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Forum on Ethnic Groups from the Middle East and North Africa



On Friday May 29th, 2015 a Forum on Ethnic Groups from the Middle East and North Africa was held at Census Bureau headquarters in Suitland, Maryland. Experts from around the country came to be updated on the Census Bureau’s plans to test a “Middle Eastern or North African” category on the 2015 National Content Test, and to provide feedback on those plans. Topics for the forum included the collection of data using the term “Middle Eastern or North African” or “MENA” and the Census Bureau’s plans to classify and tabulate Middle Eastern and North African responses for the 2020 Census.

Please see the agenda to the right.

Summary of the Meeting

Experts from across the country provided feedback on the Census Bureau’s research plans to collect data on the Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) populations on the 2015 National Content Test.

This report summarizes the meeting discussion and written feedback the experts provided on several topics including testing a new MENA category, terminology, classification, and tabulation.

Presentations and Videos

Slides and videos from the meeting are below.

Introductions and Opening Remarks

Roberto Ramirez, Assistant Division Chief, Special Population Statistics, Population Division & Karen Humes, Division Chief, Population Division

Session A: Testing a “Middle Eastern or North African” Category on the 2015 National Content Test

Nicholas Jones, Director of Race and Ethnic Research and Outreach, Population Division

Video of Introduction and Session A

Session B: The Term “Middle Eastern or North African”

Roberto Ramirez, Assistant Division Chief, Special Population Statistics, Population Division

Session C: Census Bureau’s Working Classification of Middle Eastern or North African for the 2015 National Content Test

Roberto Ramirez, Assistant Division Chief, Special Population Statistics, Population Division

Video of Sessions B and C

Video of Session C, continued

Session D: Potential Data Products Featuring Middle Eastern and North African Data

Merarys Rios, Chief, Ethnicity and Ancestry Branch, Population Division

Session E: Wrap-Up and Next Steps

Roberto Ramirez, Assistant Division Chief, Special Population Statistics, Population Division

Video of Sessions D and E

Page Last Revised - December 16, 2021
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