X
Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Services
Active Foreign Credits of the United States Government Quarterly X    
Combined Statement of Receipts, Outlays, and Balances Annual X X X
Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the United States Government Monthly X X X
Treasury Bulletin Quarterly X X X
Financial Report of the United States Government Annual X X  
Department of Veterans Affairs
Disability Compensation, Pension, and Death Pension Data Annual     X
Government Life Insurance Programs for Veterans and Members of the Service Annual     X
Selected Compensation and Pension Data by State of Residence Annual     X
Veterans Affairs Annual Accountability Report Annual X X X
Drug Enforcement Administration
Drug Abuse and Law Enforcement Statistics Irregular X X X
Employment and Training Administration
Unemployment Insurance Claims Weekly     X
Energy Information Administration
Annual Energy Outlook Annual X X X
Annual Energy Review Annual X X X
Annual Coal Report Annual   X X
Electric Power Annual Annual   X X
Electric Power Monthly Monthly   X X
Electric Sales, Revenue and Retail Price Annual     X
Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the U.S. Annual   X X
International Energy Statistics portal Ongoing   X X
International Energy Outlook Annual   X X
Monthly Energy Review Monthly   X X
Performance Profiles of Major Energy Producers Annual   X X
Petroleum Marketing Annual Monthly   X X
Petroleum Marketing Monthly Monthly   X X
Petroleum Supply Annual Volume 1 Annual   X X
Petroleum Supply Annual Volume 2 Annual   X X
Petroleum Supply Monthly Monthly   X X
Quarterly Coal Report Quarterly   X X
Renewable Energy Annual Annual   X  
Residential Energy Consumption Survey Quadrennial   X X
State Electricity Profiles Annual   X X
State Energy Data Report Annual   X X
State Energy Price and Expenditure Report Annual   X X
U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves Annual   X X
Weekly Coal Production Weekly   X X
Environmental Protection Agency
Air Quality Data Annual     X
Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey Periodic X X  
Needs Survey, Conveyance and Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Summaries of Technical Data Biennial   X  
Toxics Release Inventory Annual   X X
National Water Quality Inventory: 2000 Report (EPA-841-T-01-001) Biennial X X  
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Annual Report Annual X X  
Report to the U.S. Congress on Export Credit Competition and the Export-Import Bank of the United States Annual X X  
Farm Credit Administration
Annual Report on the Farm Credit System Annual X X  
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Crime in the United States Annual   X X
Hate Crime Statistics Annual   X X
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Annual   X X
Federal Communications Commission
Annual Report Annual X X  
Statistics of Communications Common Carriers (discontinued) Annual X X  
Telecommunications Industry Revenue Annual X X  
Trends in Telephone Service Annual   X  
Trends in the International Telecommunications Industry Annual X X  
High-Speed Services for Internet Access Semi-Annual   X  
Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in the Market for the Delivery of Video Programming Annual X X  
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Annual Report Annual X X X
FDIC Quarterly Quarterly X X X
Historical Statistics on Banking Annual     X
Quarterly Banking Profile Quarterly X X X
Statistics on Banking Quarterly     X
Summary of Deposits Annual     X
Federal Highway Administration
Highway Statistics Annual X X  
Federal Railroad Administration
Railroad Safety Statistics Annual X X X
Fish and Wildlife Service
Federal Aid in Fish and Wildlife Restoration Annual X X  
National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation Quinquennial X X  
Forest Service
An Analysis of the Timber Situation in the United States 1996-2050 Periodic     X
Land Areas of the National Forest System Annual X   X
U.S. Timber Production, Trade, Consumption, and Price Statistics 1965-2001 Biennial X X  
RPA Assessment Tables Periodic     X
General Services Administration, Federal Real Property Council
Federal Real Property Profile Annual   X X
Geological Survey
A Statistical Summary of Data from the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Water Quality Networks. (Open-File Report 83-533)   X    
Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2000 Quinquennial X X X
Mineral Commodity Summaries Annual X X  
Mineral Industry Surveys Quarterly   X X
Minerals Yearbook Annual X X X
Internal Revenue Service
Corporation Income Tax Returns Annual X X X
Individual Income Tax Returns Annual X X X
IRS Data Book Annual X X X
Statistics of Income Bulletin Quarterly X X X
International Trade Administration, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries
Travel Data reports   X    
U.S. Travel and Tourism Statistics Annual X   X
International Trade Commission
Recent Trends in U.S. Services Periodic X X  
Synthetic Organic Chemicals, U.S. Production and Sales Annual X X  
Library of Congress
Annual Report Annual X X  
Maritime Administration
Annual Report Annual X X  
Cargo-Carrying U.S. Flag Fleet by Area of Operation Semiannual X X X
Merchant Fleet Ocean-Going Vessels 1,000 Gross Tons and Over Quarterly     X
Seafaring Wage Rates Biennial X X  
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Informational Reports by Mining Industry: Coal; Metallic Minerals; Nonmetallic Minerals (except stone and coal); Stone, Sand, and Gravel Annual     X
Mine Injuries and Worktime (Some preliminary data) Quarterly X   X
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Annual Procurement Report Annual X X  
National Center for Education Statistics
Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the United States Annual X X X
Characteristics of Private Schools in the United States, 2005-2006 Annual X X X
College and University Library Survey Triennial     X
Computer and Internet Use by Students Biennial X X  
The Condition of Education Annual X X  
Digest of Education Statistics Annual X X  
Enrollment in Postsecondary Institutions, Graduation Rates, and Financial Statistics Annual   X  
Indicators of School Crime and Safety Annual X X  
National Education Statistics Quarterly (last edition 4th quarter 2005) Quarterly     X
The Nation’s Report Card: Mathematics 2007 Periodic X X  
The Nation’s Report Card: Reading 2007 Periodic X X  
The Nation’s Report Card: Science 2005 Periodic X X  
The Nation’s Report Card: History 2006 Periodic X X  
The Nation’s Report Card: Writing 2007 Periodic X X  
Projections of Education Statistics Annual X X X
School and Staffing Survey Quadrennial     X
School and Staffing Survey: Characteristics of Schools, Districts, Teachers, Principals, and School Libraries in the United States Annual X X  
Status and Trends in the Education of racial and ethnic minorities Irregular X X  
National Center for Health Statistics
Ambulatory Care Visits to Physician Offices, Hospital Outpatient Departments and Emergency Departments Annual X X  
Health: United States Annual X X  
Health Characteristics of Adults 55 Years of Age and Over Periodic X X  
Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of US Women: Data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth Periodic   X X
National Hospital Discharge Survey: Annual Summary Annual   X  
National Vital Statistics Reports (NVRS) Monthly   X  
Vital and Health Statistics     X  
Series 10: Health Interview Survey Statistics Annual X X  
Series 11: Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Statistics Irregular X X  
Series 13: Data from National Health Care Survey Irregular X X  
Series 14: Data on Health Resources: Manpower and Facilities Irregular X X  
Series 20: Mortality Data Irregular X X  
Series 21: Natality, Marriage, and Divorce Data Irregular X X  
Series 23: Data from the National Survey of Family Growth Irregular X X  
National Credit Union Administration
Annual Report Annual X X  
Yearend Statistics Annual X X  
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Arts, Annual Report Annual     X
The Performing Arts in the (GDP), 2002 Periodic X X  
Artist Labor Force by State, 2000 Periodic X X  
Artist Employment, 2000-2002 Periodic X X  
The Arts in the GDP Periodic X X  
Demographic Characteristics of Art Attendance, 2002 Periodic X X  
2002 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts Periodic X X  
National Endowment for the Humanities
Budget Request Annual X   X
National Guard Bureau
Annual Review of the Chief Annual X X  
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Traffic Safety Facts Annual X X  
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Climates of the World, HCS 6-4 Monthly     X
Comparative Climatic Data Annual   X X
Daily Normals of Temperature, Precipitation, Heating Degree Days (HDD), and Cooling Degree Days (CDD), Clim 84 Periodic     X
Fisheries of the United States Annual X X  
General Summary of Tornadoes Annual     X
Hourly Precipitation Data. Monthly with annual summary; for each state Monthly     X
Local Climatological Data. Monthly with annual summary; for major cities Monthly     X
Monthly Climatic Data for the World Monthly     X
Monthly Normals of Temperature, Precipitation, Heating Degree Days (HDD), and Cooling Degree Days (CDD), Clim 84 Periodic   X X
Our Living Oceans Periodic X X  
Storm Data Monthly     X
U.S. Climate Normals Daily X X X
Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin National summary Weekly X X  
National Park Service
Federal Recreation Fee Report Annual X    
National Park Statistical Abstract Annual X X  
National Science Foundation
Academic Institutional Profiles Annual   X X
Academic Research and Development Expenditures Annual   X X
Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the United States Biennial   X X
Characteristics of Recent Science/Engineering Graduates Biennial   X X
Federal Funds for Research and Development Annual   X X
Federal Research and Development Funding by Budget Function Annual   X X
Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions Annual   X X
Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering Annual   X X
National Patterns of Research and Development Resources Annual   X X
Research and Development in Industry Annual   X X
Science and Engineering Degrees Annual   X X
Science and Engineering Degrees, by Race/Ethnicity of Recipients Annual   X X
Science and Engineering Doctorate Awards Annual   X X
Science and Engineering Indicators Biennial X X X
Science and Engineering State Profiles Annual   X X
Science Resources Satistics Info Briefs (various topics) Frequent X X X
Scientific and Engineering Research Facilities at Universities and Colleges Biennial   X X
Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering Biennial   X X
National Transportation Safety Board
Annual Review of Aircraft Accident Data: U.S. Air Carrier Operations Annual   X  
Annual Review of Aircraft Accident Data: U.S.General Aviation Annual   X  
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Highlights of the 2006 National Youth Gang Survey (FS-200805) Annual   X X
Juvenile Arrests, 2004 (Bulletin, NCJ 214563) Annual X X X
Victims of Violent Juvenile Crime (Bulletin, NCJ 201628) Periodic X X X
Office of Management and Budget
The Budget of the United States Government Annual X X  
Office of Personnel Management
Demographic Profile of the Federal Workforce Biennial   X X
Employment and Trends Bimonthly   X X
The Fact Book Annual   X X
Statistical Abstract for the Federal Employee Benefit Programs Annual     X
Work Years and Personnel Costs Annual   X X
Patent and Trademark Office
Technology Assessment and Forecast Reports   X X X
All Technologies (Utility Patents) Annual X X X
Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, Utility Patents Report Annual X X X
Patenting Trends in the United States Annual X    
Railroad Retirement Board, Chicago, Illinois
Annual Report Annual   X  
Quarterly Benefit Statistics Quarterly X   X
Securities and Exchange Commission
Select SEC and Market Data Annual   X  
Small Business Administration
Annual Report Annual X   X
Handbook of Small Business Data   X X  
Quarterly Indicators Annual X X X
Small Business and Micro Business Lending Annual X X X
State and Territory Small Business Profiles Annual X X X
The Small Business Economy Annual X X X
The State of Small Business Annual X X  
Social Security Administration
Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program Annual X X X
Annual Statistical Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin Annual X X X
Children Receiving Social Security Income (SSI) Annual X X X
Congressional Statistics Annual X X X
Fast Facts & Figures about Social Security Annual X X X
Income of the Population 55 and over Biennially X X X
State Assistance Programs for Social Security Income (SSI) Recipients Annual X X X
SSI Annual Statistical Report Annual X X X
SSI Disabled Recipients Who Work Annual X X X
SSI Recipients by State and County Annual X X X
QASDI Beneficiaries by State and County Annual X X X
Social Security Bulletin Quarterly X X X
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
National Survey on Drug Use and Health Annual X X X
National Survey on Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) Annual X X X


Aerospace Industries Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Aerospace Facts and Figures Annual X X X
Aerospace Industry Year-End Review and Forecast Annual   X  
Commercial Helicopter Shipments Annual   X  
Employment in the Aerospace Industry Quarterly   X  
Exports of Aerospace Products Quarterly   X  
Imports of Aerospace Products Quarterly   X  
Manufacturing Production, Capacity, and Utilization in Aerospace and Aircraft and Parts Quarterly   X  
Orders, Shipments, Backlog and Inventories for Aircraft, Missiles, and Parts Quarterly   X  
Air Transport Association of America, Incorporated, Washington, District of Columbia
Air Transport Association, Annual Report Annual   X  
The Alan Guttmacher Institute, New York, New York
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Quarterly X X X
American Bureau of Metal Statistics, Incorporated, Secaucus, New Jersey
Non-Ferrous Metal Yearbook Annual X   X
American Council of Life Insurers, Washington, District of Columbia
Life Insurers Fact Book Annual X X  
American Dental Association, Chicago, Illinois
Dental Students’ Register Annual X    
Distribution of Dentists in the United States by Region and State Triennial X    
Survey of Dental Practice Annual X    
American Forest and Paper Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Annual Statistical Summary of Recovered Paper Utilization Annual X X  
Statistics of Paper, Paperboard, and Wood Pulp Monthly X X  
American Gas Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Gas Facts Annual X X  
American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, District of Columbia
Annual Statistical Report Annual X    
American Jewish Committee, New York, New York
American Jewish Year Book Annual X X  
American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois
Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S. Annual X    
State Medical Licensure Statistics, and License Requirements Annual X    
American Osteopathic Association, Chicago, Illinois
American Osteopathic Association Fact Sheet Biennial X X  
American Petroleum Institute, Washington, District of Columbia
The Basic Petroleum Data Book (online subscription) Annual X    
Joint Association Survey on Drilling Costs (JA5) Annual X    
Petroleum Industry Environmental Report Annual X   X
Quarterly Well Completion Report (online subscription) Quarterly X X  
American Public Transportation Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Public Transportation Fact Book Annual X X  
Association for Manufacturing Technology, McLean, Virginia
Economic Handbook of the Machine Tool Industry, 2003-2004. (Online version by subscription only) Annual   X  
Association of American Railroads, Washington, District of Columbia
Analysis of Class I Railroads Annual X X X
Cars of Revenue Freight Loaded Weekly   X X
Freight Commodity Statistics, Class I Railroads in the United States Annual X X X
Yearbook of Railroad Facts Annual X X  
Association of Racing Commissioners International, Incorporated, Lexington, Kentucky
Statistical Reports on Greyhound Racing in the United States Annual X    
Statistical Reports on Horse Racing in the United States Annual X    
Statistical Reports on Jai Alai in the United States Annual X    
Book Industry Study Group, Incorporated, New York, New York
Book Industry Trends Annual X    
Used-Book Sales Periodic X    
Boy Scouts of America, Irving, Texas
Annual Report Annual X   X
The Bureau of National Affairs, Incorporated, Washington, District of Columbia
Basic Patterns in Union Contracts Annual X    
BNA’s Employment Outlook Quarterly X    
BNA’s Job Absence and Turnover Quarterly X    
Directory of U.S. Labor Organizations Annual X    
National Labor Relations Board Election Statistics Annual X    
Union Membership and Earnings Data Book Annual X    
Source Book on Collective Bargaining Annual X    
Carl H. Pforzheimer and Company, New York, New York        
Comparative Oil Company Statistics Annual Annual X    
Chronicle of Higher Education, Incorporated, Washington, District of Columbia
Almanac Annual X   X
College Board, New York, New York
2007 College-Bound Seniors Total Group Profile Report Annual X X  
Commodity Research Bureau, Logical Systems, Incorporated, Chicago, Illinois
Commodity Year Book Update CD (discontinued) Quarterly      
CRB Commodity Index Report Weekly X    
CRB Commodity Year Book Annual X    
CRB Futures Perspective Weekly X X  
CRB Infotech CD Monthly      
Electronic Futures Trend Analyzer Daily     X
Final Markets-End-of-day Data Daily     X
Futures Market Service Weekly   X  
The Conference Board, New York, New York
Business Cycle Indicators Monthly X X  
Corporate Contributions Annual X X  
Productivity, Employment, and Income in the World’s Economies Annual X X  
Congresstional Quarterly (CQ) Press, Washington, District of Columbia
America Votes Biennial X    
Consumer Electronics Association (Electronic Industries Alliance), Arlington, Virginia
Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) Sales and Forecasts Semiannual X X  
The Council of State Governments, Lexington, Kentucky
The Book of the States Annual X X  
State Administrative Officials Classified by Function Annual X    
State Elective Officials and the Legislatures Annual X    
State Legislative Leadership, Committees, and Staff Annual X    
Credit Union National Association, Incorporated, Madison, Wisconsin
The Credit Union Ranking Report Annual X    
Credit Union Services Profile Annual X    
Operating Ratios and Spreads Semiannual X    
Dow Jones and Company, New York, New York
Wall Street Journal Daily X   X
Edison Electric Institute, Washington, District of Columbia
Statistical Yearbook of the Electric Power Industry Annual X X X
Editor and Publisher Company, New York, New York
Editor and Publisher Monthly X    
International Year Book Annual X   X
Market Guide Annual X    
Euromonitor International, London, England
Consumer Asia Annual X    
Consumer China Annual X    
Consumer Eastern Europe Annual X    
Consumer Europe Annual X    
Consumer International Annual X    
Consumer Latin America Annual X    
European Marketing Data and Statistics Annual X    
International Marketing Data and Statistics Annual X    
Latin America Marketing Data and Statistics Annual X    
World Consumer Expenditure Patterns Annual X    
World Consumer Income Patterns Annual X    
World Economic Factbook Annual X    
World Retail Data and Statistics Annual X    
Federal National Mortgage Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Annual Report Annual X X  
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy
Fertilizer Yearbook Annual X    
Production Yearbook Annual X    
Trade Yearbook Annual X    
Yearbook of Fishery Statistics Annual X    
Yearbook of Forest Products Annual X    
The Foundation Center, New York, New York
Foundation Yearbook Annual X    
FC Stats Annual     X
General Aviation Manufacturers Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Shipment Report Quarterly X   X
Statistical Databook Annual X X  
Girl Scouts of the USA, New York, New York
Annual Report Annual X X  
Giving USA Foundation, Indianapolis, Indiana
Giving USA Annual     X
Health Forum, an American Hospital Association Company, Chicago, Illinois
Annual Report Annual X    
Hospital Statistics Annual X   X
Independent Petroleum Association of America, Washington, District of Columbia
Domestic Oil and Gas Trends Monthly X    
Oil and Natural Gas Production in Your State Annual X X X
U.S. Petroleum Statistics Annual X X X
Information Today, Incorporated, Medford, New Jersey
American Library Directory Annual X    
Bowker Annual Library and Book Trade Almanac Annual X    
Institute for Criminal Justice Ethics, New York, New York
Criminal Justice Ethics Semiannual X    
Insurance Information Institute, New York, New York
The I.I.I. Insurance Fact Book Annual X X X
The Financial Services Fact Book (published jointly with the Financial Services Roundtable) Annual X   X
Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, District of Columbia
Annual Report Annual X X  
Economic and Social Progress in Latin America Annual X    
International Air Transport Association
World Air Transport Statistics Annual X X X
International City Management Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Compensation: An Annual Report on Local Government Executive Salaries and Fringe Benefits Annual     X
Municipal Year Book Annual X    
International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Yearbook of Labour Statistics Annual X   X
International Monetary Fund, Washington, District of Columbia
Annual Report Annual X X X
Balance of Payments Statistics Monthly X    
Direction of Trade Statistics Monthly X    
Government Finance Statistics Yearbook Annual X    
International Financial Statistics Monthly X    
International Telecommunication Union, Geneva Switzerland
ITU Yearbook of Statistics Annual X    
World Telecommunication Indicators Annual X    
Investment Company Institute, Washington, District of Columbia
Mutual Fund Fact Book Annual X X X
Jane’s Information Group, Coulsdon, United Kingdon and Alexandria, Virginia
Jane’s Air-Launched Weapons Monthly X   X
Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft Annual X   X
Jane’s Armour and Artillery Annual X   X
Jane’s Avionics Annual X   X
Jane’s Fighting Ships Annual X   X
Jane’s Infantry Weapons Annual X   X
Jane’s Merchant Ships Annual X   X
Jane’s Military Communications Annual X   X
Jane’s Military Logistics Annual X   X
Jane’s Military Training Systems Annual X   X
Jane’s NATO Handbook Annual X   X
Jane’s Spaceflight Directory Annual X   X
Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
The State of the Nation's Housing Annual X X X
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Washington, District of Columbia
Black Elected Officials: A Statistical Summary Ongoing X X  
McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge, a Division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, New York
Dodge Construction Potential (online subscription) Monthly X X X
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, District of Columbia
Summary Report Doctorate Recipients from United States Universities Annual X    
National Academy of Social Insurance, Washington, District of Columbia
Workers Compensation, Benefits, Coverage, and Costs Annual X X  
National Association of Home Builders, Washington, District of Columbia
Home Builders Forecast (online subscription) Monthly     X
Housing Economics (online subscription) Monthly     X
Housing Market Statistics (online subscription) Monthly     X
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, Washington, District of Columbia
National Directory of Latino Elected Officials Annual   X X
National Association of Realtors, Washington, District of Columbia
Real Estate Outlook: Market Trends and Insights (discontinued) Monthly X   X
Real Estate Insights Monthly   X X
Research Update Annual X    
Economist's Commentary Daily     X
Profile of Home Buyer and Sellers Annual X    
Investment and Vacation Home Buyers Survey Annual   X  
NAR Member Survey Annual X    
National Association of State Budget Officers, Washington, District of Columbia
State Expenditure Report Annual X X  
Fiscal Survey of the States Semi-Annual X X  
National Association of State Park Directors, Raleigh, North Carolina
Annual Information Exchange Annual   X X
National Catholic Educational Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Catholic Schools in America Annual   X X
United States Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools Staffing and Enrollment Annual X   X
U.S. Catholic Elementary Schools and Their Finances Biennial      
U.S. Catholic Secondary Schools and Their Finances Biennial X    
National Council of Churches USA, New York, New York
Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches Annual X   X
National Education Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Rankings of the States and Estimates of School Statistics Annual X X  
Status of the American Public School Teacher, 2000-2001 Quinquennial X X  
National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Journal Bimonthly     X
National Golf Foundation, Jupiter, Florida
Golf Consumer Profile Annual   X  
Golf Facilities in the U.S. Annual X X  
National Marine Manufacturers Association, Chicago, Illinois
Boating (A Statistical Report on America’s Top Family Sport) Annual X X X
U.S. Recreational Boat Registration Statistics Annual X X  
National Restaurant Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Quick-Service Restaurant Trends Annual X X  
Restaurant Economic Trends (online subscription) Monthly     X
Restaurant Industry Forecast Annual X X  
Restaurant Industry in Review Annual X X  
Restaurant Industry Operations Report Annual X X  
Restaurant Industry Pocket Factbook Annual     X
Restaurant Industry 2015, 2005 Annual X    
Restaurant Performance Index Monthly X   X
Restaurant Spending Annual X X  
State of the Restaurant Industry Work Force Annual X X  
Tableservice Restaurant Trends Annual X X  
The Economic Impact of the Nation’s Eating and Drinking Places Annual X    
Hourly Wages for Food Service Occupations Annual X X  
Research News and Numbers Monthy X    
National Safety Council, Itasca, Illinois
Injury Facts Annual X   X
National Sporting Goods Association, Mount Prospect, Illinois
The Sporting Goods Market in 2009 Annual X X  
Sports Participation in 2009 Annual X X  
New York Stock Exchange, Incorporated, New York, New York
Fact Book (online subscription) Annual X X  
The New York Times Almanac, 2008 Annual X    
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook Annual X   X
Bank Profitability: Financial Statements of Banks, 1924-2003 Biannual X   X
Central Government Debt: Statistical Yearbook,1996-2005 Annual X   X
Coal Information Annual X   X
CO2 Emissions From Fuel Combustion, 1971-2004 Annual X   X
Communications Outlook Biannual X   X
DAC Journal Quarterly X X  
Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators Annual X   X
Electricity Information Annual X   X
Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries Annual X   X
Energy Balances of OECD Countries Annual X   X
Energy Prices and Taxes Quarterly X X  
Energy Statistics of NON-OECD Countries Annual X X X
Energy Statistics of OECD Countries Annual X X X
Environmental Data Compendium Annual X   X
Environmental Outlook Sporadic X X  
Financial Market Trends Triennial X X  
Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Aid Recipients Annual X    
Historical Statistics, 1970-2000. 2001 Edition (discontinued as of 2001)   X X X
Information Technology Outlook, 2002 Edition Biennial X X X
Insurance Statistics Yearbook Annual X X X
International Development Statistics Annual     X
Internal Migration Outlook Annual X X  
International Trade by Commodities Statistics Annual X X  
Iron and Steel Industry in 2002. 2004 Edition Annual      
Labor Force Statistics Annual X X  
Main Economic Indicators Monthly X X  
Main Science and Technology Indicators, Vol. 2003 Biennial X X  
Measuring Globalisation: The Role of Multinationals in OECD Countries One Time      
Monthly Statistics of International Trade Monthly X X  
National Accounts of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Countries Annual X X X
Volume I: Main Aggregates   X X X
Volume II: Detailed Tables   X X X
Volume IIIa: Financial Accounts Annual   X X
Volume IIIb: Financial Balance Sheets Annual   X X
Volume II: Detailed Tables   X X X
Volume IV: Summary of General Aggregates and Balances     X X
Natural Gas Information Annual X X X
Nuclear Energy Data Annual X    
OECD Economic Outlook Biennial X   X
OECD Economic Studies Annual X   X
OECD Economic Surveys Annual X   X
OECD Employment Outlook Annual X   X
OECD Factbook Annual X X X
OECD Health Data Annual X X X
OECD Science, Technology, and Industry Outlook Biennual X X X
OECD Territorial Reviews Quarterly X X  
Nuclear Energy Data Annual X    
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Figures Bimonthly X   X
Oil Information 2003 Edition Annual X X  
Oil, Gas, Coal, and Electricity Quarterly Statistics Quarterly X X  
Quarterly Labor Force Statistics (discontinued as of 4th quarter 2004) Quarterly X X  
Quarterly National Accounts Quarterly X X  
Research and Development Statistics Annual X X X
Revenue Statistics 1965-2005, 2006 Edition Annual X X  
Review of Fisheries in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Member Countries Annual X X  
Structural Statistics for Industry and Services Annual X X  
Taxing Wages Annual X X  
Trends in International Migration 2004 Edition Annual X X  
Trends in the Transport Sector Annual X X  
Uranium Resources Production and Demand, 2001 Biennial X X  
World Energy Outlook Annuall X X  
PennWell Corporation, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Offshore (online subscription) Monthly X X  
Oil and Gas Journal (online subscription) Weekly X X  
Puerto Rico Planning Board, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Activity Index Monthly X   X
Balance of Payments Puerto Rico Annual X    
Economic Report to the Governor Annual X    
External Trade Statistics 2007 Annual X   X
Income and Product Annual X    
Projections Annual X    
Selected Statistics on Construction Industry Annual X    
Statistical Appendix - Economic Report to the Governor Annual X   X
Radio Advertising Bureau, New York, New York
Media Facts Annual   X  
Radio Marketing Guide and Fact Book Quarterly   X  
Reed Business Information, New York, New York
Library Journal Semimonthly X   X
Publishers Weekly Weekly X   X
School Library Journal Monthly X   X
Regional Airline Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Statistical Report Annual X X  
Securities Industry Association, New York, New York
Foreign Activity Report Quarterly X    
Securities Industry Trends Periodic X    
Securities Industry Yearbook Annual X   X
Standard and Poor’s Corporation, New York, New York
Analyst’s Handbook Monthly X    
Corporation Records Daily X    
Daily Stock Price Records Quarterly X    
Standard and Poor’s Global Stock Market Factbook Annual X    
United Nations Statistics Division, New York, New York
Analysis of Main Aggregates Annual X    
Compendium of Human Settlements Statistics (Series N) Annual X    
Demographic Yearbook (Series R) Annual X X X
Energy Balances and Electricity Profiles (Series W) Annual X X  
Energy Statistics Yearbook (Series J) Annual X X  
Industrial Statistics Yearbook: (Series P)
Commodity Production Statistics
Annual X   X
International Trade Statistics Yearbook (Series G) Annual X    
Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables Annual X    
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (Series Q) Monthly X    
National Accounts Statistics: (Series X) Annual X   X
Population and Vital Statistics Report (Series A) Quarterly X    
Social Statistics and Indicators (Series K) Occasional X   X
Statistical Yearbook (Series; also available in CD-ROM, Series S/CD) Annual X   X
The World’s Women: Progress in Statistics, 2005 Quinquennial X X X
World Statistics Pocketbook (Series V) Annual X    
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva Switzerland
Development and Globalization: Facts and Figures Annual X X X
Handbook of Statistics Annual X X X
United States Telecom Association, Washington, District of Columbia
Statistics of the Local Exchange Carriers Annual   X X
University of Michigan, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan
National Election Studies Cumulative Datafile Biennial X   X
Warren Communications News, Washington, District of Columbia
Cable and Station Coverage Atlas Annual     X
Television and Cable Factbook Annual X   X
World Almanac, New York, New York
The World Almanac and Book of Facts Annual X   X
The World Bank Group, Washington, District of Columbia
Global Development Finance, 2008 Annual X X  
The Little Data Book, 2008 Annual X X  
Atlas of Global Development Annual X X  
World Development Indicators, 2008 Annual X   X
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Aid Epidemic Update Annual X X  
World Health Statistics Report Annual X X  
World Trade Organization
International Trade Statistics Annual X X X

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